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25 Cards in this Set

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Long term cycles of Plate Tectonic events

produce supercontinents in future, two seafloor spreading centers, explain past worldwide metamorphic events, explain why supercontinents break up after formation

Assembly of Pangea was completed in

The permian

Upwelling that drives plate tectonics occurs

in the middle

normal faults are...

caused by pulling apart, can be found in rift basins, can cause earthquakes, are forming today in arizona

the early jurassic is an example of an


the history & geology of the colorado plateau is...

similar to that of the platform, includes late mesozoic mountain building, includes regional uplift in the last few million years, includes recent volcanism

which of the following does not have active subduction zone volcanoes: WA, AK, OR, WY, CA


Guide of index fossils lived...

a very short time

what kind of rocks lie under the great plains?

Cretaceous and tertiary sedimentary rocks

what geological province records the assembly of pangea?

Appalachian mobile belt

the rocks of a given continent are generally

oldest in the center

the paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the stable platform

represent a long period of marine flooding of the north american continent

The mesozoic lasted...

185 million years

The pacific Ocean is...


The North American carton includes...

The Canadian shield

In terms of geological structure, MI is...

A basin

Mobile belts are...

expressed @ surface by mountain ranges, erode in cycles, eventually become part of the carton, may include suspect terranes

Miogeonsynclines contain...

limestones, mudstones, and sandstones

How many million years ago did the Cambrian period begin?

540 million years

What geological province are you in when you're visiting manhattan?


Name a period when LS were deposited in MI that are quarried exclusively today of cement and concrete


The land mass of Japan is an example of...

Island Arc

The region around Japan is an example of

Subduction Zone

What geological province are you in right now?

Stable Platform

What other geological province can be found in the state of Michigan?

Canadian shield