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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the 7 layers of the Earth in order ?





Deep Mantle

Outer Core

Inner Core


apox how old is the earth

4.6 billion years old

older than 200 million

what percent of the suns mass accounts for the total system mass


two types of planets

Terrestrail and Gas Giants

what are the two elements mostly found in the atmosphere

Nitrogen and Oxygen

what 4 elements make up the majority of earths mass

Silicon , Oxygen , Magnesium and Iron

what is a mineral

a naturally occuring Crystalline Solid

what is a crystal

a single coherent mineral with geometric faces

Is glass a Crystalline

no because it cools to rapid for crystals to form

Name the three types of rock and their features

Ignious - cooled from liquid

Sedimentary - formed from sediments - lots of little rocks

Metamorphic - formed from intense heat and pressure

what are sediments

accumilation of loose mineral grains

what is a metal

solids composed of metal atoms

what is the difference between magma and lava

lava is above surface , magma is below

what are volatiles and give one example

materials that turn into gas at surface



2 components of the earths crust

Oxygen and silicon

what is the method used to cycle rock that also helps drive plate tectonic motion ?


found in ovens

what is the principle of super position ?

oldest rock on the bottom newest on the top

are all layers of rock horizontal

no most rock layers have been altered due to faults

Siccar point

where the conformity of old and new rocks was discovered by james hutton

Alfred Wagner

Polar explorer and metiorologist

saw conitinents might fit together

Paeleoclimatic evidence

fossil evidence

what was Harry Hess responsible for

plate tectonics

proposed seafloor spreading as continets drifted appart

new ocean floor forms between continents when sea floor crust is forced under continental crust because of density

what is the difference between hot and cold magma

hot magma - not magnetic - no direction - hot molecules

cold- low temp- permanent magnitization