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40 Cards in this Set

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Three types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic

Moletn that has cools, it soolodifies igneous formed by cooling of magma(underground) lava (aabove)

What is the difference between Magma and Lava?

Magma goes underground and lava goes above ground

What are hotspots, and what state of the U.s was built by one?

Hot spots are plumes that break into the lithosphere, Hawaii

What are examples of Metamorhic Rocks? What becomes what?

Rocks that has been altered by heat and pressure.

Granite = Gneiss

Shale = Slate

Limestone = Marble

Sand = Sandstone

What facts did Wenger base this theory of Continental Drift on?

Facts: Based on the similarity of the coastline of S. America and Africa, and on the similarity of fossils found in areas separated by wide expanses of ocean, and on tropical fossils on Spitsbergen

Define mineral, rock, fossil,ore?

Mineral - a natural material having a definite chemical composition and a definite shape and can be identiied by their shape and also the hardness of the mineral. Rock is the opposite. Fossil - a passed life preseved in stone. Ore a natural substance that contains some valueable mineral.

What influences the size of crystals formed in ingeous tocks?

The rate of cooling is mainly responnsible for the size of the crystal. The slower it cools the bigger the crystal.

What is Pumice? Osibidan?

Pumice comes from the volcanoes and it cooled rapidly and has alot of cavitys and it floats. Obsidian is volcanic glass and the lava meets the standing water and cools before crystals can even form.

How old is the earth? What is the Geologic Time Scale?

4.5 Billion years old. History of the earth in the rocks.

What is the modern name for continental drift theory?

Tectonic Plate theory

What basically does the Tectonic plate thoery say? What causes the movement of the plates?

The tectonic plates slides or drifts very slowly over the heavy semi-molten- asthenosphere. heat and heated materials from the earths intereior rises by the convection into zones of weakness.

Where do most earthwaukes and volcanoes occur?

Earthquakes- occurs along faults

Volcanoes - occur around the plates boundaries

Around the Periphials of the tectonic plates.

Tectonic Forces build up the land; 2 types, Diastrophism and Volcanism. Describe them.

Tectonic forces build up the land. Diastrophism- tectonic plates collide

Volcanism- volcanos

What are Diveregent, Transform & convergent boundaries?

Divergent = pushes apart

Transform =Like a highway (opposites)

Convergent = Collide

What is the mechanism that causes Plate Tectonics?

Convections in the earth.

Plates move due to the forces of the earths interior.

What is the "Law of Superposition"

The lower rock strata is older than the higher


What is and describe Karst Topography? What causes it? Where does it occur?

Its a large lime stone region.

Where rain and carbon dioxide combines and dissolves the limestone. Causes sink holes caverns , and streams. Occurs where the limestone the bottom.

What are stalacites and stalagmites?

Stalacites are the deposits that hangs from the roofs of caves.

Stalagmites deposits that build up from the floor of caves.

What are the Gradtional Processors?

Tear the land down by weather, errotiotn, and mass wasting.

Wht is the difference in the shape of a valley formed by a stream or by a glacier?

Stream is a V shape Glacier is a U shape

What happened at the Cretaceuos- Tertiary Boundary in Geologic Time?

It was end of life during the dinosuars time aka cretacious period.

The Precambrain Era accounts for over 85% of the history of the Earth, which is 4.5 Biollion years old? Yes or No


What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather- conditions in an area.

Climate- is the average of weather conditions over a period of time.

What is Insolation, and what does does it have to do with the rays from the sun?

The incoming solar radiaiton. Particales in the air ground covered and cloud cover effects the heat in the atmosphere.

What is the Plane of Ecliptic and what does it have too do with the rays from the sun?

Imaginary lines running from the center of the sun to the center of the earth. the most intense rays follow this route.

What is the Earth's inclination to the veritcal to the lane of the Ecliptic?

23 and a half degrees


What happens on June 21?

The longest day of the year aka summer solsitice

What is Equinox? Solstice? When do they occur?

Equinox = autum September 21. and the spring Vernal is the spring March 21.

Solstice when the sun is directly above the equator. Summer June 21 - Winter December 21.

What is the Troposphere? Asthenosphere? Lithosphere?

Troposphere - the first six miles above sea level

Asthnosphere= next to the core

Lithosphere = Continent and sea floor

How much does air weigh at sea level under normal conditions?

14.7 pounds

What is the Lapse-rate?

Every 1,000 feet into the atmosphere the temperature changes 3 and a half cooler

What is heavier, cold or warm air?

Cold air

What are the Jet Streams and what do they do?

They control the flow of the air masses.

What effect do wind currents have on ocean currents? How did Columbus use the currents?

It causes the water to move. He followed the wind currents.

What are the 3 ways precipitaion can form?

Convection, orographic, and siclonic (frontal)

On what did Koppen base his Climate Classifcatiotn System?

He used temperature, vegetation, precipitation, soil information

What can cause short term and long term climate change?

Great volcanic errupttion can alter climates for several years. Long term climate the shape of the earths orbit.

What is the Pressure Gradient Force?

High pressure air flows to low pressure air

What air Masses affect the weather in Missouri and the Midwest?

Cold dry air from the north, warm humid air from the south, warm dry air from the desert south west.

What causes a temperature inversion? What can make one deadly?

cold air layer is traped by warm air layer