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40 Cards in this Set

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Spatial analysis
Process of investigating patterns arising as result of processes that operate in space
Spatial analysis adds value to geographic data by turning it into _____
Geographic Information
A prior knowledge
Independent of experience
A posteriori knowledge
dependent upon experience
Theory to observation to confirmation
Observation to tentative hypothesis to theory
Types of spatial analysis
1. Exploratory: visualization, measurement
2. Geostatistics: in search of patterns
3. Spatial modeling: prediction, forecasting
1st law of geography
Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things
Spatial autocorrelation issues
-Some phenomena exhibit extreme irregularity across space
-Assumes variables are dependent
Spatial Interpolation
-Estimates values at any given point based on surrounding known values
-Reliant on distance decay principle
-Reliant on adequate sampling of data from which to interpolate
Vector Analysis: Selection by Attribute
Ex. you have tracts for an entire state, but only want tracts for one county
Vector Analysis: Selection by Location
Powerful, unique to GIS
-ID relationships between layers
(spatial query)
Remove unneeded info
-Attribute of features used as "dissolve" attribute
Vector Analysis: Proximity functions
Modify existing features or create new features that depend on distance
Vector Analysis: Buffer
Region less than or equal to specified distance from one/more features
Vector Analysis: Overlay
2 or more maps registered to common coordinate system are SUPERIMPOSED
-Show relationships between features occupying same geographic space
Types of overlay: Clip
Uses "cookie cutter" to select features
Types of overlay: Union
Resulting output layer has combined all attribute data of polygons in two inputs
Types of overlay: Intersect
Features portion of features overlapping in all layers
Appends multiple input dataset into already existing target dataset
Combines input features from multiple input sources into a single, new output feature class
Map algebra
Mathematical way to manipulate/combine raster data sets to create a new raster
Forms of map algebra
-Unary operations: output = f(x)
-Binary operations: output = input_A (operator) input_B

Ex. value1 AND value2
if both input values are true, the result is true

Ex. value1 OR value 2
if either of the inputs is true, the result is true
Switch true for false and false for true
Local functions
Map algebra that uses one cell in an input raster at a time
Focal functions
Use map algebra that uses all cells in user defined neighborhood in input raster
Global funtions
Map algebra that use all cells in an input raster
Issues of raster overlay
Different coordinate systems
Cell orientation
Cell size
(2) types of spatial modeling
1. Spatio-temporal models: dynamic in time and space
2. Cartographic models: static, combine data from multiple data layers
Spatio-temporal models
1. Agent based: simulation of decisions and interactions of individual, independent agents

2. Cellular automata: use simple transition rules to determine time-step evolution of cell values
Cartographic models
Provide info through combination of spatial data sets, functions and operations
-Based on set of CRITERIA
-Output spatial data layer
Suitability analysis
Spatial operations (ex. buffering, overlay) used to output suitability layer, ranking parcels for particular land-use
Spatial Modeling definitions
1. Abstraction of reality
2. Set of rules for predicting an outcome
3. Data representation of reality
Discrete rankings
Either/or suitable
Continuous rankings
More/less suitable
Defines relative value of different layers
Defines relative values within same layer
Automates and strings functions together