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71 Cards in this Set

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what is the inner core
what is the outer core
iron -fluid
what is the mantle
iron magnesium and silicon. Solid rock
what is the crust
silicon aluminum less iron/magnesium
source of magma and crust
what is the lithosphere
upper most mantle and crust
what is a mineral
natural solid inorganic, crystaline, specific chemical compound
whaty are major examples of a mineral
what is a rock
made from minerals, consolidated mass of minerals
whats an examples of a rock
fire formed
ex basalt. left lithosphere to form. cooled fast, rigid
ex. granite formed in the litho in a slow manner. smooth rock.
ex sandstone. made from comprised sediment
ex. gneiss changed from granite
what is regolith
Broken up piece of bed rock inbetweent the soil and the unconsolidated parent material
where does regolith come from?
weathering and erosion
difference between physical and chemical
physical is wind and water chemical would be salt breaking something down
why is regolith not consistent
because of weathering
what are exogenic processes
outside...gravity, erosion, etc.
endogenic process
inside process...plate tectonics
how many plates are there?
7-8 major ones and many minor ones
smash together --> folding and shortening

where mts are...nazca and south america
tension- pulling away
atlantic ocean
shear- bending or slipping
san andreas fault
why do earthquakes occur
convergent and transform plates
what is a horst
top part of divergent plate
what is a graben
bottom part of divergent plate
features of divergent
mid oceanic ridge or trench
features of convergent
volcanoes, mts. eqs
features of transforms
eqs and faults
all of the continents
when did pangea break apart?
250 million years ago
what are gravity driven exogenic processes?
where does a stream go fastest
in the middle of the stream and at the surface
whats the equation for discharge?
q = wvd
stuff that gets eroded. clay silt sediment blah blah bnalskfj
where does water in a stream come from?
precip (runoff, infiltration from soil) and evaporation
what is a streams bed load?
the sediments a stream is carrying at the bottom of the stream
what is a streams suspended load
the sedimnets a stream is carryin
what 2 things determine how much work a stream can do
discharge (q) and steepness
what is a graded stream
a stream that is able to transport on average over a period of years all the sediment it recieves from its undershed
whats a profile of a downward slope look like?
because it starts high and then it moves all the sediment away.
A stream with excess power does what?
It becomes deeper
Excess stream power results in
Landforms found in floodplains?
Oxbow Lakes Point bars, undercut banks natural levess
Alluvial (stream) Terraces
a series of steps down to teh river
Nickpoint, what does it mean
Nickpoint is an abrupt change in gradient. Waterfall or rapids.
Alluival fan
Formed at the delta of a river
Stream moutain things
Where a river meets its ending water mass. Like the mississippi reaching the Gulf of Mexico
A large mass of ice resting on land or floatingin the sea. Not frozen lakes or groundwater ice. Glaciers move like water, but a lot slower. Formed by years of snow fall
Glaciers flow because of
Their own weight and gravity
How do glaciers flow
Slowly? Melting snow is like lube.
Glaciers are in some places and not others why
Because its hot some places....
An Ice Age is what
When galciers come down super far and then retreat
Most recent Ice Age
All Ice Ages
Glacial Vs Interglacial
Glacial - cold times Interglacial - warmer times
When was the Late Wisconsin Glacial
30,000-10,000 years ago
when a glacier moves it plucks the surface and drags the sediment along
scraping of a glacier
what is glacial till
its the stuff glaciers have dragged
big stuff
glacial outwash
stuff glaciers have dragged
little stuff
roche mountanee
huge rock left over from a glacier
u shaped valley filled wtih water
u shaped valley is what?
a melted glavier that leaves behind a valley
whats inside a cirque
a tarn
medial moraine
when 2 moraines meet in a valley
basically a dune but makes no sense in termso f the direction, opposite of a dune
ice tunnel