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53 Cards in this Set

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A1 Scenario Family
Rapid Economic Growth, Population peaks mid century, introduction of cleaner technologies thereafter (EMISSIONS increase, peak, and then decrease)
A2 Scenario
High growth that does not peak, slower economic growth and slower technological change. (HIGH EMISSIONS) regionally focused
B1 Scenario
Like A1 in terms of population growth, BUT differs in that technology change (cleaner) will happen more quickly
B2 Scenario
Continually increasing population (like A2), but local solutions
fossil fuel intensive
non-fossil fuel
Balance across all energy sources
Define: errata
Mechanism for admitting an error in published journal
Percentage of US and China contributions to GHG
80 percent
Massachusetts vs. EPA
(2005) Supreme Court Decision 5-4: SC reverses Court of Appeals decision ruling that the EPA does have the authority to regulate GHG. Gave AUTHORITY, but did not require the EPA to act. Agreed with the states that they do have standing because of the imminent harm due to climate change (esp. sea level rise). EPA delivers Enangerment Finding in 2009 demonstrating that there is eminent harm from climate change.
Adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities
Actions taken by individuals or groups to slow climate change usually be reducing greenhouse emissions
The capacity of people, organizations, and societies to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the stressors to which they are exposed.
Example of means to regulate GHG from mobile sources?
CAFE Standards--Corporate Average Fuel Economy
Example of means to regulate GHG from stationary sources?
Permitting--New Source Review / Standards -- Performance Standards for exisiting operations
Kyoto Protocol
1997, Adopted in Kyoto, Japan; Active in 2005 with 141 signatories--Russia was the last signatory. Reductions in GHG, but no penalty for not achieving targets. Many countries are within targets thanks to economic downturn decreasing GHG emissions.
Conference of the Parties, December 2009 Denmark, 110 countries responsible for 80% of emissions pledge to reduce, but not enough to meet the 2Degree goal, not legally binding
2010 Cancun Mexico, met to finalize details on reductions from COP15, Green Climate Fund by the World Bank to fund adaptation in most affected countries, REDD, 2 degree target perhaps too high, pledges not strong enough.
Key Points from Chapter 4 of IPCC
"Adaptation can reduce vulnerability both short term and long term" However, adaptation alone is not enough to cope with climate change. There are cross-sector benefits of adaptation (e.g. poverty alleviation) | Adapative Capacity is not equal across the world, and even wealthy nations with high adaptive capacity can still be affected. | There are options with high cost-benefit ratios, and the earlier they are implemented the better. | Barriers: financial, technological, social, political, behavioral, cultural, institutional || Mitigation--there is economic potential, especially according to bottom-up studies. Four key points for evaluating policies: Environmental Effectiveness, Cost Effectiveness, Distributional (equity), and Institutional Feasibility
Key Ponints from Stabilization Wedges:
"Humans can solve the carbon and climate problem in the first half of this century simply by scaling up what we already know how to do" However, intense R&D will be neeed to achieve the reductions necessary to ensure stabilization beyond 50 years, @ 7 GtC/yr currently with projections of up to 14GtC/yr 2054. Some examples of wedges: improved fuel economy, better soil management (not active tilling, but seed drilling), more efficient buildings especially in developing countries, nuclear, synfuels, CCS, biofuels, hydrogen...
What is deemed as the CO2 concentration not to exceed in order to prevent catastrophe
500 ppm +/- 50 ppm (from Stabilization Wedges)
Key Points from NRC Report: Stabilization Targets
Carbon dioxide is the highest in 800,000 years, 35% increase from 1750 levels | Persistence--Carbon Dioxide has a longer persistence than other GHGs and so warming would continue on the order of centuries even after emissions are stabilized. | This report advocates for quantifying change by warming in degrees as opposed to changes in concentration because impacts are quantified by warming: 5-10% change in precipitation, 3-10% increase in heavy rain per degree of warming, 5-10% reduction in yields; 2 degree: 1-4m sea-level rise
Global Warming Potential: C02
Global Warming Potential: CH4
Atmospheric Lifetime: C02
100 years
Atmospheric Lifetime: CH4
12 years
Author of Stabilization Wedges
Pacala and Socolow
Author of Stabilization Targets
National Research Council
Author of AR4 Chapter 4
last 150 years: 60% CO2 and 25% CH4
Change in Energy Budget
last 150 years: 2.5 W/m2 increase in energy budget
Gaia Hypothesis
Published 1972 by James Lovelock. States that the biosphere and the global environment are two parts of the same system and that the environment responds to changes in biosphere to maintain optimal conditions.
Medieval Climatic Optimum
900-1300 CE Evidence mostly from tree ring data
Hockey Stick
Underestimates Medieval Climate Optimum and Little Ice Age, Alternative Analysis: wavelet analysis using mostly data from tree-ring augmented with lake and ocean sediments (1000 to 2000 years)
Little Ice Age
1450 to 1850: 0.5 to 1 degree of cooling, Maunder Minimum co-occurred
Last Glacial Maximum
Polar Amplification
Increased warming at the pole due to decrease albedo (positive feedback loop)
Ozone Hole
Climate Change impact: warming of the troposphere means cooling of the stratosphere so more depletion of atmosphere
Urban Heat Island Contribution
0.05*C according to IPCC
Cloud Reflectivity
Lower dense clouds have higher albedo, whereas higher clouds are more transparent. Higher net radiation for grounds below high clouds
Phanerozoic Evidence
Ocean, lake sediment, ice cores, tree rings, pack rat mittens, coral reefs
Cloud Cover and Feedback Loops
Forcing Mechanisms
Tectonic (1E-5) and Orbital (0.016)
Increases albedo and loses latent heat (so decrease temp)
Releases carbon, destroys carbon sink, changes evaporation, increases albedo
Ocean Acidification
CO2 absorbed by ocean and converted to HC03-
Examples of Tipping Points
Siberian permafrost--methane hydrates, thermohaline
Seperating Signal from Noise:
Underlying Scientific Principles, Paleoclimate Data, Instrumental Data, Physical Evidence, Models
1st initial change
Total Change due to inertia or pulsing
AR4 Main Points
1) There is a change 2) Outside natural range 3) Humans are causing change.
Markey Waxman
Cap and Trade, 25% by 2025