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174 Cards in this Set

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What is geology

The study of the solid earth: its composition, history and the processes that shape it

Define a Rock From a mineral

Rock - naturally occurring solid assemblage of minerals

Mineral - all natural occurring inorganic substances

only about _____ minerals make up 90% of the earths crust


The components of a mineral are not seperable by ________ means

a. biological

b. physical

c. chemical

d. weathering


What are the most abundant minerals in the earths crust

Silicon and Oxygen

What are Alumino- silicate minerals called and what are they composed of


Rich in aluminum, low in iron and magnesium

What are mafic minerals

Ferro magnesium minerals

rich in magnesium and iron

How can you tell between mafic and felsic materials by looking at them

Felsic materials are light in color and weight

Mafic minerals are dark in color and heavy in weight

In what two classifications are rocks based on

Manner of formation

Environment of formation ( above or below earths surface)

What are the three types of rocks




How is igneous rock formed

cooling and solidification of molten rock

About how much of the surface continents is made up of igneous rock


What is the difference between magma and lava

Magma - molten rock in earths interior

Lava - molten rock on earths surface

What are the three different types of igneous rock cooling and how do they have a different effect

extrusive - above ground lava - rapid cooling and small crystals

Intrusive - cool below the surface - slow cooling and large crystals

In water - extremely fast cooling - no crystals creates glass

Could have same composition but different name due to crystal size

What are thin layers of intrusive igneous rock, found nearly vertical in fractures called


What is the most abundant type of rock on the surface of earth

Sediment 74% of surfaceq

How is sedimentary rock formed

by accumulations of sediments or other deposits produced by weathering

What are the three types of sedimentary rock and how do they form

Clastic - (clast broken fragment of rock) formed by sediments

Chemically precipitaed - formed by dissolved solids

organically deprived - form from organic materials (such as shells)

How are clastic rocks formed step by step

Weathering breaks down rocks

sediment transports water, wind, ice (gemorphic agents) and gravity

Sediments accumulate in lowest part of landscape (lake seas valley)

Compacion, recrystallization, cementation (lification)

What type of rock makes up the least of earths surface

Metamporphic rock 8% of surface

What type of rock is formed under through the alteration of other rocks due to high temperature and preassure


What are the three grades of metamorphic rock and what do they create

Shale (low grad)

Schist - medium grade, shale exposed to more heat and pressure

Marble (high grade)

As you go deeper into the earth the _____ and ______ increases

temperature and density

What is the boundary between the crust and mantle


The lithosphere contains many______

continent sized plates

What part of earths crust weighs the most and why

The oceanic crust due to the weight of water

What is accretion

formation of a new lithosphere

continental rupture, rise and solidification of magma

What type of active plate boundary causes accretion

Divergent or spreading boundaries

What is the result of orogeny

The creation of mountains

What is a transform boundary

two plates sliding past eachother

What is the disintegration dissolution and decay of fresh rocks and minerals called


What is another name for physical weathering

Mechanical weathing

What is regolith

unconsolidated mineral, same location or place it integrated from a bigger rock, once it is moved or transported it is called eroded materialq

what is a result of rock decomposition

A change in mineral composition and the creation of secondary minerals such as clay

Biological weathering is a combination of ____ and _______

Physical and chemical weathering

What are the four types of physical weathering

salt crystalization

frost action

Thermal expansion

uplift preassure

How does salt crystallization work

Salt crystals form in pours caused by dry weather

in what four ways can salt be introduced to salt


sea water

dust and volcanic gasses

rock weathering

How is frost action produced

freezing water leads to ice crystal growth and a 9% increase in volume creating a physical forceq

what is a universal solvent and another common one

Water and carbonic acid (carbonation)

What type of weathering results in karst topography?


A landslide is also known as

Mass wasting

What can be a result of mass wasting

forms a talus cone/ scree slope

What do landslides move on

A slippage plain

What are the three functions and the outcome of water as a geomorphic agent




Result - new landforms

What is the role of rivers

deepest part of landscape

Drains water of land surface

distributes water, sediment, and nutrients across landscape, shape landforms by erosion and sediment transport

What are the geomorphic agents

Water - dominent agent in most landscapes

wind - weakest

Ice - alpine landscapes (stongest)

What is the role of overland flow

Motion of thin surface layer on sloping ground

precipitation rater greater than infiltration rate

What are the processes of water erosion

rain splash erosion

sheet erosion

rill erosion

gully erosion

How does rainsplash erosion work

causes erosion by force of raindrop hitting ground - effective in areas with little or no vegatation

What does the erosion amount depend on for rain splash erosion

kinetic energy and slope angle

sheet rills and gully erosion are all ______ _______

drainage basins

What is sheet erosion

A thin layer of water flowing across a smooth surface

What are rills

erosion process along small chanels called rills

what are rills a result of

overland flow

What is a gully

A deep V shaped channel carved by newly formed rills

What do gullys develop into


What is fluvial

the running of water and its functions

What is the definition of a stream

a long narrow body of flowing water occupying a channel and moving under the action of gravity

Streams are only fed by melt water and rain

T or F

F streams are fed by ground water the majority of the time

Where is the fastest velocity of stream water

In the middle just under the surface (not exposed to wind)

How is stream discharge measured

With a current meter that measures stream velocity

How is stream discharge estimated from water height (4 ways)

Stage or water height measurements (continous)

Discharge measurements

stage - dischare relationship

converging stage to discharge

What does a hydrograph represent

plot of variation in the discharge of a stream overtime

When does flooding occur

when stream discharge cannot be contained within the channel

Floods usually follow a flood peiod of every____

alternating year

What is stream competence

The maximum particle size a river can move

The amount of sediment transported at a given discharge is known as

stream load

What are the three types of sediment transportation

dissolved load

suspended load


What is the dissolved load in a stream important for

source of nutrients for chemical and biology of the stream

What type of stream transportation accounts for 90% of the stream load

Suspended load

What is an achieved balanced stream called

Graded stream

What type of channel patterns are there (three)




Strate channels are usually very ____

Rare(cover short distance, low gradient)

Meandering bends usually have a _____ sediment supply and fine particle size ______. ______ sediment transport dominates




material eroded outside the bend is called a _____. Material deopsited inside the bend are called____

cut bend

point bar

What feature is a bow or cresent shape lake and forms when meanders within floodplains erode and cut off bends

oxbow lake

What type of particle transport dominates in a braided channel

Bedload transport

What is a braided channel

A network of many interconnected channels seperated by bars

What is the name of a bench like landform carved in alluvium by a stream during degradation

Alluvial terrances (formed by contiously new flood plains

What is a large body of sediment built by a stream flowing into a body of standing water called

A delta

What are the two types of glaciers

Alpine and continental

Today perennial ice covers _____% of the earths land


Where do glaciers form

Anywhere where annual snow accumulation is greater than annual snow melt

what type of flow do glaciers have internally

plastic flow

How much of the worlds fresh water is held inside glaciers


What role do glaciers play in the global energy balance

they have a high albedo (very reflective)

What are the four types of alpine glaciers

Valley glaciers


piedmont glacitier

tidewater glaciers

Name the four types of continental glaciers

Ice sheets, ice caps, ice fields, ice shelf

The difference between continental and alpine glaciers is mostly between _____ and ____

Width and age

what type of glacier is a bowl shaped pit located at the head of a valley erooded during times of more extensive glaciation

A cirque

What is a piedmont glacier

a glacier formed by coalescing (growing, fusing together) valley glaciers, no confining valleys

What is a valley glacier

Rivers of ice confined in valleys, transports debris downstream

What type of glacier terminates in a body of water

a tidewater glacier

What type of glacier is less than 50,000 km2 in area

ice sheets

What type of glacier is more than 50,000km2 and covers the peaks of mountains

ice caps

what type of glacier is not large enough to form a dome over peaks

Ice fields

What is an ice shelf

ice sheet attatched to land extending over sea, floats on water

What is firn

old granular snow on earths surface that has survived one summer

what is the part of a glacier that is located at higher elevation where snow falls and does not melt

zone of accumulation

What it the zone of ablation

part of a glacier in a warmer area where melting occurs

What is the equilibrium line of a glacier

The line which moves up and down the mountain based on climate

What are the three main components of glacial ablation



calving (breakdown of ice into bergs)

What is glacier mass balence

change in mass of glacier over time

(total accumulation - total ablation)

what tare the types of glacial landscapes

pre- glacial (area not effected by ice in a long time)

Glaciated landscape

Change in v shape valley to a u shaped valley due to erosion

post glacial landscape

state of most glaciers on earth

What are the types of glacial erosion

ice push - glacier acts like bulldozer pushing rock loose

Pucking - blocks of bedrock loosened along fractures. frozen onto ince and pulled out (removal of fractured rock)

Abrasion - results in striations, grooving, glacial polish

What is an arete

steep sided sharp edge ridge formed by glaciers on multiple sides

what is a col

low areas or passes through that once had glaciers on either side

What erosional feature is a jagged peak the has survived glacial erosion all around it (multiple cirques on all sides)

A horn

What is a small lake that occupies the rock baisn in a cirque called

A tarn

What is is till

Unsorted materials deposited by glaciers

What is a moraine

glacial deposited sediment piles or landforms

Name the depositional landforms





Outwash plain

What is a drumlin

a low hill created by a glacier

what is an esker

chanells formed by movements of water underneath glaciers

What is dead ice away from main glacier melts called that causes a hole in the ground


Kettle lake (if empty called kettle if full called kettle lake)

What is a kame

accumulation at end of glacier like a delta

What is the area in front of a glacier where deposition occurs

Outwash plain

What are features of a preglacial landscape


ice wedges

patterned ground

perma frost

how are pingos made

they are pushed up by frost heaving, circular, ice cored ground

What defines perma frost

Ground that has been frozen for atleast two years

What are the two types of permafrost

continous - all areas frozen except for under rivers and lakes

Discontious - slopes facing sun or insulated by snow may thaw seasonally

what is an ice wedge

vertical wall like body of frozen ice, tapering downward in perma frost

Where else is patterned ground found

on mars

What do stone polygons show

frost heaving

What is an ice age

Aseries of glaciations and interglaciations spanning 1 to 3 million years

What are the stages of an ice age

Glacaiation - cold phase with substantial glacial formation

interglaciation - warm phase during ice age with large continental glaciers absent

Deglaciation - widespread recession during warming trend

What is the difference between soil and dirt

Soil is alive dirt is not

What are the components of soil

mineral matter

organic matter

soil air

soil water

What is the differance between regolith and bed rock

bed rock is unaffected by weathering

regolith is close enough to the surface to be effected

What is pedogenisis

soil formation

What are soil forming factors





land use


The parent material of soil is___


The stepts to the soil forming process are





What is soil enrichment

direct deposition of material by geomorphic factors

what is soil loss

erosion and leaching seeping water dissolves soil salt moss it to other location

What is the transport of soil particles up and down from one horizon to another


What is the difference between eluviation and illuviation

eluviation - washing out materials is re-moved from top to bottom in horizon - loss

Illuviation washing in - material moves into a horizon - gain

What is soil transformation

transformation of material withing soil/ biological and chemical process (IE decomposition)

In a soil diagram what do the following stand for







O - organic matter

A - surface soils

Ae stand of elluviation

B - sub soil (grains material /illuviation)

C - parent material

R - bed rock

What are measurable characteristics identified and used to asses and classify soil






What does red soil indicate

iron oxides

is a soil is black what does that mean

lots of organic material (humus)

clay minerals are what color of soil


Salts and calcium have what color of soil


What are the three textures of soil

Coarse texture (large size)

fine texture


what is loam

a very small particle sized soil that is good for farming

What does soil particle size effect

content such as sand silt and clay

affects the water holding capacity

Soils can be ____ and ____

acidic and alkaline

What is ped

A unit of aggregartion

peds held together by clay

What are the types of peds



Why is it that when water is still present plants can wilt

the water is bounded to clay too strongly to be taken in by plants

What are two soil classification systems

U.S. natural resouces service (12 main types)

National soil survey of canada (10 types)

What are three soils you have to know for this test



organic soils

Chermonzeric soil is found where


well drained, high fertillity and lots of organic material

What defines organic soil

more than 30% organic matter

What is podzolic soil where is it found

develops beneath coniferous and boreal forests by leaching off overlaying layers

dominates west BC low to medium fertillityq

What is ecology

THe study of interrelationships between organisms and their support systems

What type of ecosystems are not PRIMARILY (but still a bit) based on solar energy

deep oceans

dark caves

What are the types of organisms in an environment




What are the to types of food chains



What is causing a rupture in the nitrogen cycle

Fertilizer use, deforestation, burning fossil fuels

what is biogeography

The study of geographic pattern of the distribution of living organisms and the factors efficting distribution

What factors effect species distrbution

enironmental stresses

latitudinal gradients

altintudinal gradiants

What is a geographic niche

combination of all the habitats and organism can survive

What is an ecological niche

specific area of niche an organism can survive well

What is ecological niche

The combination of physical , chemical, bilogical conditions nessecary for growth of a given species

Includes how an organism interacts with other species

What is a functional adaption

helps an organism survive in its changing environment

What is a reproductive adaption

help organism sucessfully reproduce

What is a xerophyte

Adapted to living in drought

has wax coating on leaves

needle like leaves or spines

light colorred and water filled

What type of xeric animals are there

nocturnal animals which live in cool burrows during the day

What adaption to limited do organism contain

climbing (vines)

Grow in canopy of other trees(epipytes)

Dark green leaves with red underside (red reflects light back to leaves