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80 Cards in this Set

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The Theory of Plate tectonics started _____
A revolution in the Earth Sciences
What is a Plate?
A large, rigid slab of solid rock
Tectonics Root words
Greek root to build
Theory of Plate Tectonics
states that the Earth's outermost later is gragmented into a dozen or more large and small plates that are moving relative to one another as they ride atop hotter, more mobile material.
When did Pangaea begin to break up?
225-200 million years ago
Plate tectonics is a relatively new scientific concept, introduced __ years ago
James Hutton Proposed the ____ Principle in 1785
Uniformitarian Principle
Uniformitarian Principle
The present is the key to the past.
Abraham Ortelius
Dutch map maker in 1596 that suggested the Americas were torn away from Europe and Africa
Alfred Lothar Wegener
German meterologist that stated 200 million years ago the super continent Pangea bega to split apart (Continental Drift)
2/3 of the Earth's surface lies beneath ___
Sea Floor Spreading
New magma from deep within the Earth rises easily through the weak zones and eventually erupts along the rest of the ridges to create new oceanic crust
Harry H. Hess
Princeton University geologist who first coined the term seafloor spreading
Earthquake- recording instrument
Four types of Plate boundaries
Divergent boundaries
Convergent Boundaries
Transform Boundaries
Plate boundary zones
Divergent boundaries
where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other
Convergent Boundaries
where new crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another
Transform boundaries
where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other
Plate Boundary Zones
broad belts in which boundaries are not well defined and the effects of plate interaction are unclear
Mid-Atlantic Ridge are
divergent boundaries that are a submerged mountain range extending from the Arctic Ocean to the Southern tip of Africa
The rate of Spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2.5 centimeters per year
Crust must be destroyed at about the ___ rate as it is being created
The location where sinking of a plate occurs
Subduction Zone
Convergence can only occur between..
1) an oceanic and a largely continental plate 2) two largely oceanic plates 3) two largely continental plates
Trenches are the ___ parts of the ocean floor and are created by ___.
deepest, subduction
World's Tallest Mountain
Mount Everest
The ring of fire lines the
pacific coast and East Asia and Australia
Subduction process in oceanic-oceanic plate convergence results in the formation of
Continental- Continental convergence results in
The zone between two plates sliding horizontally past one another is called
Transform boundary
Hot spot theory
relatively small, long- lasting, and exceptionally hot regions existed below the plates that would provide localized sources of high heat energy (thermal plumes) to sustain volcanism.
J. Tuzo Wilson is known for
Hot spot theory
Suggest the plate-driving force is the slow movement of hot, softened mantle that lies below the rigid plates.
Arthur Holmes
Most earthquakes and volcanic eruptions do not strike randomly but occur in specific areas, such as along
Plate Boundaries
geographic point directly above the focus
earthquake epicenter
rupture point =
earthquake focus
San Andreas is a ____ fault
strike slip
RAPID shear slip across a Fault surface
Seismic Waves
Mechanical vibrations in the air (P waves and S waves)
S waves travel through mantle but not the
outer core
type of waves used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes
Discontinuity of the rock volume resulting in a space between two rocky slabs of the earth
Movement in a specific geometric configuration
Measure of the strength of earthquake’s shake
Calculate the _____ of an earthquake by looking at the seismographic record of an earthquake
How many earthquakes with magnitude 8+ per year?
Intensity scale
Asks people how the felt and what they observed during earthquake
Based off the scale, isoseismal maps are plotted
Isoseismal map
Maps of intensity observations
Show that the intensity decreases and less damage would occur as a result of smaller intensity of the propagation earthquake.
Economic damage and injuries begin at what shaking intensity?
Does Earthquake mitigation depend on economic decisions
_____ are special mountains where magma errupts and goes to the Earht's surface.
Two types of volcanic eruptions
Explosive style and Passive Hawaii Style
What is a volcanic eruption
They are when the magma erupts to the surface of the earth.
Shield volcanoes are _____ (Hawaii volcano) and produce ____ rocks.
Passive eruption, basaltic
Strato volcanoes (St. Helen) are ____ and produce _____ rocks
explosive, andesite
basic structure and composition of the earth
Composed of layers :
Outer most layer is called the Crust
Then Mantle
Liquid outer core
Solid inner core
How does earth make basaltic magma?
Mid-Ocean ridges
Reasonably hot rocks rise to ocean surface and as pressure decreases Mantle rock melts

Continental Volcanoes
Adding water to the reasonably hot rock which results in crossing the dry melting curve.
Hot spots?
Where volcanoes occur other than near the Ring of Fire.
Also a source for magma formation for the volcano found on Hawaii islands.
hazards caused by volcanic eruptions
Lahar "hot mud"
Ash Fall
Global cooling
Pyroclastic flow
Lava Flow.
3 Ps of mitigation
Best mitigation strategy for volcanoes
Don't build on previous volcanic flows.
Rock begins to melt
rock is completely molten
Area on earth where two tectonic plates move towards one another and sinking occurs
subduction zone
3 types of plate boundary motions
convergent (subduction)
mid-ocean spreading center: plates move away and magma comes up
Transform faults
plates slide past each other
Convergent/subduction zones
plates move towards each other-one goes on top of the other
Slip fault-fault rupture
nearly vertical & one side slides past the other
Normal Fault/ dip-slip-Fault
relative displacement parallel to the dip of the fault plane
Thrust fault
where rocks with lower strata position are pushed up&over higher strata
Blind thrust fault
if plate terminates before reaching earth's surface
Ground shakes at max
Occur at plate boundaries-mostly at subduction zones
Most of the
Earthquakes occur
In just a ____ of the
Subduction Zones
Largest EQ was in
Chile 9.5
Japan Earthquake was
March 11, 2011
Japan Earthquake magnitude
Earthquakes Hazardous because
1)building fall down on us
2) landslides can be triggered
3) Tsunamis can be generated
Invention of first seismograph
molten rock