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58 Cards in this Set

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The chemical union of water with another substance is called


The most important type of mechanical weathering process is

Frost Shattering

The main downslope movement of subartic and artic landscape is


Water is a major agent of weathering because of its property that, when it freezes it decreases in density and

Expands in volume

The slowest and least perceptible form of mass wasting is


The rotting of rock by the various types of chemical weathering takes place best in

Humid regions

Which of the following must take place FIRST during the denudation of a landscape


From a chemical standpoint, the three reacting agents of greatest importance to weathering are

Carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor

Which of the following is most effective in weathering rock?

Freeze/thaw cycles

_____ and amount of moisture present can be used to classify types of mass wasting

Speed of movement

This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of a leaf


Stream which flow for only part of the year are


An imaginary surface extending beneath the continents which limits how deep streams may cut is

Base level

Rivers downcutting into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a ____ shaped form


The total volume of flow in streams is termed


Branching channels that cross a delta are known as


The process in which small particles are moves along by stream flow or wind in a series of jumps or bounces is


The detachment and removal of fragmented rock material is known as


On a meandering stream, maximum erosion takes place along the

Outer edges of the meanders

____ is a measure of the particle size a stream can transport


The process of shifting loose particles by blowing then into the air or rolling them on the ground is called

The fluvial process

The single most important agent of landscape formation in deserts is


Africa's best example of an exotic river is

The Nile

Alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape feature known as a


The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a

Slip face

The wind rolling pebbles across the desert surface is an example of


Sand dunes are composed mainly of individual grains of


Rainfall I'm deserts

Is usually intense

Aeolian processes refer to those involving


Which of the following is NOT associated with the work of the wind


At its maximum extent, ice covered almost ____ of the earths land surface


The maximum extent of a glacier is marked by a

Terminal moraine

According to the map in the textbook, the southernmost extent of contemporary glaciers in the U.S is in CA and


A huge boulder resting on a completely different type of bedrock in glacial zones is an


The movement of a glacier is normally measured in ___ per day


A ____ is created by a group of cirques eroding into a mountain peak


Long sinuous ridges of stratified drift are termed


The lower part of a glacier where there is a net annual loss of ice from melting and sublimation is the zone of


Snow is changed by ____ into glacial ice

Millions of years of time

Glaciers carve ___ shaped valleys


Seismic sea waves may also be referred to as


The single most important force in shaping coastal topography is the


The phenomenon of waves changing direction as they approach the shoreline is known as


The oceanic tides rise and fall in a rythmic cycle that takes place roughly once every ___ hours


Beach and sand moves along the shore in a movement of materials called

Beach drifting

A___ is a landform which almost always assumes a circular shape


Of you were floating in the middle of the ocean and a wave passed by, your motion would be

Up and down

Water moving roughly parallel to the shoreline is called

A Longshore current

A wave will break because

The bottom interferes with its oscillatory motion

In what time of year do beaches get smaller


Compare the height of normal waves and tsunami waves in the open ocean

Normal waves are caused the wind, weather, tides and currents. Tsunami waves are not like normal waves because their wave length is a lot longer, instead of becoming a breaking wave, a tsunami resembles a very fast rising tide

What is a tombolo

A bar of sand or shingle joining a island to the mainland

What are three erosion al landforms associated with alpine glaciers

Glacial valleys and arêtes, hanging valleys, cirques, horns and cols

What are three depositional landforms associated with continental glaciers

Moraines, drumlins, kettles

What is the difference in direction that barchan and parabolic dunes point

Brachanoid: are crescent shaped, individual mounds formed from the upwind slope, sizes range from a meter to 100 meters.

Parabolic: are u or V shaped. Extend downward from blowouts in sand sheets only partly anchored by vegetation. Can also originate from beach snaps and extend inland in vegetated areas in coastal zones and shores of lakes

What is loess?

A loamy deposit formed by wind, common in Mississippi valleys, Europe and Asia

What is an advantage and disadvantage of building a dam on a river

Advantage: clean energy and regulated water supply

Dis: flooding of surrounded areas and disruption in ecosystem

What is the difference between a tributary and distributary

Distributaries are branches of a river. Tributaries are small channels or rivers that combine to form a main river