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50 Cards in this Set

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Stream competence

Maximum size of the sediments transported by a river

Stream capacity

Total amount of sediments a river is capable of transporting


Length(cubed)/Time eg ft(3)/seconds
Feet cubed per second


Vertical drop over horizontal flowing distance, expressed as percentage, ft/mi, or degree of slope

Base level

Lowest level of river, ultimate base level is ocean, sea level

Flood stage

the height of a river at a given time and place

Stage height is relative to base level benchmark


Over bank flow condition, discharge greater than channel's holding capacity

Cross section

Stream velocity


Cross sectional decreases. stream velocity increases, discharge stays the same

(P) % probability of reccurrance equation

M: magnitide

n: # of years on record, fixed

Multiply by 100 to gain %

(RI) Reccurrance interval

n: # of years of records

M: magnitude

Probability and reccurrance interval graph

Stage height: y axis

x axis: interval

top axis: %


Intensity of a natural hazard in terms of amount ENERGY released


recurrence interval of a disastrous event

Magnitude and frequency

Generally an inverse relation between them, more magnitude = less frequency


river length/valley length

What are the roots of the so-called environmental crisis?

Overpopulation, urbanization, industrialization

Why are we so concerned about the increase in human population

Lack of natural resources ( minerals, water, food), urban sprawl, overexploitation, exceeded Earth's carrying capacity,


is the development which ensures that future generations will have equal access to the resources supplied by our planet.

The principle of environmental unity

An idea that one action will create a chain reaction

Exponential growth

A constant percentage of the current population is added each year (in terms of human population growth on Earth)

Average residence time

Derived from an equation of inputs and outputs of a system

Three types of plate boundries




plates slide past one another


Contributes to subduction zone, forms mountain ranges, converge towards each other


Occur in mid ocean and contributes to sea floor spreading

Hot spots

Characterized by volcanic centers resulting from hot cracks produced deep in the mantle of the earth. The magma moves through the mantle and as a plate passes over the hot spot, volcanic chains are formed

Difference between ridge push and slap pull

Ridge push: lifting and pushing apart of plates

Slab pull: cool crust sinking into the earth


an element or chemical compound that is naturally formed
solid (normally)
has a characteristic chemical formula
has a characteristic crystalline structure, in most cases


Deterioration (biologically, physically, chemically) of rocks or minerals by means of exposure/interactions of the elements.


an aggregate of several compound minerals

Igneous Rock

Formed by solidification of magma. Extrusive: formed on the surface, intrusive: formed under the surface

Sedimentary Rock

Rock created by deposition and solidification of material at Earth's surface and within bodies of water

Metamorphic RocK

Rock formed by pre-existing rock that has been altered by heat, pressure, chemically, or by liquid under Earth's surface. foliated metamorphic means mineral grains have segregated into bands of parallel alignment, nonfoliated means they have not.

Crosscutting relationship

This law states that a rock is younger than any other rock that it cuts.


a very large igneous intrusion extending deep in the earths crust (think lave underground)


body of intrusive igneous rock, small intrusion (think lava underground)

Chemical sedimentary

Rock formed due to chemical reactions, categorized by mineral composition

Detrital sedimentary

Formed as sediment gains (most common) catagorized by grain size

Tsunami Arrival Time

MPH X 1 hour/60 minutes=____miles/minute (approaching)

____miles(away) X 1 minutes/_____miles(approaching)
(how long it will take)


is an engineering technique with the objective of controlling floods, draining wetlands, controlling erosion, and improving navigation. Methods include straightening, deepening, widening, clearing, or lining existing stream channels.

Four main rock structures

Fractures, which can be divided into joints, where fractures do not occur

Faults, fractures have occurred

Folds where rock are shortened and compressed

Unconformities where breaks in the geological record have occurred

Natural diasaster

10 or more people are killed

100 or more people are affected

declaration of emergency is issued

Request is made for international assistance


Probability x potential damages accrued

Mercalli Scale

ground movement and damage of buildings

Primary waves

Occur first, are quicker than S waves, can travel through solids and liquid, produced by seismic activity

Secondary waves

Occur second, cannot move through liquids, only travels through solids

Surface waves (R)

seismic waves that hit the surface are referred to as R waves, slower than p and s waves, cause the most damage

Methods to minimize damages during tsunami

* tsunami-ready status


a liquids resistance to flow
High- very resistant

