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323 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Noninvasive X-Rays or imaging studies (5)
Computerized Tomography (CT)
Intravenous Pyelogram
Renal angiogram
X-ray of the kidneys ureters and bladder
KUB reveals (4)
Calculus (stones),
Non invasive technique that provides excellent cross-section views of the kidney and the urinary tract.
CT reveals (6)
GU masses
chronic renal infections
Urinary tract trauma
Soft tissue abnormalities to include lymph node enlargement.
CT scan use of Contras Medium
1st time not used, 2nd time given IV
Patient posistioning during CT
Lies on adjustable table with body in fixed posistion.
Scanning system rotates around body.
Patient must lie still usually wit arms above head.
Talking or moving will distort images
CT Nursing Teaching
Teach patient to lie still and quitely through procedure.
May feel flushing, nausea or vomiting with flushing of Contrast Medium thru IV
Radiation exposure is minimal
Procedure 30-45 min long with contrast mediums
Nursing Intervetions prior to CT (4)
assess patient for allergies to iodine or shell fish
Establish IV line for contrast
Obtain consent
May require bowel prep
Nursing INterventions post CT
Ensure pt receives normal diet upon return
Encourage fluid to minimize dehydration from bowel prep, and to prevent nephrotoxicity from contrast.
Observed for possible delayed allergic reaction
Uses powerful magnetic field to obtain images from body.
Alters hydrogen ions
aligns protons
protons imit signal which converts to image
MRI Nursing Intervention - Education
Pt will be able to communicate outside via microphone
Educate it is painless but will hear a loud thumping noise when coils are pulsed
Tube is narrow, assess for claustrophobia (if it is - sedation may be needed)
MRI Nursing Interventions Pre
all metalic objects removed
Extensive assessment to see if patient is a candiate for Mri
IN MRI things considered metal in patients...
aneurism clips, orthopedic hardware
artificial heart valves
Pace maker
intrauterine devices
somet tattoos
Intravenous Pyelogram
View urinary system.
Injection of radiopague contrast medium that is filtered through kidney and excreted via urinary tract
idenfities absence, presence, location, size,configuration of kidney ureter and bladder
Prior to IVP 6
check allergies
NPO or has clear liquids only after liquid dinner
Enema or cathartics night before
Teach that warm flush may occur when contrast injected
IV line established
Obtain consent
Clubbing of kidney
Post IVP Interventions 4
Ensure patient receives normal diet
Encourage fluids to minimize dehydration from bowel prep and nephrotoxicity from contrast
Monitor I/O, promptly report alterations to physician
Observe for possible delayed reactions
Renal Angiography
Invasive radiographical procedure that evaluates the renal arterial system.
Renal Angiography Procedure
Die injected through femoral cath dir into renal artery.
Shows vascular abnorms b/c it is not secreted into collecting sstem.
Renal Angiography is capable of evaluating...
Masses (Neoplasms or cysts)
to determine changes in blood flow.
Pre and Post Interventions for Renal angiography 4
Ensure patient is on bed rest for 8 to 12 hours.
Extremity is kept in straight alignment and pulses (femoral) are checked
observe for bleeding or increased tenderness, and hematoma at site.
Maintain pressure dressing over site for 24 hours.
Cystoscopic Exam
Lighted scope through ureter into bladder. alows for viewing, biopsy and removal of calculi
Cystoscopic Exam allows viewing of 4
ureteral orifaces
prostatic urethra
Cystoscopic Procedure - Position and Teaching
Lithotomy posistion
Normal saline inserted into bladder and patient told to hold void
Pre-Cystoscopic Nursing Interventions
May be under local anestetic at urethral office.
May be IV Sedation
Spinal or general anest.
If local - pt may feel spasms pressure
Teach relaxation techniques
NPO for 8 hours prior
Obtain consent
Post Cystoscopic Nursing Interventions
Force fluids to ensure adequate outflow to washout anybacteria from instruments.
Monitor intake and output
assess for urinary retention from edema following instrumentation
warm sitz bat and relax meds help releive tension
cath may be ness if no relief
Complications of Cystocopic 5
Bladder perforation
Urinary Retetion
Pink tinged urine is normal but bright red is bad and clots are abnormal
Retrograde Pyelogram
Small cath through cytoscope into ureters and renal pelvis
Contras injected and xray taken
Helpful if IVP did not show much
Retrograde Pyelogram used for...
Obstruction removal or bypass by uretal caths
Retrograde Pyelogram Complications
Ureteral trauma
Nursing interventions
similiar to cystoscopic / IVP
Normal BUN level
BUN serves as index for what function?
Renal function
Bun is increased or decreased in Renal impairment?
BUN level starts to rise when GFR falls between what percent?
40 and 60%
BUN Elevation from Nonrenal Factors 7
Excessive Protein Intake
BUN decreased due to
Increase in extracellular volume (dilutes)
Low protein diet
End stage renal failure
any condition that results in expanded fluid volume (pregnacy)
Normal Creatine values
Creatine indicator of?
Kidney damage and progression of renal failure (most accurate).
Passed through glomer filtration.
Increased Creatine greater than 1.2 indicates?
Nephron loss
Twice normal levels of creatinine indicate how much nephron loss?
Ten times greater indicates?
ESRD 90% loss
Normal BUN creatinin ratio
10:1 or 15:1
Inreased BUN:creatinine suggest?
Lower Ratio of BUN:Creatinine
Overhydration, low intake of protein, severe liver disease
Normal Creatinine Clearance level
Greater than 70ml per minute
Creatnine CLearnace is a measurment of?
GFR - shows how much creatinine is passed from blood every minute.
Poor creatinine clearance is an early sign of ?
Renal Disease
Creatinine Clearnace collected in 24 hour specimen.
Renal Biopsy used to diagnose
Existance, extent and origin of renal disease
Closed Renal Biopsy
Done via needle while location is confirmed via ultrasound or fluroscopy
Open Renal Bipsy is done through a... incision
Pre Renal Biopsy Interventions 7
OBtain consent
Fasting for 8 hours
Baseline Vitals
Intravenous line established
Insure coagulation studies
HGB/HCT done
Obtain urine to compare to post
Renal Biopsy Posisiton of client
Prone with pillow under
Client posistion after Renal Biop
On back for 6 to 8 hours.
Post Renal Biopsy Interventions
Look for signs of bleeding
Report increased pulse of fall in BP, vomiting or dull aching in abdomen which indicate hemorhage
Check dressin q 10 minutes for hour then hourly
Check urine for hematuria - may occur quickly after biopsy
Keep serial urines to check for increasing/decreasing hematuria
Post Renal Biop what would indicate hemorhage bleed into peritoneal space?
Backache, shoulderpain or dysuria. Notify physicia
Post REnal BIop what labs are drawn, when, and why?
HGB/HCT 8 hours after, assess for changes.
How much fluid is patient to drink after Renal Biopsy and why?
3,000 unless severe kidney failure to prevent blood clot and retention
Post Renal Biop teach client to withstand heavy weight for how long?
2 weeks.
Complications of Renal Bip
Hemorrhage, Hematoma, Infection
What happens to GFR in aging?
Slows down
Kidney Tubular function, reabsorption are what with older age
What happens with agin in renal system in males
Increased collagen in bladder wall or secondary to prostatic enlargement
Renal changes in women with aging
vaginal or urethral tissues atrophy and become thinner due to decreased estrogen levels
Renal changes with aging include decreased filtration and tubular function which results in
the disability to concentrate urine
In aging renal changes, cardiac outflow is decreased increasing peripheral resistance which does what to urinary output
4 effects of aging on renal system
bladder capacity decreases
tendency to retain urine develops
Nocturia increases
Urinary sphincter weakens
Urinary Rention
Inability to empty the bladder completely during attempts to void.
3 causes of Urinary Retention
Decreased sensory output
Musle Tension
Urinary Retention obstruction due to
Bladder outlet obstruction
Decreased sensory input
Diseases with neurological impact
deficient detrusor muscle contraction strength
Muscle tention urinary retention due to
anorectal problems
Symptoms of Urinary Retention
Distended bladder and bladder pain
Overflow incontinence
Overflow Incontinence
Bladder fills to point where sphincter cannot hold.
Void 25-50 ccs every void.
Bladder Ultrasonography
Noninvasive measure of urine in bladder.
Portable for use at bedside
automatically calculates a nd displays bladder vol
Complications of Urinary Retention
INcreased risk of urinary tract infection
Increased risk of calculi
Upper resp trac problems including:
Renal insuff
Bladder rupture
Inflammation of renal pelvis and calyces
Collection of urine in renal pelvis secondary to obstructed overflow
Immediate treatment for Urinary Retention
In/Out cath requires order
Decompression complications of bladder
Medicine that increases bladder emptying
Stress Incontinence
Urine leaking when sneezing or coughing
Urge incontence
Sudden uncontrollable need to void with fullness
May lose significant amt before reaching bathroom
Overflow incontenence
Poor urinary stream
Symptoms of Stress/Urge
Detrusor hyperactivity with impaired contractility
May mimic stress or overflow
Common in elderly
Functional Incontinence
Inappropriate voiding
Impaired Cognition
Reflex Incontinence
Involuntary bladder contractions- no warning
Mixed incontinence
two or more types
Etiology of bladder incontinence is usually related to
pelvic floor relaxation
Pelvic floor relaxation seen in bladder incontinence can be caused by
Abdominal stretching during giving birth
abdominal surgery
heavy lifting
chronic cough
long term constipation
Treatment for incontinence
Treat cause such as UTI
Kegel Exercises
Meds given for Incontinence
Alpha adrenergic blockers
Estrogen for incontinence
improve pelvic structural integrity
Alpha adrenergic blockers for incontinence
Increase urethral resistance - Acutrim improves smooth muscle contraction at bladder outlet
Anticholinergics in incontinence
INhibit involuntary bladder contractions
A device for treatment of incontinence
Pessary - can cause urethral compression or obstruction.
Difficult to remove or insert
A surgery for the treatment of incontinence
Bladder neck suspension
Bladder neck suspension
Used to treat incontinence, brings angle between bladder and urethra closer than normal.Effective in 90 percent of clientsw ith a uretrhocele
A protrusion of the bladder into the vagina
Cystocele usually results from
Straining during child birth
Symptoms of cystocele
Pelvic pressure
Managment of cystocele
Inflammation of the bladder usually secondary to infection.
Most common infection involved in cystitis
Transending Ecoli from transurethral entry Most common in women
What makes acention of bacteria more common in women?
Shorter urethra
Symptoms of Cystitis 5
Freq and Urg
Supraputic Tenderness
WBC, puss in urine
Painful urination
Treatment for Cystitis
May resolve without treatment
Cranberry Juice
How does cranberry juice help cystitis
decrease ability of bacteria to attach to wall
Antibiotics used in Cystitis
Patient Education regarding Cystitis
Avoid tub baths and take showers
Avoid spermacides
Avoid oil-base lubricants
Void after intercourse
Hygienic care cleanse from front to back
What is the leading cause of Urinary Obstruction/
Calculi (stones)
Presence of stones in urinary tract..may be formed in the bladder.
Presence of stones in the ureter
Stones in the kidney
Men or women most effected with stones in Kidney tract?
How many of stones pass spontaneously?
90 %
Formation of Calculi
Crystalization involving nucleation in which crystallites are formed from supersaturated urine.
Stones form when urinary concentrations of these increase...
Calcium oxylate
Calcium phosphate
Uric Acid
Process of stone formation from increased concentrations of calcium oxylate, calcium phosphage, and uric acid.
supersaturation is dependent on
amount of substance
Ionic strength
ph of urine
Normal Urine Ph
The more alkaline the pH these are less soluble
calcium and phosphate
The more acidic te pH of the urine these are less soluble
Cystine, and Uric Acid
Predisposing Factors for Stones
Mucoproteins, a fibrous matrix which crystals are desposited and stuck too accounts for fam history of stones.
Urinary stasis
Meds that predispose for Calculi
High doses of ascorbic acid,antacids,antibiotics, sulfonamides
Calcium Phosphate stones
What percent of stones contain calcium and why?
75% caused from conditions of increased calcium in blood (hypercalcemia) and urine causing precipitation of calcium ad formation of stones
Causes of hypercalcemia
Renal Tubular acidosis
Granulomatous diseases (sarcoidosis, tuberculosis)
Excessive intake of Vitamin D
Excessive intake of milk
Myeloprofliferative disesase: leukemia, polycythemia vera, multiple myeloma.
Diet mods for Calcium Phosphate Stones
ACID ASH DIET (Low calcium) decreases ph making urine more acidic.
Acid ash diet foods
Included:Cheese, meat, eggs, fish oysters, poultry, bread, cereal, whole grains, pastries, cranberries, prunes, plums, tomatoes, corn and legumes.

Foods to Avoid: carbonated beverages, baking soda or powder, all vegetables except corn and legumes. Olives, corn, nuts (other than peanuts)
Prevention of Calcium Stones
Liberal fluid intake
Limit protein intake to 60g a day to minimize urinary calcium excretion
Sodium restriction to 3-4 g a day b/c excessive salt increases calcium excetion in all ppl with hypercalcuria.
Calcium Oxylate Stones
Caused by supersaturation of calcium and oxalate
Calcium Oxalate Stones Prevention
Strive to have a dilute Urine
Acid ash diet
Avoid foods high in oxalate
Oxalate Containing Foods
Tripple phosphate Stones
Struvite Stones also known as infection stone.
Struvite stones account for how many stones
Struvite stones are made of
Phosphate, Ammonium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate
Why Struvite is called and Infection Stone
A bacterial stone (usually Proteus)raises urine pH and causes phosphate to precipitate. Usually results in staghorn Calculi
Staghorn Calculi
a large stone that may be shaped by and virtually fill and entire renal pelvis.
Preventions of Struvite Stones
Maintain dilute urine 8x8oz/day
Maintain medication to rid bacteria
May be maintained on meds to remain acidic lithostat or ammonium chloride
In Struvite Ammonium Chloride and Lithostat are taken to
Keep urine acidic
Uric Acid Stone
Caused by increased urate excretion (Hyperuricuria) from Gout. May also be caused from high diet of purine rich foods.
Uric Acid Calculi - urine tends to be more
In uric acid calcuil patient should avoid purine rich foods which include:
Sardine, anchovies, asparagus, mushrooms, organ meat and wine. AVOID ORAGN MEATS
Diet for uric acid calculi:
Acid ash diet
Medication for Uric acid calculi
Allopurinol (zyloprim) lower serum uric acid levels and urinary uric acid excretion.
Primary symptom of Calculi
Renal Colic
Renal colic
passage of calculi from kidneys to ureter
Renal Pelvis Calculi Pain is caused by and described as
Dull and constant at costovertebral angle
Ureter Calculi Pain description
Excrutiating and intermittent, caused by spasm of ureter and anoxia of wall of ureter from stone. Not actual stone itself!
Symptoms of Calculi Pain
Pain follows ureter to suprapubic area and radiates to external genitalia and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Usually 2-3 attacks before passing stone.
Complications of Calculi
Hematuria, Obstruction, Infection
Nursing Interventions for Calculi 7
Eliminate Pain and Infection
Resolve causative Factors
Prevent future calculi growth
Force Fluids (2-4 L / day)
Strain Urine
Teach Diet
Medications for pain
Meds for pain caused by Calculi include
Thiazide diuretics (decrease urinary calcium)
Differential Diagnosis of Calculi 6
Peptic Ulcer
Ectopic Pregnancy
Dissecting aneurism
Mechanical Treatment of Calculi using shock wave
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotrispy - waves from outside of body.
Mechanical Treatment for larger Calculi using an percutaneous tract and nephroscope
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Removal of Stones after pulveration of them by Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Fragments may be irrigated and suctioned out or retrieved with basket or foreceps.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy may causing bruising where?
On Back
Open surgeries for Calculi according to their location in Urinary Tract
Pyelolithotomy - Calculi in Pelvis
Nephrolithotomy - Calculi in Kidney
Ureterolithotomy - Calculi in Ureter
Cytoscopy/Ureteroscopy - basket for stones in bladder or close in ureter
Surgical Removal Of Kidney
For which of the following does the nurse need to obtain a written consent?
CT Scan
all except KUB
What is the first test ordered when a patient is suspected to have a kidney stone?
1. MRI
2. IVP
3. Cystoscope
4. KUB
During which of the folowing would a physician obtain a biopsy?
a. MRI
c. Cystoscope
d. Retrograde pyelogram
What instruction should the nurse give to a patient having an IVP?
1. You will have a clear liquid breakfast the morning of sx.
2. Youll feel aw arm flush when the dye is injected
3. e will give you laxatives the morning of IVP
4 You will be in lithotomy posistion
Feel warm flush
Which of the following is the most important question before IVP?
1. are you allergic to seafood?
2 do you have metal in body
3. have you been npo all night
4. Have you emptied your bladder?
allergic to seafood
What is the name of the procedure in which a tube is passed from the ureter into kidney pelvis and dye is injected?
1. Retrograde pyelogram
2. Intravenous pyeogram
3. Cystoscopic exam
4. Computerized Tomography
Retrograd pyelogram
A patient is scheduled for an MRI of the kidney. Which information in a patient's healt history would be of most concern to the nurse?
1. I've had diarrher all night
I've had a history of hypertension
3. I'm allergic to iodine
4. I have a pacemaker
I have a pacemaker
Which of the following lab tests indicate ddehydration instead of renal failure?
. bun 50 creat 4.0
. bun 40 creat 1.2
bun 25 creat 1.5
bun 15 creat 3.0
bun 40 creat 1.2
What is the first test ordered when a patient is suspected to have a kidney stone?
1. MRI
2. IVP
3. Cystoscope
4. KUB
Which of the following is the most accurate measure of renal function?
Renal biop
Blood Urea nitrogen
Urine Urea Nitrogen
Creatinin Clearance
Creatinine Clearance
During which of the folowing would a physician obtain a biopsy?
a. MRI
c. Cystoscope
d. Retrograde pyelogram
Which of the folowing would be of most concern to the nurse in a patient about to have a renal biopsy?
BUN 50 mg
PT of 20 seconds
Creatinine of 1.5 mg
Blood in Urine
All concern....but PT of 20 seconds is answere
What instruction should the nurse give to a patient having an IVP?
1. You will have a clear liquid breakfast the morning of sx.
2. Youll feel aw arm flush when the dye is injected
3. e will give you laxatives the morning of IVP
4 You will be in lithotomy posistion
Feel warm flush
Which of following comments by the patient who jut had a renal bipsy would be of most concern to the nurse?
I feel the need...the need for pea (the need to urinate)
I'm feeling nauseated
My back is hurting me
Im very sleepy
My back is hurting me
Which of the following is the most important question before IVP?
1. are you allergic to seafood?
2 do you have metal in body
3. have you been npo all night
4. Have you emptied your bladder?
allergic to seafood
What is the name of the procedure in which a tube is passed from the ureter into kidney pelvis and dye is injected?
1. Retrograde pyelogram
2. Intravenous pyeogram
3. Cystoscopic exam
4. Computerized Tomography
Retrograd pyelogram
What is the first test ordered when a patient is suspected to have a kidney stone?
1. MRI
2. IVP
3. Cystoscope
4. KUB
A patient is scheduled for an MRI of the kidney. Which information in a patient's healt history would be of most concern to the nurse?
1. I've had diarrher all night
I've had a history of hypertension
3. I'm allergic to iodine
4. I have a pacemaker
I have a pacemaker
During which of the folowing would a physician obtain a biopsy?
a. MRI
c. Cystoscope
d. Retrograde pyelogram
What instruction should the nurse give to a patient having an IVP?
1. You will have a clear liquid breakfast the morning of sx.
2. Youll feel aw arm flush when the dye is injected
3. e will give you laxatives the morning of IVP
4 You will be in lithotomy posistion
Feel warm flush
Which of the following lab tests indicate ddehydration instead of renal failure?
. bun 50 creat 4.0
. bun 40 creat 1.2
bun 25 creat 1.5
bun 15 creat 3.0
bun 40 creat 1.2
Which of the following is the most important question before IVP?
1. are you allergic to seafood?
2 do you have metal in body
3. have you been npo all night
4. Have you emptied your bladder?
allergic to seafood
Which of the following is the most accurate measure of renal function?
Renal biop
Blood Urea nitrogen
Urine Urea Nitrogen
Creatinin Clearance
Creatinine Clearance
What is the name of the procedure in which a tube is passed from the ureter into kidney pelvis and dye is injected?
1. Retrograde pyelogram
2. Intravenous pyeogram
3. Cystoscopic exam
4. Computerized Tomography
Retrograd pyelogram
Which of the folowing would be of most concern to the nurse in a patient about to have a renal biopsy?
BUN 50 mg
PT of 20 seconds
Creatinine of 1.5 mg
Blood in Urine
All concern....but PT of 20 seconds is answere
A patient is scheduled for an MRI of the kidney. Which information in a patient's healt history would be of most concern to the nurse?
1. I've had diarrher all night
I've had a history of hypertension
3. I'm allergic to iodine
4. I have a pacemaker
I have a pacemaker
What is the first test ordered when a patient is suspected to have a kidney stone?
1. MRI
2. IVP
3. Cystoscope
4. KUB
Which of following comments by the patient who jut had a renal bipsy would be of most concern to the nurse?
I feel the need...the need for pea (the need to urinate)
I'm feeling nauseated
My back is hurting me
Im very sleepy
My back is hurting me
Which of the following lab tests indicate ddehydration instead of renal failure?
. bun 50 creat 4.0
. bun 40 creat 1.2
bun 25 creat 1.5
bun 15 creat 3.0
bun 40 creat 1.2
During which of the folowing would a physician obtain a biopsy?
a. MRI
c. Cystoscope
d. Retrograde pyelogram
Which of the following is the most accurate measure of renal function?
Renal biop
Blood Urea nitrogen
Urine Urea Nitrogen
Creatinin Clearance
Creatinine Clearance
Which of the folowing would be of most concern to the nurse in a patient about to have a renal biopsy?
BUN 50 mg
PT of 20 seconds
Creatinine of 1.5 mg
Blood in Urine
All concern....but PT of 20 seconds is answere
What instruction should the nurse give to a patient having an IVP?
1. You will have a clear liquid breakfast the morning of sx.
2. Youll feel aw arm flush when the dye is injected
3. e will give you laxatives the morning of IVP
4 You will be in lithotomy posistion
Feel warm flush
Which of following comments by the patient who jut had a renal bipsy would be of most concern to the nurse?
I feel the need...the need for pea (the need to urinate)
I'm feeling nauseated
My back is hurting me
Im very sleepy
My back is hurting me
Which of the following is the most important question before IVP?
1. are you allergic to seafood?
2 do you have metal in body
3. have you been npo all night
4. Have you emptied your bladder?
allergic to seafood
What is the name of the procedure in which a tube is passed from the ureter into kidney pelvis and dye is injected?
1. Retrograde pyelogram
2. Intravenous pyeogram
3. Cystoscopic exam
4. Computerized Tomography
Retrograd pyelogram
A patient is scheduled for an MRI of the kidney. Which information in a patient's healt history would be of most concern to the nurse?
1. I've had diarrher all night
I've had a history of hypertension
3. I'm allergic to iodine
4. I have a pacemaker
I have a pacemaker
Which of the following lab tests indicate ddehydration instead of renal failure?
. bun 50 creat 4.0
. bun 40 creat 1.2
bun 25 creat 1.5
bun 15 creat 3.0
bun 40 creat 1.2
Which of the following is the most accurate measure of renal function?
Renal biop
Blood Urea nitrogen
Urine Urea Nitrogen
Creatinin Clearance
Creatinine Clearance
Which of the folowing would be of most concern to the nurse in a patient about to have a renal biopsy?
BUN 50 mg
PT of 20 seconds
Creatinine of 1.5 mg
Blood in Urine
All concern....but PT of 20 seconds is answere
Which of following comments by the patient who jut had a renal bipsy would be of most concern to the nurse?
I feel the need...the need for pea (the need to urinate)
I'm feeling nauseated
My back is hurting me
Im very sleepy
My back is hurting me
A patient with 24 hour urine collection reports urinating with a bowel movement in a bed pan. The nurse should:
Start the 24 hour urine over again at that time
Pour the urine into the collection jug
Measure and record the amount of urine and discard it
Extend the time of collection for one voiding and discard all urine
Start the 24 hour urine over again at that time
A patient complains of "wetting her pants" when she sneezes. This is known as:
Urge Incontinence
Stress Inc
Functional Inc
Reflex Inc
Stress Incontinence
Which factor is the most likely etiology of stress incontinence
A history of having 4 children
A hx of diabetes and polyureia
A hx of frequent UTIs
Taking baths instead of showers
Hx of having 4 children
Due to the effects of aging, elderly patients are more likely to
have pain with oiding
have hematuria
develop bladder tumors
Develop UTIs
Develop UTIs
What should the nurse teach a patient with cystitis to prvent future recurrences?
Cleanse from front to back after bowel
Practice Kegel exercises
Drink lots of orange juice
Take tub baths instead of showers
Cleans from front to back after bowel
Which factor may contribute to urinary retention?
A history of diabetes mellitus
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH)
A hx of cerbrovascular accident
Tumor in kidney pelvis
all except dm
A patient is crying with bladder pressure and the PCT gives her a bedpan. Which of hte folowing would be of most concern to the nurse?
The urine was amber and aromatic
The amount voided was 50 ml
The patient had a hard time starting the stream
The patient is receiving IV fluids
The amount voided was 50ml
Pre Op Interventions for a client undergoing Nephrectomy 4
Consent, NPO, Skin prep, Teaching
Teaching to a client preop Nephrectomy includes
IS, TCDB, OOB gradually, frequent VS mnitor first 24 hours
Teach patient how to splint surgical site
Reassure patient remaining kidney will assume renal function
Teach patient that they may have foley, stents, drains, and will have a large dresssing.
Nursing INterventions for client post op Nephrectomy
Monitor VS q15 min x4 then q30min x 2 hours, then begin to reduce frequency as patient is deemed stable.
Check dressing for bleding with every vital sign check
Observe for hemorrhage and signs and symptoms of shock
High incision - watch for respiratory functioning.
End Stage Renal Disease - Potential Causes 3 classifications
Causes of Pre-renal ESRD
Poor perfusion of kidney from volume depleted states
Pre-Renal ESRD is caused by poor perfusion of kidney from volume depleted states...these include (9)
Impaired Cardiac Performance
Cardiogenic Shock
GI losses
NG suctioning
Intrarenal ESRD causes
Structural Damage to kidney
Infection: Acute Glomerulonephritis (GN)
Structural Damage to kidneys leading to Intra-renal ESRD can be:
Burns, crushing injury, infection, nephrotoxic agents such as aminogycoside antibiotics, Heavy metals and chemicals: lead mercury, ethylene lgycol, carbon tetrachloride, arsenic.
Aminoglycoside antibiotics
Post-Renal ESRD causes
Urinary tract obstruction
(calculi, tumors, BPH, strictures, clots)
Treatment of REnal Failure (3)
Fluid Restriction
Diet Restriction
Dialysis - to revere damage in ARF
Diet Restrictions for Renal Failure:
2 Gm Sodium
2 Gm Potassium
40-60 Gm Protein (to decrease nitrogen)
Chronic Kidney Renal Disease has 5 stages that are based on
Level of kidney function
ESRD is the final stage of
Chronic Kidney Disease
In ESRD the GFR is
less than 15 ml/min
ESRD requires renal replacement via
dialysis or transplantation
Complications of Renal Failure (4)
Fluid volume overload
Electrolyte Imbalance
Access problems - nurse is responsible for assessing thrill and bruit of fistulas.
Anemia complication from Renal Failure is b/c
Kidney makes erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates bone marrow to produce RBC's or erythrocytes
BHP stands for
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
BHP Causes (3)
Age-related, nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate gland that develops when the number of prostate cells increase.
As the prostate enlarges it causes narrowing of the urethra
Cause is unkonw however hormonal changes related to aging have been implicated
Symptoms of BHP (13)
Weakened and diminished urinary stream; difficulty instarting stream; straining
Dribbling, frequency
Urgeny with inability to empty bladder causing urinary stasis, infection, cystitis
May elevate pressure within bladder causing the wall to thicken and diverticula to form
Urine may back-up (reflux) causing distention in the renal pelvis which leads to back pain.
Prolonged obstruction may lead to renal insufficiency and failure with an alteration in renal function tests.
Inability to void
Diagnosis of BHP
Made through digital rectal examination
Felt as symmetrical enlargement of gland with a rubber to firm consistency
Treatment of BHP
Watchful waiting; with early diagnosis able to watch to see if progresses
Alpha blocker drug treatment
BHP - Alpha blocker drug treatment Examples:
Minipress, Hytrin
Alpha blocker drug treatment MOA
Relaxes muscles in prostate
May caues impotence
Medication that can shrink prostate
Proscar side effects
May cause flushing, breast enlargement and erectile dysfunction
Treatment dependent on severity of BHP
Balloon Dilation
Surery for BHP is indicated when?
When a patient cannot urinate, has frequent infections, has hematuria, urine backup and/or stones
Surgical Procedure for BHP is called?
Transurethral Prostatic Resection
Procedure for TURP Transurethral Prostatic Resection
Endoscope inserted through urethra
Cutter inserted and cuts away pieces
3-way foley with 30cc balloon is inserted for continuous bladder irrigation
Traction is placed on foley to decrease bleeding.
Surgery in which prostate gland is removed from urethra by way of the baldder.
Suprapubic Resection
Suprapubic Resection used if
Large amount of prostate needs to be removed
BHP - Alpha blocker drug treatment Examples:
Minipress, Hytrin
Alpha blocker drug treatment MOA
Relaxes muscles in prostate
May caues impotence
Medication that can shrink prostate
Proscar side effects
May cause flushing, breast enlargement and erectile dysfunction
Treatment dependent on severity of BHP
Balloon Dilation
Surery for BHP is indicated when?
When a patient cannot urinate, has frequent infections, has hematuria, urine backup and/or stones
Surgical Procedure for BHP is called?
Transurethral Prostatic Resection
Procedure for TURP Transurethral Prostatic Resection
Endoscope inserted through urethra
Cutter inserted and cuts away pieces
3-way foley with 30cc balloon is inserted for continuous bladder irrigation
Traction is placed on foley to decrease bleeding.
Surgery in which prostate gland is removed from urethra by way of the baldder.
Suprapubic Resection
Suprapubic Resection used if
Large amount of prostate needs to be removed
How is urine drained after Suprapubic Resection
drained via foley, cystostomy tube or both after surgery
Post op care for TURP and Suprapubic Resection
Urine turns from red to pink in about a day, amber after 3 days
Avoid vigorous exercise, heavy lifting
Sexual intercourse restricted for 6-8 weeks
Avoid straining with boel movemtns
Wlltake a stool sfotener such as Colace
What surgeries should you avoid enemas, rectal temps or rectal tubes?
TURP and Suprapubic prostatic resectomy
How much fluid should be consumed prior to BHP surgery?
2500 cc/day
SHould a client sit after surgery with BHP
No periods of sitting for 2-4 weeks after sx
WHen will dribbling stop after a BHP sx?
when Edema decreases
The only thing that should be stuck up butt after BHP for a while is what? and what for?
Belladonna and Opiate for spasms
Belladonna and Opiate are for?
Spasms prior to BHP sx
Complications from BHP Surgery
Bladder spasms
Retrograde Ejaculation
Urethral stricture
Sexual functioning
Sex may be altered due to patient belief that he will be impotent
Urinary incontinence: do perineal exercises
How is urine drained after Suprapubic Resection
drained via foley, cystostomy tube or both after surgery
Which of the following is a cause of pre-renal failure?
Urinary Calculi
How is urine drained after Suprapubic Resection
drained via foley, cystostomy tube or both after surgery
Post op care for TURP and Suprapubic Resection
Urine turns from red to pink in about a day, amber after 3 days
Avoid vigorous exercise, heavy lifting
Sexual intercourse restricted for 6-8 weeks
Avoid straining with boel movemtns
Wlltake a stool sfotener such as Colace
Post op care for TURP and Suprapubic Resection
Urine turns from red to pink in about a day, amber after 3 days
Avoid vigorous exercise, heavy lifting
Sexual intercourse restricted for 6-8 weeks
Avoid straining with boel movemtns
Wlltake a stool sfotener such as Colace
What surgeries should you avoid enemas, rectal temps or rectal tubes?
TURP and Suprapubic prostatic resectomy
How much fluid should be consumed prior to BHP surgery?
2500 cc/day
What surgeries should you avoid enemas, rectal temps or rectal tubes?
TURP and Suprapubic prostatic resectomy
SHould a client sit after surgery with BHP
No periods of sitting for 2-4 weeks after sx
How much fluid should be consumed prior to BHP surgery?
2500 cc/day
WHen will dribbling stop after a BHP sx?
when Edema decreases
SHould a client sit after surgery with BHP
No periods of sitting for 2-4 weeks after sx
WHen will dribbling stop after a BHP sx?
when Edema decreases
The only thing that should be stuck up butt after BHP for a while is what? and what for?
Belladonna and Opiate for spasms
The only thing that should be stuck up butt after BHP for a while is what? and what for?
Belladonna and Opiate for spasms
Belladonna and Opiate are for?
Spasms prior to BHP sx
Belladonna and Opiate are for?
Spasms prior to BHP sx
Complications from BHP Surgery
Bladder spasms
Retrograde Ejaculation
Urethral stricture
Sexual functioning
Sex may be altered due to patient belief that he will be impotent
Urinary incontinence: do perineal exercises
Complications from BHP Surgery
Bladder spasms
Retrograde Ejaculation
Urethral stricture
Sexual functioning
Sex may be altered due to patient belief that he will be impotent
Urinary incontinence: do perineal exercises
Which of the following is a cause of pre-renal failure?
Urinary Calculi
Which of the following is a cause of pre-renal failure?
Urinary Calculi
Which of the following is a cause of post-renal failure?
Ureteral stricture
Aminoglycoside therapy
Ureteral stricture
The nurse should regulate a CBI following aTURP at what rate?
Fast enugh for the urine to be clear yellow
Fast enough for the urine to be pink
Fast enough for the urine to be red
At approx 125 ml/hr
Look up
Cancer of the prostate - who has lowest incidence?
Cancer of prostate peaks between what ages
Lab Values Checked for Prostate Cnacer
Serum prostatic acid phosphatatse (PAP) elvated
LDH, BUN and creatinine elvated
Alkaline phosphatase increases with bone metastatsis
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) elevation suggestive of prostate cancer
Elevated Levels of Prostatic acid phosphatase are
0.11-.60 (look up)
PSA Prostate specific antigen - what number is abnormal?
> 4.0
How is Pancreatic Cancer diagnosed?
Digital Rectal Exam
Transrectal ultrasound
PSA and other blood work
Stage 1 of prostate cancer
Tumor not clinically palpable but detectable in microscopic secretions by biopsy
Stage 2 of Prostate Cancer
Palpalbe tumore confined to prostate with no distant metastasis
Stage 3 of Prostate Cancer
Tumor extending beyond prostatic capsule, with or without invasion of contiguous capsule, with or without invasion of contiguous organs but without distant metastasis
Stage 4 of Prostatic Cancer -
metastasis confined to pelvis or distant.
Medical Treatment for Prostatic Cancer
Watchful Watiing
Tumor may be slow growing , oldermen may not seek treatment under asumption that other ailments are morel ikely to kil them first
Hormonal manipulation
Drug Treatment
Radiation used in Med Treatment for Prostate Cancer does what?
Kills caner cells and/or prevents division and spreading
Brachytherapy used in MedTreatment of Prostatic Ca is
internal radiation with seeds
Radiation only goes to soft tissue in prostate
lasts for a year
Drug therapy for Prostate Cancer Consists of 5 drugs
Diethylstibestrol (DES)
Flutamide (Eulexin)
Cyproterone (Androcur)
Finasteride (Proscar)
Testosterone ablating agents
PC - Finasteride (Proscar)
Androgen hormone Inhibitor, kills prostatic cancer cells
Testosterone ablating agents - PC
decrease release of pituitary gonadotrophins and dcreases serum testosterone levels
Hormone antagonist implanted under skin every 12 weeks that blocks substances needed for tumor growth
Flutamide (eulexin) - CA
FLutamide (Eulexin) antiandrogen agent causes adreanl androgen suppresion
Cyproterone (Androcur) - PC
Synthetic progesterone derivative, it inhibits androgens at the target cells. Lowers incidence of cardiovascular and sexual function side effects.
Radical Prostatectomy
Sx Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Removal of prostate and seminal vesicles
In a radical prostatectomy how will sexual function be reatained?
If nerve sparing techniques are used
Rad Prostatectomy is usually limited to men who
are in good health under 70
Surgical Treatments for Stage 1 PC
Rdical perineal or retropubic prostatectomy
Stage 2 Sx Tx for PC
Radical pelvic lymph adenectomy and radiation therapy
Stage 3 Sx Tx for PC
Radical prostatectomy, pelvic node dissection, radiation, hormonal tx.
Stage 4 Sx Tx for PC
Hormonal Tx, radiation and chemotherapy
Transurethral Prstatectomy
PC surgery cystoscope inserted through urethra an dprostate removed
Retropubic resection
PC surgery - low abdominal incision but bladder not opened; foley inserted post-op
Perineal Prostatectomy
PC Sx. Incision made between scrotum and rectum
May remove adenomatous prostate tisue and adjacent tissue
Lithotomy position during sx
ill be impotent after sx
The two most common approaches for a radical prostatectomy are...
Perineal prostatectomy and Retropubic
Potential complications for PC Surgery
URinary Incontinence
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is caused by what? in PC Sx
Nerve bundles associated with erection are located just outisde top portion of gland
Hormone manipulation may result in loss of erectile funciton
Urinary Incontinence is caued from what? in PC Sx
Damage to bladder neck and urethral sphinter metstasis
After radical prostatectomy patient will have loss of ejactulation and emission secondary to
removal of seminal vesicles and transection of vas deferens
IF this is performed in PC sx, nerves at greater risk, anatomic differences may determine retention of erectile potency
Pelvic Node dissetion
Nursing Interventions for PC Sx
Teaching about foley care, majority will be discharged with cath and may hve incontinence after foley removed
Bladder spasms may continue - uSe B and O supos
Sexual dysfunction wil prob be one of their biggest concerns but the hardest to talk about.