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40 Cards in this Set

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Who is known as the father of genetics?
Gregor Mendel
A segment of DNA that generates a protein is known as a....
Different forms of the same gene are known as...
If only one allele in the pair is needed for potential expression it is known as...
a dominant gene
If both alleles in the pair are needed for potential expression it is known as...
a recessive gene
A gene is usually symbolized by a .....
letter of the alphabet ( usually the first letter of dominant trait)
A dominant allele is classified by using a ....
capital letter
A recessive allele is classified by using a...
lower case letter
The genetic make up, either heterozygous or homozygous is known as the....
two of the same alleles
ex. BB cc DD aa
having two different alleles
ex. Aa Bb
The outward expressed characteristics of a gene is known as a....
(expressed as a result of an activated gene or genes)
P stands for....
F1 stands for...
offspring filial "son"
F2 stands for....
next generation
Genes occur in pairs and control the inheritance of traits as a unit
Law of Unit Characters
The allele that controls the trait revealed or expressed is the dominant allele...
Law of dominance
Only one allele of each gene goes into a gamete...
Law of Segregation
Genes separate randomly into gametes and independently of each other....
Law of Independent Assortment
ex. Tt Bb
TB Tb tB tb possible gametes
Name Mendel's laws
-Law of Unit Characters
-Law of Dominance
-Law of Segregation
-Law of Independent Assortment
This is used to show expected ratios in genetic crossings...
Punnett Squares
To test if an organism is homozygous dominant or heterozygous dominant for a gene....pure bred or hybrid
test cross
Dominant alleles do not completely dominate....
Incomplete dominance
Molecules on the surface of a red blood cell are known as...
What determines your blood type?
the type of antigens on the surface of your RBC's
Antigens of the blood donor cannot match the antibodies of the receiver....why?
this would cause clotting in the veins and arteries
O negative is classified as the ....
Universal donor
AB positive is classified as the ....
Universal receiver
This condition can occur with Rh neg moms and Rh pos fetuses....
Rh incompatibility
Dihybrid cross....
two factor cross
Genes located on the same chromosome are known as...
linked genes
Genes inherited on the sex chromosomes (X or Y)
sex linked genes
What determines if the sex of an infant is male?
the presence of a Y sex linked gene
What determines if the sex of an infant is female?
the absence of a Y sex linked gene
In every cell, one of the X chromosomes coils up in females...this coiled chromosome is known as...
Barr body
Formation of Barr bodies to establish genetic equality in the sexes...
Dosage Compensation
Genes found on the X chromosome....
-muscular dystrophy
the inability for blood to clot...defiency of clotting factor 8 or Factor 9 is known as what condition?
Factor 8 - Hemophilia A
Factor 9 - Hemophilia B
The wasting away of muscles due to poor production of dystrophin protein in muscle cell membranes is found in what condition?
Muscular Dystrophy
Types of colorblindness...