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24 Cards in this Set

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the study of heredity of physical traits encoded by genes
ex. biological features transmitted from parent to offspring
DNA sequences that encode genetic information
The unit of hereditary information
ex. physical attributes mutation, expression and interaction, variation
a specific sequence of nucleotides
Recombinant DNA technology
splicing DNA of one organism into another organism as a form of treatment
hypothesis of evolutionary relationships among living organisms based on physical traits and/or DNA sequences
Properties of genetic information

1 Diversity of structure
2 Ability to replicate
3 Mutability
4 Expression
1 chemical diversity of molecules can explain/cause observed phenotypic variation
2 can make copies of the molecule w/ fidelity (no mistakes)
3 mechanism to introduce variation in genetic information
4 genetic info to phenotypic attributes
alternate forms of a gene

Where genes are located
separated during mitosis and meiosis

The physical location of a gene on ^
1 Genotype
2 Phenotype
3 traits
4 character
1 genetic information in DNA sequences
2 expressed traits
3 physical/shown (ex. blue/brown)
4 specific thing/location (ex. eye color)
alleles are a result of heritable change in genetic information passes from cell to cell and from parent to offspring
may produce variation in RNA or Protein function
heritable changes in allele frequencies in populations
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
information flow from DNA to RNA to protein

replication (DNA to DNA)
transcription (DNA to RNA)
translation (RNA to protein)

Semiconservative Replication

DNA Polymerase
process of copying double stranded DNA molecule

each strand of DNA is a template for replication and therefore creates two daughter molecules

enzyme that makes DNA copy of both strands of DNA

RNA Polymerase

mRNA vs fRNA
First step of gene expression- DNA copied to RNA molecule.

enzyme that makes and RNA copy of one strand of DNA encoded by a gene

translates into a protein vs function a RNA molecules

second step of gene expression- mRNA copied to protein/polypeptide

large complex of rRNA and protein that translates mRNA into a protein message
cotranscriptional (RNA) and post-translational (Protein) processing

reverse transcription
modification made to RNA and polypeptide that influence activity and function of gene products (functional RNA or protein)

synthesis of DNA from RNA in retroviruses or retrotransposons
all of the genetic information of an organism contained in a haploid set of chromosomes
Transmission genetics
inheritance of genes from generation to generation
-studying how phenotypes are passed
Population and quantitative genetics
behavior and inheritance of genes within and among populations of organisms
Molecular Genetics

chemical nature, structure, and function of genes

building blocks of DNA made of a sugar group, phosphate group, and a base (A, T, C, G)

500BC to late 1800
many parts of the body send info to the reproductive organs via ___________ into the reproductive organs that are passed to offspring
Inheritance of acquired characteristics
500BC to early 1800
traits occur over a lifetime and are passed to offspring

one parent contains ________ in gametes and enlarges during development
only one parent contributes phenotypes
Blending inheritance
offspring are a blend of parental traits
germ-plasm theory
end of 1800
parents contribute complete set of genetic info in gametes