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64 Cards in this Set

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What happens during Anaphase 1 of Meiosis
1. homolgous pairs seperate
2. one member of each pair migrate to each pole
3. each is a dyad
4. parent depends on position of centromere
What is going on during prophase? of mitosis
Key events:chromatin condenses to the indiviual chromosomes, chromosome have doubled, composed of 2 sister chromatides
other events: Nuclear membrane breaks down, centriols start to appear and go to poles, and spindle appadtus begin to develop
what is haploid
1 set of chromosomes, the chromosomes in the sex cells, OR the genome of an organisim
represented as n
what are the parts of the cell cycle
G1/Gap 1
G0/Ground state (with in G1)
S/Synthesis Stage
G2/Gap 2
What is interphase? of mitosis
"the resting phase"
key event: DNA and chromsome replicate
other events: cell going on with normal actions, and unraveling of chromosomes start to pick up stains
What is going on in Metaphase? of mitosis
Key event: each chromsome arrives at the metaphase plate and no pairing of each alligens
other events: microtubles of the spindle apparatuses start to develop and become spindle fiber, spindle fiber attaches to centromere at the kenetocore, and the movement of chromosomes to metaphase plate starts
What happens during anaphase? of Mitosis
key events: Disjunction, spindle fibers pull apart, and arms drag behind.
other events: centromere holding sister chromatids together splits, sister chromatides once seprated ate now independent chromosomes
What happens in Telophase 1 of Meiosis?
Cytokensis and going on to meiosis 2
Wht is going on during telophase and what is the difference between animal and plant.
divison of cells, cytokinesis
animal cell pinches in the middle
plant plate forms in middle and moves to edges.
What happens during Metaphase 2 of Meiosis?
Each chromosome (dyads) move in the metaphase plate.
What happens during Anaphase 2 of Meiosis?
each chromosome splits, allows for sepration of the dyads and 2 sisters become independent no longer sisters, they are now monads
what is the endosymbotic theory?
these free living organisms invaded animal or chlorophill and remain in the cytoplasm of the cell.
What happends during telophase 2 of Meiosis?
each cell forms 2 cells so total of 4 cells, 2 are identical, they are now haploid
what are the three parts of a chromosome?
p-arm (top, typically smaller), centromere, q-arm (bottom, typically larger)
where is the centromere in a chromosome designated as metacentric?
in the middle of the chromosome
where is the centromere in a chromsome designated as acrocentric?
midway down, top part of the chromosome
what happens in metaphase 1 of meiosis?
homolgous pairs migrate to the metaphase plate, randomness of where on the plate the chromsomes are.
What is the purpose of Meiosis?
reductional division, evolutionary process of "Sexual reproduction" need to produced sell cells or gemetes.
What is phenotype?
the physical characteristics, observable
What is Medel's 1st postulate or "law"?
that characteristics are determined by unit factors called genes or elements and these exists in pairs
what is a zygote?
1st cell of offspring
what are histones?
the protene that the chromatin is wrapped around. made up of 9 proteins called H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 (two of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4)
What are the different stages of prophase 1?
Leptone, zygonene, pachytene, diplotene, and Diakeisis.
Leaping Zebras Pounch Down Dunes
what is a genotype?
the genetics, the alleles
What is gene?
unit of inheritance
what is a karyotype
a display of all chromsomes of an organism and organized is due to size (largest to smallest) and shape
what is an allele?
any gene with the same locus
What is mendel's 3rd postulate?
segregation, gene pairs or parents segregate into their gametes then apon fertilization they come back in to offspring
Where is the centormere when the chromsome is designated as telocentric?
close to the end, the p arm is very short/non existent
What is mendel's 2nd postulate?
2 different gens controlling given characteristics but one gene dominates the other, recessive.
what is a gene locus?
location of any gene
what happens in diplotene/diplonema stage?
1. homologous pairs repulse each other
2. crossing over regions can be seen, points are called chiasma or chiasmata
what happend during diakinese?
1. chromosome contract
2. nuclear membrane breaks down
3. each centremere attachs to spindle fiber
what happens during leptone/leptonema?
1. chromsomes apear as slender strands
2. have replicated but sisters not visible or paired yet
what happens during pachytene/pachytema?
1. each chromsome apears, now visibly replicated and bound by a centromere which is also visible
2. close pairing, synaptonemial complex
3. exchange between non sister chromatin, not visible
what happens during zygonema/zygonetene stage?
1. rough pairing-homolgous pairs attrach each other, pair up synapse
2. don't appear replicated
3. bivalence, 2 strands
what is Mendel's 4th postulate
"law of independent assortment"
During gamete formation, segregating pairs of unit factors assort independently of each other
extra complete haploid set or missing a set
same set from a same genome
a set from a related genome
organism gains or losses one or more chromsomes, not a complete set
klinefelter syndrome
47, XXY
they are men but the testes are rudimentary and fail to produce sperm
turner syndrome
45, X
females but the ovaries are rudimentary
the failure of a chromosome to segregate properly
triplo-X or super female
47, XXX
normal females
Barr bodies
is the inactivated X chromosomes
n-1 (n=number of Xs)
lyon hypothesis
the pigmentation of the heterozygous females is mottled with large patechs expressing the color allele on one of the X.
down syndrome
found in 1866 by john langdon down
extra copy of chromsome 21
47, 21+
patau syndrome
found in 1960 by klaus patau
extra copy of chromosome 13
47, 13+
only lives to about 3 months
females are about 32 yrs old
edwards syndrome
found in 1960 by john h. edwards
extra copy of chromsome 18
47, 18+
lives less than 4 months
females are about 34.7 yrs. old
nonreciprocal translocation
reciprocal translocation
cri du chat syndrome or cry of the cat syndrom
deletion of a termnal portion of chromosome 5.
46, 5p-
paracentric inversion
ABcentromereCDEF--> ABcentromereEDCF
pericentric inversion
ABcentromereCDEF--> ADCcentromereBEF
arm length change
femilial down syndrome
14/21 translocation
robertsonian translocation
fragile X syndrome or Martin-Bell syndrome
addition of alittle at the end of the X chromosome, this causes mental retardation
this is dominate but females with it only about 30% are retareded but in males 80% are retareded