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57 Cards in this Set

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genetic determination model
many environments +1 genotype= 1 phenotype
environmental determination model
pheno. determined by environment, genes specify nature
2 environ + 1 geno= 2 pheno
genotype-environment interaction model
2 geno + 2 environ = 4 pheno
developmental noise
random microfluctuations in environment lead to variations in phenotype
% of indiv. with a given allele that exhibit phenotype
extent to which phenotype of allele is expressed
constitutive heterochromatin
maximal condensation during interphase, late to replicate, transcriptionally inactive
(centromeres and telomeres)
faculative heterochromatin
becomes highly condensed at particular stages
rRNA genes
uncoiled during interphase, most actively transcribed genes found here
unique and low copy sequences
encode functional products
highly repetitive DNA (satellite DNA)
tandem repeats around centromeres, telomeres, intercalary heterochromatin
multiple copy genes
rRNA and histone genes
minisatellites (VNTR's)
non-coding, number of repeats varies between homologous chromosomes
create human fingerprint with restriction enzyme
microsatellites (SSR's/STR's)
2-9 bp repeated 5-50 times
CODIS- 13 tetrameric STR's, amplified by PCR
move in form of DNA, req transposase, breaks at inverted repeats at ends
move in form of RNA, retrovirus like elements, LINES, and SINES
retrovirus like elements
rep. using reverse transcriptase (pol gene)
long interspersed elements
autonomous, poly a tail, ORF
short interspersed elements, non-autonomous, mobilized by lines, alu repeats
5' GU
splice donor site
3' AG
splice acceptor site
alternative splicing
can generate multiple proteins from a single locus
intercalary deletion
removes material within a chromosome, leaving telomeres in tact
terminal deletion
removes end of chromosome, causes reactive ends
phenotype of recessive allele in one homolog exposed by deletion of wild type allele
one copy of gene develops new function, other stays the same
duplicated genes divide original functions between them
misalignment of homologs during synapsis results in unequal exchange
inactive gene derived from duplicationof an ancestral active gene, usually transcriptionally active, but no functional product
gene that resides on same position on chromosome within a species

related genes within a species that arose from gene duplication

hemoglobin genes
genes in different species that have similar function and presumed to have common ancestral origin
hemoglobin genes in mice and humans
removal of a segment and reinserted 108 degreesin same location
paracentric inversion
doesnt include centromere, 1/2 gametes functional, 1/2 duplicated or deleted, acentric or dicentric
pericentric inversion
includes centromere, 1/2 gametes functional, 1/2 duplicated or deleted, all have 1 centromere,crossovers never recovered
chromosomal segment or group of genes protected from crossing over and transmitted from generation to generation as a single genetic unit
linkage disequillibrium
non-random association of linked gene alleles in the gametes
relocation of a chromosomal segment to a different position in the genome
reciprocal translocation
one part of chromosome is switched with a non-homogous chromosome
ring config formed during diakinesis
alternate segregation
both normal chromosomes migrate to same pole
adjacent segregation
normal and translocated chromosome migrate to one pole
transcriptional control
accessibility of gene to transcription apparatus- (chromatin structure)

control of transcription iniation by RNA poly.

regulation by enhancers
post transcriptional control
regulation of nuclear processing of mRNA's

mRNA transport from nucleus

differential splicing of pre-mRNAs
regulation of nuclear processing of mRNA's
capping 5' end of mRNA

polyadenylation (except histones)

generation of alternatively spliced mRNA's
translational control
selective translation of mRNA

degradation of mRNA in cytoplasm

mRNA stability

inhibition of translation (oocyte stores eggs)
post translational control
protein modification after translation
-attachment of lipids
-methylation of lysine

*bind to Ca+'s
*cleaved after translation (insulin)
*targeted to specific regions
*form complexes (hemoglobin)
addition of carbohydrate chain
attachment of lipids
may cause protein to localize to cell compartment where function is needed (cell membrane, ER, golgi)
addition/removal of phosphate group on serine, theronine, ot tyrosine residues
changes in protein stability
assembly of basal transcriptional complex
*promoter binds proteins that control iniation of transcription (TF's)
*TF's bind to promoter at tata box by TBP
*TBP recruits other proteins to RNA poly II
*TF's position RNA poly on promoter
*tail of RNA poly II phosphorlyated and released from promoter
mediator complex
modulate activity of RNA poly II and TFIIH
DNA sequence that activates a promoter and controls rate of transcription from that promoter
seq binds CTCF protein, attracts HAT, keeping region open and blocking surrounding closed regions from creeping into active gene
regulating access to gene
acetylating K9=open
methylating K9=closed
methylating K4=open (HDAC blocked from deacetylating K9)
methylation of K4 prevents changes to K9
DNA methylation
occurs at cytosine 5'CpG3'
passed on to generations
methylated DNA= closed
De Novo methylation
DMT methyl DNA