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25 Cards in this Set

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What is subjective information for the male genitourinary system?

1. Frequency, urgency, and nocturia

2. Dysuria

3. Hesitancy and straining

4. Urine color, odor, and transparency

5. Past genitourinary hx

6. Penis — Pain, lesion, discharge

7. Scrotum, self-care behaviors, lump

8. Sexual activity, contraceptive use, STI contact

All but which of the following stimulates urination:

A. Parasympathetic nervous system neurons

B. Micturition

C. Sympathetic nervous center

D. Spinal reflex

C. Sympathetic nervous center

The micturition reflex begins when the bladder contains how much urine?

150-250 mL

What occurs physiologically during urination?

(4 things)

1. Detrusor muscle of bladder contracts to push urine out.

2. Abdominal muscles may also be used to push urine out.

3. Internal sphincter relaxes.

4. External sphincter relaxes.

What can the nurse do to minimize the risk for getting a UTI when the patient has a catheter?

1. Take the catheter out ASAP

2. Push fluids

3. Hand hygiene

4. Keep stool out of the catheter

5. Make sure there are no kinks in the tubing

6. Make sure there is a constant flow of urine

How long is the male urethra?

16.5-18.5 cm long

What are the symptoms of stress incontinence?

1. Leaking during physical activity

2. Small amount of leakage with each episode of incontinence

3. Ability to reach the toilet in time following an urge to void

What are the symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB)?

1. Urgency

2. Frequency with urgency

3. Large amount of urinary leakage with each episode of incontinence

4. Inability to reach the toilet in time following an urge to void

5. Nocturnal incontinence

6. Nocturia

What kind of incontinence is often associated with falls?

Urge Incontinence

What is the difference between an STI and an STD?

An infection can be caught from somebody else, while a disease cannot.

Note: An infection can progress into a disease

How many Americans are affected by STIs?

65 Million

What are the top two STIs in America?

1. Genital Herpes (49%)

2. HPV (33%)

What is the purpose of the testicles?

They produce testosterone and sperm

What is the purpose of the scrotum?

To house the testes

What temperature does the scrotum maintain?

A temperature of 37 Celsius

When do the testes descend on infants?

The testes descend during the early 3rd trimester or early postnatal period.

What is an age related change in male genetalia?

Erectile ability declines with age but desire is usually still present.

At what age do the testes first enlarge?

Between ages 9.5 and 13.5

What health promotion can be done with regards to the male genetalia?

1. Safer Sex

2. Testicular Self-Exams

What inspection should be done of the male genetalia?

1. Hair Distribution

2. Penis — Retract foreskin if not circumsized as needed but replace!!!

3. Scrotum — Color, left testicle lower than right

4. Inspect inguinal area for herniation

Where should palpation be done when assessing male genetalia?

1. Penile shaft

2. Herniation into inguinal area

3. Testes — Might be sensitive to touch. Note excessive tenderness, nodules, and texture of skin

4. Palpate anal sphincter to note tone

5. Test stool for occult blood

What are the warning signs of testicular cancer?

1. Small, hard, painless lump — pea size

2. Feeling heaviness in the testicle

3. Enlargement of the testicle

4. Change in how testicle feels to touch

5. Sudden accumulation of fluid/blood in scrotum

What parts of the prostate are accessible to examination?

The superior and part of the lateral surfaces

What should the surface of the prostate feel like upon examination?

It should feel smooth and muscular. Search for any distinct nodule or diffuse firmness.

What characteristics should be noted about the prostate?

1. Size: Should not protrude more than 1 cm into the rectum

2. Shape: Should be heart shaped with a palpable groove

3. Surface: Smooth

4. Consistency: Elastic, rubbery

5. Mobility: Slightly movable

6. Sensitivity: Non-tender to palpation