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41 Cards in this Set

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(1) What was hovering over the face of the waters in verse 2
the Spirit of God
(1) What were God's actions for the first six days?
Day 1. Created Light. Separated light from darkness. named light Day and Darkness named Night.

2. Expanse created which separated waters. God calls expanse Heaven.

3. Waters gather and dry land appears. Land named Earth, waters names Seas. Land sprouts vegetation.

4. Lights in the heavens created. Greater to rule the day and lesser to rule the night- and the stars. lights to separate darkness.

5. created Creatures in the water, birds in heavens.

6. created land animals and man.
(1) God said "let ___ make man in our ___, after our _____. And let them have ____ over (creatures created prior to man.)
us, image, likeness, dominion
God's command to man
to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion over it.
What was man given to eat?
seed and its fruit. green plants.
(2) What did God do on the 7th day
God finished the work he had done and rested.Blessed the 7th day and made it holy
(2) "These are the the generations of" who ?
the heavens and the earth
(2)God breathed what into dust formed man which resulted in man becoming a living creature?
the breath of life.
(2)What did God plant in Eden? Who did he place there?
A garden; man whom he had formed
(2)What two special trees were placed in the garden?
The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
(2)What four rivers branched out of the garden?
Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates
(2) God put man in the garden to..
work it and keep it
(2) the punishment threatened by God to man if man were to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good evil?
death. "you shall surely die"
(2) God said that man needed a ____ and also stated that it was "not good for ____"?
helper; man to be alone
(3) The serpent is described as being more what than any other beast in the field?
(3) What does the serpent claim will happen when man eats of the fruit?
eyes will be opened, they will be like God knowing good and evil.
(3) Punishment spoken to the woman?
childbearing pain multiplied; desire shall be for your husband
(3)Punishment spoken to Adam
Ground will be cursed
(3) What id God make for Adam and his wife?
garments of skins to clothe them.
Man is kicked out of the garden to keep him from
eating of the tree of life and living forever.
Where were the cherubim and flaming sword placed?
East of the garden of Eden
(4) Abel's job? Cain's job?
keeper of the sheep; worker of the ground.
(4) Cain's punishment
fugitive and wanderer on the earth
(4) What was placed on Cain by God so that he would not be attacked or killed?
a mark
(4) Punishment for the one who killed Cain?
Vengeance sevenfold
(4)Where did Cain reside afterwards?
(4) Child of Cain
(4) Lamech boasts of what to his wives?
Of him killing a man after being struck
(4) Name of Son born to Adam's wife after Abel's death
(4)Name of Seth's son
(4) People began to do what around the time the events in this chapter took place
to call upon the name of the Lord
(5) Noah's Father was?
(5) How old was Noah when he fathered his three sons. Names of his three sons?
500; Shem, Ham, Japheth
6. Who saw that the daughters of man were attractive?
the sons of God
6. How many years does God say man's life will be?
6. How did God react when he saw that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"?
the Lord regretted that he made man on the earth, it grieved him to his heart,
6.The ark was to be made of what kind of wood?
Gopher wood
6. Ark was to be covered inside out with...?
6. How long was the ark to be? breadth? Height?
300 cubits; 50 cubits; 30 cubits
6. How many decks was the ark to have?
God tell Noah that he will establish what with him?
A covenant