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21 Cards in this Set

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1. True or False. The prevalence rate is the number of new cases of a diseas reported during a specific time period.
1. Traits, such as height, are a combined effect of multiple genes. This is called _____________
1. In pyloric stenosis, males have a lower _________________ in liability distribution than females which means that ___________ are more likely to exhibit pyloric stenosis.
1. Hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers are caused by complex genetic and environmental factors and can thus be considered __________________ diseases.
1. Neural tube defects (spina bifida) can be avoided in as many as 50 to 70% simply by dietary ____________ __________ supplementation.
folic acid
1. Nature vs nurture: Few traits are influenced only by ___________ or only by ___________ factors.
1. Table 5-4. List the most common congenital malformation in whites. _________ __________
Heart Defects
1. 75% of males with autosomal dominant familial hypercholesterolemia develop ______________ disease and 50% will have a fatal ___________ ___________ by 60 years of age.
myocardial infaction
1. Twenty to forty percent of hypertensive changes are thought to be caused by ___________ factors. Environmental factors influencing hypertension include increased ____________ intake, decreased physical activity, psychosocial _____________ and obesity (which is influenced by genes & environment)
1. The major types of cancer (breast, colon, prostate, ovarian) cluster strongly in families. This is caused by both shared _______________ and shared ________________.
shared genes
shared environment
1. If a woman has a first degree relative with breast cancer, the woman’s risk of developing breast cancer ______________.
1. Which genes are responsible for an autosomal dominant form of breast cancer?
a. LCAT genes
b. HLA DR3 and HLA DR4 genes
c. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
d. TP53 and TP54 genes
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
1. Risk of colorectal cancer in people with one affected first degree relative is ________ to _________ higher than in the general population.
2 to 3
1. True or False. A low fat and high fiber diet is thought to increase the risk of colon cancer.
1. A major characteristic of type 1 diabetes is that the is :
a. Partial insulin secretion
b. An autoimmune cause factor
c. Insulin resistance
d. Obesity as a common risk factor
An autoimmune cause factor
1. The two most important risk factors for type 2 diabetes are:
a. Autoanitboides and HLA associations
b. Autoantibodies and obesity
c. Obesity and positive family history
d. HLA associations and positive family history
Obesity and positive family history
1. Obesity acts as an important risk fact for type 2 diabetes by:
a. Reducing the amount of insulin the pancrease produces
b. Increasing the resistance to insulin by cells
c. Obstructing the outflow of insulin from the pancreas
d. Stimulating the liver to increase glucose production
Increasing the resistance to insulin by cells
1. The risk for developing Alzheimer disease ________________ in individuals who have an affected first degree relative.
1. Studies have shown that offspring of an alcoholic parent when raised by noalcoholic parents have _________ increased risk of developing alcoholism.
a. No
b. A twofold
c. A fourfold
d. A tenfold
a fourfold
1. An individual with a parent with schizophrenia, has about __________ times higher risk of having symptoms than the general population.
1. Because many diseases with a genetic component are multifactorial, ____________ ____________ can reduce risk significantly and should be the target of preventive medicine.
lifestyle modification