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31 Cards in this Set

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Generalized Anxiety
The experience of long term, persistent anxiety and worry.
Phobic Disorders
Intense irrational fears of specific objects or situations.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Disease characterized by obsessions and compulsions

A persistent unwanted thought or idea that keeps reoccurring.

An irresistible urge to carry out some act that seems strange or unreasonable.
A class of disorders in which severe distortion of reality occurs.
A disorder in which a person displays 2 or more distinct personalities.
A description of behaviors.
To diagnose abnormal disorders.
Problems with Freud's psychoanalysis
Time consuming
Does treatment actually work?
Controversial techniques
The Rosenhan study
Conducted a fake study where he admitted 8 patients to an institution who were "hearing voices"

psych disabilities are not always clear.
A trance like state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others.
Mood Disorder
An emotional disturbance that is strong enough to intrude on everyday living.
Somatoform Disorder
Psychological difficulties that take on actual physical form, but there is no medical cause.
Rational Emotive Therapy
Attempts to restructure a person's belief system into a more realistic, logical and rational set of views by challenging the irrational behavior.
The Festinger study
forbidden toy experiment

cognitive dissonance
Stanley Milgrim Study
Obedience and following authority

majority of participants would shock up the dangerous level
Philip Zimbardo Study
mock prison test where students took on roles of both prisoners and guards.
study lost control and people became emotionally disturbed
Solomon Asch
line test, conformity
Stages of Sleep
Stage 1: rapid low amp brain waves
Stage 2: slow, reg brain patterns, spiking spindles
Stage 3: Higher peaks, lower valleys of waves
Stage 4: slower more reg least responsive to outside stimuli- deep sleep
REM: rapid eye movement and dreaming... body is paralyzed
When do night terrors occur?
during stages 4/5 happens in children.
can be extremely violent but have no memory when they wake.
Don't do this____ when you deal with sleep problems.
avoid caffeine and sleeping pills
Psychoactive Drugs

Stimulants: caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, meths

depressants: alcohol

barbs: rufenoyl

narcotics: morphine, heroin

hallucinogens: thc, mdma, acid
Cattell Personality Test
factor analysis

16 traits represent basic dimensions of personality
The big five




Subjective well being
people's evaluations of their own lives in terms of thoughts and emotions.
Freud's stages of personality
oral: oral gratification-sucking, eating

anal: anal gratification- expelling wastes

phallic: interest with genitals. oedipal conflict

latency: sexual concerns are unimportant

genital: reemergence of sexual interests, est mature relationships
Circadian rhythms and biological clocks
occur regularly on a 24 hour cycle
Misconceptions of hypnosis
can only be hypnotized if you really want to
Conversion Disorder
actual physical disturbance
Dissociative Amnesia
repress memories

selective memory loss
Dissociative Fugue
people with amnesia take a sudden impulsive trip and sometimes assume a new identity

after some time, they suddenly remember who they really are

Major Depression

severe form of depression that interferes with concentration

mania- extended state of wild elation

bipolar- periods of altering mania and depression. can occur over a few days or up to a few years
Borderline Personality Disorder
difficulty developing a secure sense of self

tend to rely on relationships with others to define their identity