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41 Cards in this Set

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age, sex, level of consciousness, skin color, and facial features
physical apprearance
stature, nutrition, symmetry, posture, position, body build, contour
body stucture
gait, range of motion
facial expressions, mood & affect, speech, dress, and personal hygeine
- on admission to healthcare facility (baseline) when assessing the client during home care visits
before and after surgical or invasive diagnostic procedure
routine schedule according to physicians order to facility standards of practice (minimum std) befire and after certain medications and therapies
change codition
before, during and after interventions
when to take vital signs
balance scale, recommended range of height. it is in kg
use wall mounted device or the measuring pole on the balance scale. should be shoeless inches to feet
_____ as themostat mechanism influeces on temperature- diurinal cycle, menstrual cycle, excercise, and age. 37.2 C (99F) deep body temp
oral temp of a resting person is 37 C (98.6), with a range off 35.8 C to 37.3 C (96.4 F to 99.1F). the rectal temp measures 0.4 C to 0.5 C (0.7F to 1F) higher
oral, electronic thermometer, axillary, rectal, tympanic membrane thermometer
routes of temp mearurement
temperature of deep body tissues, under control of the hypothalamus, maintained within narrow range, temp 36.5-37.5 C (96.8-99.4 F)
core temperature
skin temps reacts to ________
acceptable temp range for adults depends on age, gender, range of physical activity and state of health
vasodilation, sweat gland function, pyrexia-fever, environment, temperature site, types of clients and specific settings
factors affecting temperature
with every beat, the heart pumps an amount of blood into the aorta
stroke volume
60 to 100 beats per minute start counting with 0 assess the ____, including 1 rate 2 rhythm 3 force and 4 elasticity
less than 60 BPM is _______
occurs normally in a well trained athlete whose hear muscle develops along with the skeleltal muscle. a more rapid heart rate over 100 BPM is ______
the heart rate varies with respiratory cycle, speeding up at the peak of inspiration and slowing to normal with expiration commonly found in children and young adults
sinus arrythmia
shows the strength pf the hearts stroke volume. a weak thready pulse reflects a decreased ___ ____. a full bounding pulse denotse an increased ____ _____
3+ full, bounding
2+ normal
1+ weak, absent
0- absent
with normal ____ the artery feels springy, straight, resilient.
if the pulse is ____ count for 60 seconds. assess frequency and pattern of ____ . when pulse is ____ compare radial pulses bilaterally
adult 10-20. ratio of ulse rate to ___ ___ should be approximatley ___
respiratory rate
less than 10 breaths per minute
greater than 20 breaths per minute
respirations increased in depth
cease for several seconds
assess by observing rate, depth, and rhythm of respiratory movements. determine baseline. observe complete cycle
respiratory cycle/rate
if irregular less than _ or greater than _ count respirations for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. note depth of respirations- shallow, normal, or deep- dont confuse sighing with abnormal rhythem
measures arterial blood o2 saturation % of hgB filled with o2- LED (light emitting diode) probe. non-invasive and reliable
pulse oximetry
sites (highly vascular to detect light):
-earlobe- least effected by decresed blood flow
-disposable- bridge of nose (adult), palm of (infant)
expensive, latex, increased rick of pathogens
pulse oximetry
90% to 100% normal
abnormal <85%
85%-89% may be acceptable in certain disease.
- no nail polish clean sites, lights must line up, good contact, good waveform, pulse should match actual pulse
BP cuff and peripheral vasoconstrictio will interfere
readings and use of the pulse ox
maximum pressure felt on the artery during left ventricular contraction
systolic pressure
resting pressure that the blood exerts constantly between each contraction
diastolic pressure
is the different between systolic and diastolic and reflects the stroke volume
pulse pressure
is the pressure forcing blood into the tissues, averaged over the cardiac cycle. it is closer to diastolic pressure plus one third the pulse pressure
mean arterial pressure
age- higher with age
race- AA have higer BP
weight- is higher in obese persons
emotions- momentarily rises with fear, anger, and pain as a result of stimulation of sympathetic nervous system.
stress- it is elevated on persons feeling continual tension because of lifestyle, occupational stress or life problems
influence BP
cardiac output- heart pumps more blood into the vessels, the pressure om the container walls increases
peripheral vascular resistance- oppositions to blood flow through the arteries. when vessel becomes smaller the pressure needed to push the contents becomes greater
Volume of circulation blood- how tightly the blood is packed into the arteries. increasing contents increases pressure
BP determined by 5 factors
Viscosity- thickness of the blood they are thicker oressure increases
elasticity of vessel walls- when the container walls are stiff and rigid the pressure needed to push the contents increases
BP is determines by 5 factors
I. systolic pressure
IV. muffling of sounds
V. diastolic pressure
korotkoffs sounds
a drop in systolic pressure of more than 20 mmhg, orthostatic pulse increases of 20bpm or more, occurs with a quick change to a standing position
orthostatic hypotension
2 step method - estimate sbp to prevent falso-low readings
1 step method- 30mmhg> usual baseline __
- palpate radial while taking BP and pump to 30 mmhg above pulse disappearance 2 sets, 2 minutes apart to establish baseline
blood pressure
when BP measured at the arm is excessively high, particularly in adolescents and young adults, compare it with thigh pressure to check for ______ of the aorta (a congenital form of narrowing). normally thigh pressure is higher than that in the arm