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46 Cards in this Set

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What are some causes of bowel ileus?
Abdominal operation
Takes SB out for 24 hrs, takes colonic and gastric motility out for 2-5 days
Electrolyte - hypo K, Na, Mg, and hyper Mg
Spinal cord injury
mesenteric ischaemia
drugs - opiates, anticholinergics, CCBs, TCAs
What are the main causes of intussuception in adults?
abdominal surgery
Which chromosomal abnormality is associated with hirschsprung's disease
trisomy 21
Are epididymal cysts usually separate or attached to the body of the testicle?
Usually found posterior
Management of infantile hydroceles?
Generally repaired if they do not resolve spontaneously by the age of 1-2 years
What is a varicocele?
abnormal enlargement of testicular veins
Management of varicocele?
usually conservative
occasionally surgery is required if the patient is troubled by pain
debate as to whether surgery improves infertility
What is first line management for chronic anal fissues?
> 6 weeks
topical nitrates
if not effective after 8 weeks - consider botulinum toxin
Which hernia is strangulation more common in?
How does an obturator hernia typically present?
bowel obstruction
Which peptic ulcer is improved pain with eating?
What are the storage symptoms of LUTS?
urge incontinence
What are the voiding symptoms of LUTS?
weak stream
terminal dribbling
incomplete emptying
MOA of finasteride?
blocks conversion of testosterone to DHT
can cause a reduction in prostate volume - hence may slow disease progression
Which meds are first line in treatment of BPH?
alpha 1 antagonists
What is mammary duct ectasia and how does it present?
dilatation of the large breast ducts
most common around menopause
tender lump around areola +/- a green nipple discharge
if ruptures can cause local inflammation (plasma cell mastitis)
What are lumpy breasts called?
Which bacteria presidpose to the formation of staghorn calculi?
ureaplasma urealyticum
Do 5 alpha reductase inhibitors affect the PSA level?
they may decrease it by 50%
What is the maxium safe volume dose of lidocaine 1% that can be used during minor surgery on an average sized adult?
20ml of 1%
10ml of 2%
What is gosrelin?
synthetic GnRH agonist (Zoladex)
Must cover initially with anti-androgen (cyproterone acetate) to prevent rise in testosterone
Management of intermittent claudication?
Graduated walking program
Smoking cessation
1. Aspirin 2. clopidegral (not on PBS)
Which positions are haemorrhoids usually seen?
3 7 11 O clock
Which haemorrhoids are more prone to thrombosis?
When is surgery recommended for haemorrhoids?
large symptomatic haemorrhoids that do not response to outpatient treatments
How do you manage thrombosed haemorrhoids?
I pt presents within 72 hours then referral should be considered for excision otherwise patients can usually be managed with stool softeners, ice packs, analgesia
Sx usually settle within 10 days
How long does finasteride take to work before results are seen in BPH?
6 months
Congenital inguianl hernias are more common on which side?
right side
NB: 10% are bilateral
Describe the C in the CEAP classification of venous disease?
0 - none
1 - telangiectasiae/reticular veins
2 - varicosities
3 - swelling
4 - lipodermatosclerosis
5 - healed ulceration
6 - chronic venous ulcer
What is the difference between venous and arterial claudication?
Similar except venous takes longer to subside after rest and may not go away completely until leg is elevated
What is superficial thrombophlebitis?
clot forms in a varicose vein
Are complression stockings used for venous problems stronger or weaker than those used for DVT prophylaxis?
HOw do you manage veins in the C1,C2 category? I.e. telangeictasiea/reticular veins, varicosities? i.e. just localised varicosities with no incompetence or obstruction
+ compression with stockings/bandages
When is surgical intervention for venous disease warranted?
Varicosities, swelling, lipodermatosclerosis, healed ulceration, chronic venosu ulcer
Femorofemoral bypass for iliac obstruction
venous valve reconstruction
What classified major surgery? How long do they need prophylaxis for?
Major surgery = intra-abdominal surgery or surgery > 45 mins
Require 5-10 dayus prophylaxis
Which drugs are used for urge incontinence?
anticholinergics - oxybutynin
antimuscarinics - darifenacin, solifenacin
+ bladder training
Anti-muscarinic jsut as effective with less side effects BUT expensive not on pbs
What are the urodynamic findings seen in women with stress incontinence?
urethral hypermobility - lack of support to bladder neck
intrinsic sphincter deficiency - inherent weakness in the actualy sphincter mm
Usually a combination of both
What is detrusor sphincter dyssynergia?
detrusor contracts against a closed distal sphincter mechanism
Predominantly seen in spinal cord injured patients
high morbidity/mortality without approprate treatment
Is excess acid involed in GORD?
a whole lot of other factors are including competence of the lower oesophageal sphincter
What is reflux oesophagitis?
consequence of reflux with presence of inflammation and ulceration of the lower oesophageal mucosa - precuror of peptic stricture and barrett's oesophagus
What is a peptic stricture?
Consequence of severe GORD
Fibrous stricture related to collagen deposition, which occurs in course of repaid or oesophagitis
causes mechanical obstruction
can treat with balloon dilatation
In endoscopy what do multiple rings, furrows, whitish exudates "tramtarcks" suggest?
eosinophillic oesophagitis
How do you manage eosinophilic oesophagitis?
oral fluticasone
eliminiation diets
careful dilataion
does coeliac's disease predispose to oesophageal cancer?
Does achalasai predispose to oesophageal cancer?
What is boerhaave's syndrome?
Spontaneous oesophageal rupture
tyipcally with vomitting but can occur with any transient elevation of intra-abdominal pressure (e..g, lifting, straining)
Pain, vomiting, SC emphysema, pneumothorax, penumomediastribnum, dysphagia