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8 Cards in this Set

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IUPAC naming steps

1. Identify longest chain (w/ highest priority group)

2. Number chain w/ func. groups w/ lowest #s

(in rings- # starts @ C w/ greatest substitution

3. Name substituent groups

ex: Methyl, Ethyl, n-propyl

4. assign number to each substituent

5. complete the name


what is the formula for alkanes?


1 carbon methane

2 C ethane

3C Propane

4C Butane

5c Pentance

6C Hexane

7C Heptance

8C Octane

Alkene vs Alkane vs Alkyne

Alkanes- only single C-C Bonds

Alkenes- contain a C- C double bond

Alkynes- contain a C-C Triple Bond

*double triple bond w/ lowest number like a substituent

ex: 2-butene or but-2-ene

2 C-C double bonds 1,3-butaDIene


common name of 2-propanol and ethanol

suffix for two alcohol group

-two alcohols on same carbon is called:

- two alcohols on adjacent carbons are called

end in -ol

Chain is numbered w/ attached OH

*takes precedence over multiple bonds

b/c higher oxidation state of its carbon

common names to know

ethyl alcohol - ethanol

Isopropyl alcohol- is same as 2-propanol

x2 OH same carbon: Geminal Diols

** also called hydrates: they spontaneously dehydrate (lose H2O) to form carbonyl C=O

x2 OH on adjacent carbons: Vicinal

Aldehydes and ketones

both contain a ____ group

Aldehyde: chain-terminating R-COH

- aldehydes end in -al ex: butanal

common aldeyhydes:

methanal HCOH---->formaldehyde

Ethanal CH3COH---> acetaldehyde

proponal CH3CH2COH---> propionaldehyde

Ketone R-CO-R both are only connecting to alkyl chains

- ketones end in -one

common ketones

2 Propanone CH3COCH3 ---> acetone

Many carbons can be named relative to a carbonyl group

what are the successive carbons referred to?

Adjacent carbon to a carbonyl group= alpha

then beta, gamma, and delta carbons

**same on both sides of the carbonyl

--important for alpha carbon acidity

Carboxylic Acids

contain two groups: ___ and ___ connected to a carbon

what are some of the common carboxylic acid names?

contain a C=O and C-OH or together -COOH

- end in -oic acid

**highest priority functional groups on MCAT

b/c it is the most oxidized- three bonds to Oxygen

common names

methanoic acid HCOOH---> formic acid

Ethanoic Acid CH3COOH ---> acetic acid

Propanoic Acid: CH3CH2COOH --> Propionic acid

Carboxylic Acid derivatives Includes (3)

Esters: common: COOH, the -OH --> -O-R (alkoxy group-


1. name the group attached to the ester(@oxygen)

this goes in the front of name

2. Name the parent acid, ends with -oate from -oic acid

ex: formic acid+ butanol ---> butyl methanoate


-OH replaced with amino group(contains N)

-same as ester- ends with amide

ex: N-ethyl propanamide

Anyhydrides ( an-without, hydo-water)

- H2O removed, bond between x2 COOH groups oic acid---> oic anyhydride

- if equal C on both sides, do not repeat

ex: ethanoic anyhydride (2C each side of R-O-R)