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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 general categories for the cause of weight loss?
1) Inadequate feed and/or water intake
2) Poor quality feed and water source
3) An inability or reluctance to eat or swallow
4) Incomplete digestion or nutrient absorption
5) Increased loss after absorbing nutrients
6) Increased metabolic demand
True or false. There is usually a primary reason underlying weight loss.
False, there is often more than one cause for weight loss is present making identifying an etiology and successfully managing weight loss more difficult
What are 3 possible circumstances of inadequate feed intake?
1) Poor management and simply feeding too little
2) Excessive competition from herd mates
3) Too many horses present in a restricted area
What is a physical reason for weight loss?
Reduced mobility may limit getting adequate feed
Decreased ______ consumption leads to weight loss quickly, partly as a result of decreased feed intake.
Water consumption
What can cause an inability or reluctance to eat?
-Feed palatability and quality
-Dental and oral disease
-Musculoskeletal problems
-Neurologic dysfunction
If multiple horses on a farm are experiencing weight loss, _______ should be considered.
Feed quality
How do you diagnose palatability and feed quality as the issue causing decreased feed intake?
By eliminating other causes in many situations
How may an animal with a mandible or maxillary fracture present?
Weight loss
Abnormal eating behavior
Damage to what cranial nerves can affect chewing, swallowing and prehension?
What are some ways that cranial nerves V, VII, IX and XII can be damaged?
-Guttural pouch infections
-Otitis interna
Dental disease is not limited to geriatric horses and young horses may have ________ creating pain or physically inhibiting chewing.
Retained deciduous teeth
Anorexia may be observed secondary to ______ or chronic pain.
Systemic disease
True or false. Poor digestion as a result of pancreatic disease or enzyme deficiencies commonly cause weight loss.
False, infrequent if at all
An inability to masticate feed and present feed particles in an appropriate size for the colon to completely digest may be a factor of ______
Poor dentition
Colonic and cecal microflora disruption may develop asa result of __________ leading to abnormal cecal and colonic fermentation and absorption.
small intestinal malabsorption
What are 3 examples of pathologic processes that lead to increased nutrient loss?
1) Protein losing enteropathy
2) Renal disease
3) Third space sequestration
-Regardless of process protein loss is a consistent finding
Protein losing enteropathies will usually result in ______ and _______ as well as weight loss.
Malabsorption and maldigestion
What are 5 physiologic alterations that cause an increased metabolic demand?
1) Lower environmental temperature
2) Pregnancy
3) Lactation
4) Breeding season for a stallion
5) Increased exercise
What are 4 examples of chronic pathophysiologic changes that result in an increased metabolic demand?
1) Neoplasm
2) Chronic laminitis
3) Renal failure
4) Liver disease
What are the 5 stops in a general approach to diagnosing the cause for weight loss?
1) Environment evaluation
2) Thorough history & physical exam INCLUDING RECTAL PALPATION
3) Feed evaluation including a complete feed analysis
-Takes ~1 week
4) Minimum data base
-always have at least 1 starting point - start w/ common things first then reassure differentials w/ exam/ tests
Is pancreatic dysfunction more common in small or large animals?
Small animals
Why can we see tartar build up in horses with renal dysfunction?
Because calcium is controlled by the kidneys so see tartar from calcium build up
What would be a situation where a horse would lose weight due to exercise demands?
Strenuous exercise after a horse stands around all winter, then can't keep up w/ increased demands