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56 Cards in this Set

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What is the actual process that results in a cough?
Sudden, forceful expiration against a closed glottis followed by opening of the glottis and turbulent airflow through this opening
Explain a typical cough reflex.
-Air is rapidly inspired, the epiglottis and focal folds close to entrap air in the airways.
-Diaphragm, internal intercostals and abdomen muscles rapidly and forcefully contract
-epiglottis and vocal folds open and air that was at an increased pressure in airways is rapidly expelled
What is the purpose of coughing?
When air under pressure is expelled intent is for it to carry foreign material with it
What receptors are responsible for initiating the cough reflex?
Irritant receptors in the airways
The irritant receptors responsible for the cough reflex are particularly concentrated in the ______ and ______, but also occur in other areas of the respiratory tract.
Concentrated in larynx & carina
-also present in trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and even alveoli
The trachea of what animal is much less sensitive to mechanical stimulation compared to other species?
What are some stimuli of the irritant receptors in the airway?
Fluid, noxious gases, and particulate matter inside airways or external compression
What receptors are primarily responsible for responding to mechanical stimulation in the airways?
Rapidly adapting stretch receptors in the mucosa of the tracheobronchial tree
What in the airway is responsible for responding to chemical stimulation?
C-fibers in close proximity to blood vessels in the airways
-also respond to mechanical stimulation
Are the proximal or distal airways more susceptible to mechanical stimulation? Chemical?
-Proximal airways more susceptible to mechanical stimulation
-distal airways more susceptible to chemical stimulation
What happens after the mechanical, chemical or irritant receptors are stimulated in the airways?
Neuropeptides (substance P, calcitonin, gene related peptide etc.) are release--> afferent sensory fivers run through vagus n to medulla in brain (cough center)----> efferent fibers stimulates mm. of larynx, trachea, bronchi, diaphragm, intercostals and abdominal muscles
What is the "expiratory reflex"?
When there is direct stimulation of the larynx (such as intubation) and cough occurs w/o inspiration
_______ can also cause a cough (mechanism unknown) as a result of stimulation of irritant receptors and vagally-mediated reflex bronchoconstriction.
What are the 2 systems typically investigated for the source of a cough?
What are some important aspects of history when trying to diagnose the source of a cough?
Geography, environment, other animals affected, previous illness, vaccine status, duration of illness/signs, progression, time/character of cough, treatment & response to treatment
when an animal has a cough a complete physical exam should be performed with particular attention paid to what aspects?
Symmetry of head, the nares, nasal discharge, ocular discharge, sinus percussion (LA), mucous membrane color/refill, palpaiton of neck (lnn, salivary glands, HR/rhythm, jugular pulse/distension, femoral pulse character
Collapsing trachea is most common in what breeds?
Toy breeds
What age of horses are affected by Rhodococcus equi?
What horses are most prone to COPD?
Stabled, mature horses
What dogs are predisposed to bronchitis?
American Cocker Spaniels
Is a young cat with acute onset of a cough and dyspnea more likely to have feline asthma or a pulmonary mass?
Feline asthma
What part of history would suggest shipping fever in cattle?
Recent stressors
-long travel, no preconditioning
Clinical signs (cough) in animals in the same environment might suggest what etiology?
Infectious or toxic
Pulmonary edema is generally associated with what condition? What can be found during the physical exam that would be suggestive of this condition?
Left sided heart failure (mitral valve regurgitation)
-a murmur on left in the presence of a cough (dog, NOT cat) is more suggestive of heart disease than a murmur on the right
Pulmonary edema is typically associated with left-sided heart failure, whereas right sided heart failure can be associated with pulmonary ________.
A toy breed dog presents to you with a cough, tracheal sensitivity and a heart murmur on the left and right side with equal intensity. What are some possible conditions contributing to the cough?
Collapsing trachea
Chronic bronchitis
Mitral valve regurgitation
Left atrial enlargement
Pulmonary edema
What are the diagnostics used to evaluate the respiratory system? (there's a laundry list of em!)
CBC, fibrinogen (LA), chemistry panel, clotting profile, urinalysis, fecal analysis, heartworm testing, nasal/ pharyngeal swabs, serology viral isolation/culture, measures of oxygenation/ventilation (arterial blood gas, pulse ox), diagnostic imaging (rads, ultrasonography cross-sectional imaging), endocscopy, thoracoscopy, and tissue/fluid sampling
What are 2 conditions that could cause a cough that might present as anemia on the CBC?
Hemorrhage, coagulopathy
An acute polycythemia can occasionally be noted in animals with a cough in cases of prolonged _______.
hypoxemia (paO2< 60mmHg)
Chemistry panels and urinalysis are rarely specific for respiratory diseases, so what's the point of running them in an animal with a cough?
May provide additional info on the general health of the patient as well as info to create a proper diagnostic plan
What's the purpose of collecting samples from lymph nodes, nasal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, bronchoalveolar lavage, and lung aspirates?
Can be collected for cytology, culture and virus isolotion/ culture/IFA/PCR
What is the purpose of performing an ultrasound on an animal with a cough?
To evaluate soft tissue structures in cervical area and thoracic wall as well as pleura and pleural fluid
-obtain diagnostic samples
-some cases of parenchymal disease where lung lobe assumes abnormal soft-tissue consistency (mass, abscess, consolidation, hemorrhage)
MRIs may be used to evaluate soft tissue tissues in the neck when you have a dog with a cough, but why are CTs preferred for the thorax?
Effects of movement associated w/ ventilation on images acquired via MRI
What diagnostic imaging do you want to use if you suspect a pulmonary thromboembolism?
CT w/ contrast administration or ventilation/ perfusion studies
What do we use endoscopy for when trying to discover the origin of a cough?
Often employed to allow visualization of the airways as well as aid in diagnostic sampling
What do we use thorascopy for when trying to diagnose the origin of a cough?
To evaluate intrathoracic structures w/ minimal invasion
-obtaining diagnostic samples
What do the diagnostics used to evaluate the cardiovascular system include?
Minimum database (CBC, chem panel, urinalysis +/- fecal, HW test)
thoracic rads
What may be seen to signify heartworms as a cause of a cough (other than + HW test) on a diagnostic workup?
What will you see on blood work of an animal with a portosystemic shunt as the underlying cause of a cough?
Absolute polycythemia
What do you expect to see on bloodwork of an animal with endocarditis as the source of a cough?
Inflammatory leukogram with a left shift
Thrombocytopenia (+/-)
What is the purpose of running a chemistry panel when evaluating the cardiovascular system in a dog with a cough?
Guiding therapeutic decisions but rarely renal failure may be noted secondary to low output heart failure
______ is very important in the diagnostic evaluation of cardiac disease.
Thoracic radiographs
What do you need to make sure to evaluate on thoracic radiographs in a dog with a cough?
Size and position of heart and its chambers
Pulmonary vasculature
Pulmonary parenchyma
Is hypertension or hypotension more commonly found in animals with a cough due to cardiovascular disease? Why?
Hypotension as the result of heart failure and treatment of heart disease
How is the electrocardiogram helpful in cardiac workup of a dog with a cough?
Evaluate chamber size and rhythm disturbances associated w/ different types of cardiac dz
When are echocardiograms performed in an animal with a cough?
in patients suspected to have cardiac disease to definitely identify the cause and severity of disease
What is treatment for coughs aimed at?
Treating underlying etiology in most cases
-some instances treatment of cough itself is not necessary due to mild symptoms (infectious tracheobronchitis, mild collapsing trachea) or contraindicated (bacterial pneumonia
When is treating the cough itself contraindicated? indicated?
Contraindicated: bacterial pneumonia
Indicated: if cough significalntly impacts patient comfort or aggravates inflammation (severe bronchitis)
What are the most effective cough suppressants?
Those that act centrally=opioids
True or false. Morphine has anti-tussive effects and is commonly used for a cough suppressant.
False, is an anti-tussive, but not commonly used bc of its side effects
What are some more commonly used cough suppressants?
Dextromorphan (over the counter opioid), codeine
What are the 2 most effective cough suppressants?
How can you treat the underlying cause of a cough due to cardiogenic pulmonary edema?
How can you treat a cough due to infectious causes? Inflammatory airway disease?
Infectious: antibiotics, antifungals
Inflammatory airway diseases: glucocorticoids
Bronchoconstriction can be seen with various respiratory diseases but is most pronounced in ______.
Feline asthma
What can be used to treat a cough due to bronchoconstriction (feline asthma)?
Bronchodilators: bronchoconstriction leads to mechanical irritation and cough
-some bronchodilators may also have anti-inflammatory effects or enhance mucociliary clearance