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27 Cards in this Set

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What is the digestive system?

An exchange system through which food substances are absorbed

What is the digestive system comprised of?

The mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine and the rectum

What are the 3 parts of the stomach?




Where are salivary glands found?

In the mouth

What do salivary glands do?

They secrete saliva containing the enzyme amylase.

Where does food go first?

It enters the buccal cavity and passes through the oesophagus

What is the oesophagus?

A tube which carries food from the mouth to the stomach in a bolus

How does the oesophagus move food?


What is the stomach?

A muscular sac

What do cells lining the stomach produce?

Hydrochloric acid and protease enzymes

What does the hydrochloric acid do?

It provides the optimum pH for the protease enzymes in the stomach

What is the stomach comprised of?

Muscles in the stomach wall

What do the muscles do?

They contract and churn the contents known as chime

Where does the food go after the stomach?

It passes through the ileum

What is found in the ileum?

Pancreatic secretions

What is found in pancreatic secretions?

Bile and pancreatic carbohydrases, lipases and proteases to hydrolyse, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins

What is the ileum made of?

Epithelial walls

What do the epithelial walls have?

Membrane bound carbohydrases (enzymes)

What is special about the ileum?

The inner walls are folded into villi which is made of tiny projections-microvilli

What do the villi do?

Provide a larger surface area for absorption of the products of digestion

What happens to remaining undigested food?

It passes into the large intestine

What happens in the large intestine?

Water is absorbed from all the secretions

What happens after the large intestine?

Faeces are formed and stored. They are then periodically removes via the anus

What is this process of removal called?


What are the 2 stages of digestion?

Physical and chemical digestion

What happens in physical digestion?

Large food particles are broken down by the action of the teeth, increasing surface area for chemical digestion. Churning by the stomach muscles also physically breaks up the food.

What causes chemical digestion?

Specific enzymes carrying out hydrolysis reactions using water to break chemical bonds