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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of nuclear division?
Mitosis and Meiosis.
Mitosis produces how many and what type of cells?
2 genetically identical cells.
Meiosis produces how many and what type of cells?
4 haploid non-genetically identical cells.
What stages does Interphase stage consist of?
S1, G, S2
What does M stage consist of?
Mitosis and Cytokinesis.
Name the order and stages of cell cycle.
Interphase (G1, S, G2), Mitosis (PMAT) & Cytokinesis
What does Cytokinesis produce in plants?
Cell Plate.
What does Cytokinesis produce in animals?
Cleavage Furrow.
Name the four areas of root tip from top to bottom.
Region of Maturation, Region of Elongation, Region of Cell Division (Meristem) and Root Cap.
Acronym for four areas of root tip from top to bottom.

M - Maturation (Region)
E - Elongation (Region)
C - Cell Division (Region)
R - Root Cap
The state of embryonic development where cells are rapidly dividing in animal cell mitosis.
Pairs of homologous chromosomes.
Diploid = 2n.
One of each homologous pair.
Haploid = n.
Union of nucleus of sperm and nucleus of ovum.
Fertilization restores _____.
Diploid number.
What is the result of fertilization?
A zygote.
What is a zygote?
A fertilized egg.
Meiosis I is what kind of division?
Reduction Division.
What is reduction division?
Number of chromosomes reduce from diploid to haploid.
What does each single chromosome consist of?
2 chromatids.
Meiosis II is what kind of division?
Equatorial Division.
What is Equatorial Division?
Divides 2 chromatids; like Mitosis.
What is the pairing of homologous pairs called?
When does Synapsis occur?
Prophase I.
What is the result of synapsis?
A tetrad.
What is a tetrad?
4 chromatids.
Chromosomes line up in pairs on metaphase plate during this phase of Meiosis.
Metaphase I.
What occurs during Metaphase I?
Law of Independent Assortment; Chromosomes line up in pairs on metaphase plate.
Homologous pairs separate, reducing chromosome number to haploid during this phase of Meiosis.
Anaphase I.
What occurs during Anaphase I?
Law of Segregation; Homologous pairs separate but CENTROMERES DO NOT DIVIDE, reducing chromosome number to haploid.
Which phase of Meiosis has 2 gentically different haploid cells?
Telophase I.
Which nuclear division is identical to Mitosis?
Meiosis II.
Which phase of Meiosis do centromeres divide?
Anaphase II.
What is the end result of Meiosis II?
4 haploid genetically different cells.
What is the resting stage called in Meiosis?
How does Interkinesis differ from Interphase?
Interkinesis has no S phase.
Which nuclear division produces gametes or spores?
Which nuclear division produces somatic cells?
Which nuclear division occurs in reproductive organs?
Which nuclear division occurs in cells of all other organs?
Which nuclear division has two linked divisions - the reductive division and equatorial division?
Which nuclear division has only one division?
Which nuclear division produces four cells?
Which nuclear division produces two cells?
Which nuclear division has resulting cells that have half the chromosome number of the parent cell?
Which nuclear division has resulting cells that have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell?
Which nuclear division involves synapsis of homologous chromosomes?
Which nuclear division does not involve synapsis?
Which nuclear division involves the exchange of genetic material (crossing over) between paired chromosomes and the gametes are a recombination of the genetic characteristics of parent cells?
Which nuclear division has resulting cells that are identical to the parent cells in terms of genetic characteristics?