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25 Cards in this Set

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compassion (n)

a strong feeling of sympathy for the suffering of others

insight (n)

clear and deep understanding of complicated problem

competence (n)

the ability of doing sth very well

commitment (n)

a willingness to give your time and energy to sth that you believe in

confidential (adj)


confidentiality (n)

the state of being confidential (secret)

altruism (n)

willingenss to do things that bring advantages to others even if it hurt or affect you in a bad way


keep using,existing or possession of sth or some one

adopt (v)

-taking someone child into your family

-accept or start to use sth

harassment (n)

behaviour that annoys or upsets someone

dignity (n)

calm,serious,important or has value that make ithers respect him

cohesive (adj)

united and working together effectivel

substantial (adj)

large in size,value or importance

discipline (v)(n)

-to punch

-the ability to make other obey you, or to control yourself or others

conduct (v)(n)

to behave, to organise



type of plants which use for flavour or making medicine

Renaissance (n)

a new growth of activity or interst in sth

gait (n)

a particular way of walking

stethoscope (n)

an equipment used by doctors to listen to heart and lungs

prognosis (n)

the judgment of what gonna happen in the future

disintegrate (v) disintegration (n)

to become weaker , worse


a cut happened in the bidy


the scientific study of disease :how they are found, spread and controlled

evolve (v) evolution (n)

to develop through a gradual process

enhance (v)

to improve the quality or strength