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30 Cards in this Set

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Nuclear reprogramming can change the differentiation state of a cell. What are the 4 different ways of reprogramming?

- by nuclear transfer into egg

- by nuclear transfer into oocyte

- by overexpression of transcription factors (induced pluripotency)

- reprogramming by cell fusion

Muscle differentiation exemplifies important concepts:

- transdifferentiation: reprogramming by cell fusion and by overexpression of transcription factors

- master transcription factors initiate a programme of differentiation; the relationship between cell division and cell differentiation; criteria of proof that a gene product is involved in a bio process

The nucleus contain genetic information that directs cellular development. Give experimental evidence:

- remove nucleus from foot of Acetabularia cell and cut off cap; Cells can regenerate a cap up to 70 days

- same as exp 1 but in the presence of ribonuclease; cap regeneration is abolished

- replace nucleus in sp 1 with nucleaus from sp 2 and cut off cap - initially cap grows back the same as sp1 but then with time starts looking more like sp2

What is a heterokaryon?

- a multinucleated cell that contains genetically different nuclei;

Specialised cells have a memory of their developmental history.

- the differentiated state is normally stably maintained, with tissue-specific genes activated and expression of other genes repressed

- e.g. single committed muscle cell continues to express muscle-specific genes even when surrounded by non-muscle cells

A stable relationship exists between nucleus and cytoplasm

- nucleus dictates cytoplasmic syntheses

- cytoplasmically-derived factors regulate nuclear activity including transcription

How does the relationship between nucleus and cytoplasm manifest itself in differentiated cells?

- in characteristic patterns of gene expression for specific cell types

- maintained by epigenetic modifications and modulated only by progress through the cell cycle and external signals such as growth factors and hormones

Somatic cell nuclear transfer demonstrated that the differentiated state can be reversed

- genomic equivalence - injected donor nucleus - produce a normal tadpole = no loss of genetic information during differentiation

- nuclear reprogramming - somatic nucleus behaves like a zygote nucleus and directs normal development, indicating that the egg has reversed the differentiated state of the somatic nucleus

What are the methods of nuclear reprogramming?

- de-differentiation - a differentiated cell reverting to a state of increased developmental plasticity. It reprogrammed to a state of totipotency, the cell can give rise to a new adult

- transdifferentiation - a cell switching from one differentiated cell type to another

What are the requirements for successful reprogramming?

- a change in gene expression profile (new lineage-specific genes turned on, and previous lineage-specific genes turned off)

- resetting the epigenetic mechanisms that maintain stable gene expression (DNA methylation, histone modifications)

1) Somatic cell nuclear reprogramming (SCNT)

- nuclear transfer into eggs (meiotic metaphase II oocytes)

- mimics natural fertilisation - factors in the egg reprogram the somatic nucleus they same way they would reprogram the sperm pronucleus

- the somatic cell undergoes extensive DNA replication and division to generate a new org

What happens if you use adult donor nuclei for SCNT?

- success rate declines to <1-2%

- the nuclei suffers major DNA damage and chromosome loss upon being forced to undergo rapid DNA replication

- resetting epigenetic marks - incomplete = persistent memory of gene expression pattern of differentiated state (strongly expressed genes may fail to be switched off and vice versa)

2) Direct transcriptional reprogramming by nuclear transfer into meiotic prophase I oocytes

- oocytes like eggs contain factors needed to activate the sperm nucleus

- same factors can reprogram somatic nuclei

- use of oocytes enables analysis of somatic cell nuclear reprogramming without damaging effects of enforced rapid DNA replication and cell division

- no new cell types are generated

What model organism oocyte is ideal for studying mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming?

- one oocyte can reprogram hundreds of injected mouse nuclei

- injected oocyte can be cultured for a month

- oocyte can be manipulated to alter the concentration of candidate reprogramming factors

The somatic nucleus undergoes nucleosome remodelling

- the linker histone (B4 in amphibians or H1) is incorporated into the transplanted nuclei as well because its necessary for reactivationg the transcription of pluripotency genes required for early development

What are the factors that enhance reprogramming efficiency?

- chromatin remodelling

- histone modification

- histone variants

- DNA modification

- RNA expression (miRNA)

3) induced pluripotency: reprogramming by overexpresson of transcription factors

- transfection of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and Myc silences somatic gene expression and generates induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) which can differentiate into any cell type

4) reprogramming by cell fusion

- the nucleus of 1 donor cell is induced to express genes charact. of the other donor cell

- in heterokaryons the nuclei remain separate within the shared cytoplasm (division and nuclear fusion generates synkaryons)

- nuclei from more specialised cells are more resistant to reprogramming than less specialised cells

Proof that a gene product performs a particular function in normal development:

- expressed at right cells at right time and in bio active form

- necessary for that function to take place (test by knockout)

- sufficient for that function to take place (test by gain of function experiments)

Experimental evidence - MyoD

- MyoD isolated, transfected into fibroblasts, keratinocytes, hepatocytes converts them into muscle cells

- evidence that a single gene can act as a master switch initiating a complex programme of differentiation

How are Myogenic Regulatory Factors (MRFs) identified?

- on the basis of their ability to impose a muscle-specific programme of gene expression

- expression of a single MRF converts fibroblasts into committed myoblasts

What are MRFs?

- bHLH transcription factors

- basic helix-loop helix

- basic region binds DNA

What happens when different muscle genes are knockout

- MyoD - skeletal muscle still present

- myf5 - skeletal muscle still present

- MyoD and Myf5 - some skeletal muscle

- MyoD, Myf5 and MRF4 - no skeletal muscle

( MyoD and Myf5 compensate for loss of the other)

What activates MyoD, Myf5 and MRF4?

- external signals - Wnt, shh

- they activate myogenin - responsible for myoblast formation

MyoD initiates a temporal cascade of gene activity

- MyoD directly activates transcription of some muscle-specific genes, e.g. creatine phosphokinase

- MyoD binds an enhancer upstream of MyoD (+ve feedback)

- MyoD activates genes whose products act as cofactors for MyoD binding to a later group of enhancers, activating further muscle specific genes

Proliferating myoblasts express

- MyoD and Myf5

- but do not differentiate

What happens to proliferating myoblasts in the presence of growth factors?

- Cdk4 phosphorylates MyoD and Myf5, hastening their degradation

- Cyclin-cdk inactivates Rb

- pRB cannot bind E2F

- E2F is free to promote expression of S-specific genes i.e. promotes cell proliferation

- FGF stimulates expression of inhibitory proteins

Which transcription factor blocks differentiation in proliferationg myoblasts?

- HLH Id

- heterodimerises with MRF or their binding partners

What does growth factor withdrawal trigger?

- cell cycle arrest

- allows MRF-driven differentiation

What regulates the balance between proliferation and differentiation?

- MRFs