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9 Cards in this Set

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relation between member of a state and its government through allegiance to it & is entitled to rights and privileges in return; serves to define an individual's identity
-Benny's Naturalized Canadian status confusing Momma; reactions when they find out what it means
-uniformed white man "protecting some personal territory" wording of which emphasizes whiteness of citizenship & nation-state
the cultural domination of an entire race (other, oppressed) typically by white European Anglo-Saxons (oppressors) who use racism and cultural appropriation to justify their acts of violence
-Celia's vision of tall ships & the women who returned diseased after "greeting" the white men
-Stacey's misunderstandings of white town customs & ideals; decision to go to UBC and learn from "those people"
-bell hooks' colonization of the mind
the ways in which different societal factions affect each other (involving class, race, sex, gender, sexuality, religion, etc.)
-Momma gets angry with Stacey for going unchaperoned with Rena and German Judy who are in a relationship (Stacey is single, Judy is a bigger concern than Rena bc Judy is white)
intersection of nation (construct of community of people who believe themselves to be similar/connected) & state (political institutions, practices/policies that govern a given territory/population)
-white town is the nation-state & whiteness is the dominant system of knowledge/practice; comes with privilege to "not know"
-Carol & Stacey, long & fast friends, yet Stacey knows more about Carol & her life than the vice versa; relationship is one-sided & superficial
-Steve's ignorance about colonial past, despite Stacey's attempt in talking to him about it
society as it has been largely dominated & shaped by men/masculinity; systematic oppression of women by men
-patriarchal traditions had entered aboriginal traditions through colonialization, despite heavy reliance on women
-men still do hunting/gathering & build houses, + customs about entering a single woman's home when she is alone
-women make food & clean & tend to children, + customs about when a women should give birth in relation to when she is married (ie. resolve for Momma/Ned/Jim)
-Polly reappearing to Stacey as a reminder the unequal systems/double standards
-in village sexual expression is encouraged as finding a mate & sex is largely tied to motherhood
process by which race is attributed to social practices & discourses & are embedded within set of additional meanings; process by which ethno-racial groups are stigmatized, inferiorized, & marginalized as the Others
spatial segregation
marginalized spaces of a given territory based on race or Others; Aboriginal reserve, slum, ghetto; serves racism in that the others represent depravity & whiteness represents respectability
-term "white town" coined by aborigines, bridge in between both connects & separates the two
-yet know such qualifying term in white town for the reserve; again privilege to "not know"
-bridge only crossed when Stacey goes to school, when German Judy goes to work, when Steve visits Ella, or Carol is panicking about her parents' divorce
-symbolism of Stacey standing in the middle of the bridge watching the fish and thinking about Polly
cultural practices/norms/privileges awarded to white people that remain invisible to them; standpoint from which to perceive the world
-difference is recognized but only really considered by the aborigines
-Steve is the definition of white masculinity (self-involved, I shame in colonial past, etc.) & thus "deserves" his citizenship & privilege
-his routine visits to the reserve ("Stacey's world"), which has obviously been informed by his whiteness & colonialism
-Steve: "Is it because I'm white?" Stacey "No, it's because you're not Indian"
racialized gendered violence
status of degeneracy as an Other based on race & gender; dehumanization based on race & gender