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43 Cards in this Set

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Is gender still significant in the political arena?

Yes, because men are still the most likely to be involved in formal politics, and women are still the most likely to be involved in informal politics.

Do all female candidates work to improve the lives of women?

No. Some would argue that some female candidates are tied to a party rather than a social issue. Many believe that Sarah Palin had no interest in improving the lives of women.

How does the social construction of knowledge affect what we know (or don't know) about women's contributions to politics? The Civil Rights Movement?

Until the women's movement, historians, political scientists, sociologists, and educators ignored or excluded women and gender when exploring politics, thus leaving a general lack of knowledge of women's contributions. There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that women have been involved in political struggles across historical place and time.

What is Motherhood Activism? What is Activism Mothering? What types of women figure most prominently in this type of activism?

1. Women translate their association with the private sphere into a political notion of motherhood in the political sphere.

2. Where women from all racial, ethnic, social, and national backgrounds have based their activism on their status as mothers.

3. Marginalized poor and working class women, women of color, and women from economically marginalized, low and middle-income nations.

The US lags behind the following countries when it comes to women's representation in national-level political office?

1. Sweden

2. Mexico

3. China

4. Kenya (used to not be the case)

This is a consumer protection law passed in 1990, requires all colleges and universities who receive federal funding to share information about crime on campus and their efforts to improve campus safety as well as inform the public of crime in or around campus. This information is made publicly accessible through the university's annual security report.

Clery Act

This is the focusing on men and men's live, experiences, and interests, typically to the exclusion of women and women's lives, experiences, and interests?


This is the social space that is external to the state, market institutions, and the family, where political ideas can be discussed and debated. A vibrant one of these relatively free of coercive influence from powerful institutions of the state and the market is important for democracy to exist. It overlaps with the concept of the public sphere.

Public Sphere

Those political efforts of women (and male allies) to bring about improvement in the women's lives as well as the lives of other marginalized groups of people?

Feminist activism

The arena in which elected officials make decisions at the state, local, regional, national, or international level and everyday citizens vote for particular politicians in elections or attempt to influence political decisions through extant institutional means, such as participating in public meetings or visiting the office of an elected official.

Formal Politics

Activities that exist outside of formal political institutions and processes but which which may culminate in political implications.

Informal Politics

This is the space that exists outside the formal institutions of government and politics (the states), outside the profit-concerned institutions of capitalism, and outside the private sphere of family life.

Civil Society

This refers to the right for women to vote?


This exalted women's unique role in the private sphere, revered women as mothers and homemakers, and is also known as "the cult of true womanhood"?

The Cult of Domesticity

These are community-level leaders (often women) who link broader social movements with local communities?


Do all men share equally in patriarchal privilege?


Political institutions, policies, and processes are not this?

Gender neutral

Who is most likely to vote in the U.S., women or men?


Is violence gendered?

Yes, women do commit violent crime, but men are much more likely to perpetuate violent crime and men are much more likely to be the victims of violent crimes.

What were the findings of Bart and O'Brien's, "Stopping Rape" study?

Women's self-definitions were consistent with legal requirements at the time. Basically women said rape had to non-consensual and involve a penis. If it didn't involve a penis it was categorized as rape avoidance. It is something done with a penis, not done to a vagina.

When was domestic violence seen as a crime in the US?

Not until the 1970s

Are rapist depraved strangers?

No, they are hyper-conformists within the gender order and are most likely someone the victims knows or is related to.

What percent of rapes are reported internationally? In the US? How many rapists in the US are incarcerated? Incarcerated for more than a year?

1. B/w 66 and 96 percent go unreported, (this means only 4 to 34% are reported).

2. Fewer than 15 percent and only 10 percent result in charges.

3. Only 40% convicted of something.

4. Only 1%

What happened in the Central Park Jogger Case? How was the story the media told not new?

1. Portrayed as a group of latino and black men who went on a rampage of violence against stranger in Central Park. One white woman was savagely beaten and raped. The word "wilding" became coined to describe the behavior.

2. The story was not new because it based on racialized stereotypes that say white women are likely to be raped by depraved men of color.

Where are women most likely to be raped? By whom?

1. In their own home or the home of someone they know.

2. By someone they know

What are the qualities of the men who rape?

They have more rigid ideas about gender and are more likely to hold women accountable for rape. They are also less interested in emotional relationships and likely to engage in other forms of interpersonal violence such as child abuse and intimate partner violence. They are acting with consistent notions of masculinity.

What contributes to women's increased vulnerability to crime?

The perceived link b/w femininity and victimization, which is just an illusion that men are safer from violence than women.

This describes physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples and does not require sexual intimacy.

Intimate Partner Violence

This is a physical, sexual, or psychological attack between individuals?

Interpersonal Violence

This is a climate in which extraordinary acts of violence are stressed, fueling individual's fear of violence; society spends billions on trying to allay this, while ignoring systemic problems that without intervention can, ironically, result in violence.

Culture of Fear

This encompasses physical, written, or verbal actions that threaten or cause physical, psychological, material, or social injuries?


This is interconnections b/w men's violence against women, against each other, and against self?

Triad of Violence

This is forced or coerced sexual acts acts without penetration or intent to penetrate?

Sexual Assault

This is any attempted or completed coerced verbal or physical act against a person's sexuality?

Sexual Violence

Who are people more likely to be murdered by?

Someone they know

Name calling, teasing, and stalking are all considered this?

Acts of Violence

Who is more likely to be perpetrators of violence, men or women?


What are the 3 waves of feminism. When did the occur and what were the issues?

1. Suffrage Movement, 1920. Securing the right to vote for women.

2. Second Wave Feminism, 1960s-1980s. Second-wave feminists see women's cultural and political inequalities as inextricably linked and encourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives as deeply politicized and as reflecting sexist power structures. The feminist activist and author Carol Hanisch coined the slogan "The Personal is Political", which became synonymous with the second wave.

3. Post-Feminism, In the early 1990s in the USA, third-wave feminism began as a response to perceived failures of the second wave and to the backlash against initiatives and movements created by the second wave. Third-wave feminism distinguished itself from the second wave around issues of sexuality, challenging female heterosexuality and celebrating sexuality as a means of female empowerment.[59] Third-wave feminism also seeks to challenge or avoid what it deems the second wave's essentialist definitions of femininity, which, they argue, over-emphasize the experiences of upper middle-class white women. Has a world world-wide view of feminism.

This examines the relationship b/w the extent of television viewing and conception of reality?

George Gerbner's Cultivation Analysis

Describe Gerbneer's viewer profile?

1. Heavy-4+ hours of TV each day

2. Midrange- 2-4 hours of TV each day

3. Light- 0-2 hours of TV each day

Roxane Gay finds this term used to describe the "Fifty Shades" trilogy, condescending?

Mommy porn

Gay argues that Prince Charming is usually rich, handsome, and this?


According to the book Privacy which group has the most privacy?

The rich