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13 Cards in this Set

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What does Bell Hooks (1989) talk about?
Finding a voice becomes both a way to engage in active self-transformation and a rite of passage where one moves from being object to being subject.
What were three important influences in the social context of the 1960s
1. The Sexual Revolution
2. Civil Rights Movement
3. Vietnam War
What is the sexual revolution associated with in regards to feminism?
The Birth Control Pill
What are the 4 different types of feminisms?
1. Radical
2. Marxist
3. Liberal
4. Dual-Systems Theory
According to Radical Feminists, what is women's oppression the result of?
System of Patriarchy, a system of domination in which men as a group have power over women as a group.
According to Marxist Feminists, what is women's oppression the result of?
Capitalism, the domination of women by men is seen as a consequence of capital’s domination over labor.
According to Liberal Feminists, what is women's oppression the result of?
Male prejudice against women, embodied in law or expressed in the exclusion of women from particular areas of life.
According to Dual Systems Theory, what is women's oppression the result of?
The coming together of Marxist and radical feminist analysis in the belief that women’s oppression is the result of a complex articulation of both patriarchy and capitalism.
What are two major assumptions about women and popular culture that contemporary feminists have shared according to Lana Rakow (2009)?
1. The first is that women have a particular relationship to popular culture that is different from men’s

2. The second is that understanding how popular culture functions both for women and a patriarchal culture is important if women are to gain control over their own identities and change both social mythologies and social relations.” (p.138)
What is Quer Theory?
An interdisciplinary movement coming out of the 1990s
What does Judith Butler Argue?
She argues against the binary gender system, claims that biology is itself always already culturally gendered as ‘male’ and ‘female’.
What is one of the radical arguments of Judith Butler?
One can if one chooses, become neither female nor male, woman nor man. Because gender is not the expression of biological sex, it is performatively constructed in culture.
What are the two types of language from Austin’s (1962) theory of perfomative language?
Constative (e.g. the sky is blue), and performative (which brings something into being; marriage)