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65 Cards in this Set

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Define sex

The biological differences between males and females including chromosomes, hormones and anatomy

Define gender

The psychological and cultural differences between males and females including attitudes, behaviours and social roles

Define sex-role stereotype

A set of beliefs and preconceived ideas about what is expected or appropriate for males and females in a given society

Define androgogyny

Displaying a balance of masculine and feminine characteristics in one's personality

What was the first systematic attempt to measure androgyny?

Bem Sex Role Inventory

Across which dimension did the Bem Sex Role Inventory measure androgyny?

Masculinity-femininity and androgynous-undifferentiated

How was the BSRI developed?

50 male and 50 female judges asked to rate 200 traits on how desirable they were for men and women - traits that were highest scorers became traits on scale.

Then piloted with 1000 students

A follow-up to BSRI that revealed similar scores when tested a month later, suggests the BSRI has a high what?

test-retest reliability

Who suggested people who display greater level of masculine traits are better adjusted as these are more highly valued in western society?

Adams and Sherer (1985)

Which gene on the y chromosome determines sex?

sex-determing region y (SRY)

What are male sex hormones called?


When does testosterone begin to be developed?

8 weeks of foetal development

Who injected female rats with testosterone?

Nannne Van de Poll et al (1988)

Which stress hormone does Oxycontin reduce?


Who found that prisoners with highest T levels were most likely to have committed violent/sexually motivated crimes?

Dabbs et al (1995)

What is Klinefelter's syndrome?

Affects males - genotype has an extra X chromosome, characterised by tall thin physique, small infertile testes and enlarged breasts.

What is Turner's syndrome?

Affects women - have only one X chromosome causing developmental abnormalities and infertility.

How many people have Klinefelters?

1 in 500 - 1 in 1000

How often is Klinefelter's identified prenatally?


How many with klinefelter's are unaware they have it?


Breast development in Klinefelter males is called what?


Describe the psychological characteristics of klinefelters

Poorly developed language skills, passive, shy and lack interest in sexual activity, don't respond well to stressful situations and have problems with 'executive fnctions'

How many have Turners?

1 in 5000

What is it called when women with Turners have no menstrual cycle?


What are the psychological characteristics of Turners?

Higher than average reading ability, spatial, visual memory and math skills lower than normal. Socially immature, trouble relating and fitting in with peers.

Which study found that those diagnosed with Klinefelter's at young age had significant benefits compared to those diagnosed in adulthood?

Herlihy et al (2011)

What are Kohlberg's 3 stages of gender development?

Gender identity, gender stability and gender constancy

What is the gender identity stage?

2 years - child recognises they are a boy/girl and can label others too

What is the gender stability stage?

4 years - understands their own gender is fixed

What is gender constancy stage?

6-7 years, realises gender is consistent over time and situations, begin to identify with own gender and behave in gender-appropriate ways

Who found that children in constancy stage spend longer looking at same-sex model than younger children who spent roughly equal time looking at both?

Slaby and Frey (1975)

Define gender schema

Organised set of beliefs and expectations related to gender that are derived from experience. Guide's understanding of own gender and gender-appropriate behaviour in general.

Who devised the gender schema theory?

Martin and Halverson

When does gender schema theory suggest gender identity has developed and active searching for evidence begins?

2-3 years

Who found that children under 6 were more likely to remember gender-consistent behavior photographs than non-gender behaviour consistent?

Martin and Halverson (1983)

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, when does gender development occur?

3rd stage - phallic stage, 3-6 years

Who found that boys with more liberal fathers tend to be more secure in their masculine identity?

Blakemore and Hill (2008)

Who found children raised by same-sex/transgender parents, nearly all developed a 'typical' gender identity?

Richard Green (1978)

According to SLT, through what does a child learn their gender identity?

differential reinforcement

What are the 4 mediational processes in gender according to SLT?

Attention, retention, motivation and motor reproduction

Who dresses 4-6 month olds, half the time in boys, and half the time in girls clothes, to see how adults would treat them based on their perceived gender?

Smith and Lloyd (1978)

Who carried out a cross-cultural study of gender roles in New Guinea?

Mead (1935)

In which Mead (1935) tribe were women dominant and men passive and considered 'decorative'?


Which study revealed that in most societies males are the breadwinners and females the nurturers?

Munroe and Munroe (1975)

Who found that men were often shown in autonomous professional context, whereas women were shown in domestic setting, in media?

Furnham and Farragher(2000)

Who found that children who have more exposure to popular media displayed more gender-stereoypical views in behaviour and attitudes?

McGhee and Freuh (1980)

What is imposed etic?

Western ways of research may be largely meaningless when transferred to other cultures.

In which study were children never exposed to media, directly compared to those who had been?

Notel study

What does brain sex theory state about GID?

Caused by specific brain structures incompatible with biological sex.

What is it called when certain brain structures take different form in males and females?


Who found that the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is a similar size to typical female brains in male-to-female individuals?

Zhou et al (1995)

How much bigger is the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in males?


Which Zhou (1995) follow-up study found that not only is there a similar volume in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, but also a similar neuron number?

Kruijver et al (2000)

Who assessed 157 twin pairs for GID?

Coolidge et al (2002)

What did Coolidge et al (2002) find the prevalence rate of GID to be?

2.3%, with 62% of cases to be accounted for by genetic variance

Which study found concordance rates of 39% for MIZ twins for GID, but 0 for DZ twins?

Heylens et al (2012)

What did Ovesey and Person (1973) argue the cause for GID in males was? (Psychoanalytic)

Child experiences extreme separation anxiety before gender identity established, child fantasises of symbiotic fusion with mother to relieve anxiety and danger of separation removed = child becomes the mother and so adopts female gender identity.

Which study found that female trans displayed overly close mother-son relationships?

Stoller (1973)

What is Liben and Bigler's cognitive explanation of GID?

Dual pathway theory (extension of gender schema theory)

Describe the second personal pathway in the dual pathway theory of GID

Describes how child's gender attitudes are affected by their actvity - eg individuals interests may become more dominant than gender identity, this in turn influences gender schema, leading to development of non-sex typed schema, in majority leading to androgynous behviour, but in small minority leads to eventual formation of opposite gender identity.

Who found that hormone therpay did affect size of BSTc?

Hulshoff Pol et al (2006)

Identify two Atypical sex chromosome patterns

Klinefelter's XXY

Turner's X0

What are Kohlberg's stages of Gender Identity?

Gender Identity, Gender Stabilit, Gender Constancy

Identify some biological explanations for GID

Brain sex theory

Genetic factors

Identify some social-psychological explanations for GID

Psychoanalytic theory

Liben and Bigler, gender schema extension