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74 Cards in this Set

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Psychology is the systematic study of the
behavior and mind
The goal of psychologists is
to understand, explain, and predict behavior
Free will
The belief that behavior is caused by an individual's indepedent decision making
Assumption that everything has a cause or determinant in the observable world
This part of the brain makes determinism less likely
The parietal lobe
The belief that mind is separate from brain but somehow controls the brain and body (most people don't believe this)
The view that conscious experience is generated by and therefore is inseparable from the brain
Position Emission Topography - shows levels of brain activity
Nature/Nuture (Heredity vs. Environment)
Are difference in potential and behavior due to the influence of genes or the results of aspects of the environment? Most involve both.
Biological psychology
Explaining behavior in terms of biological factors
Psychologists research what?
Learning and motivation, how behavior depends on outcomes
Cognitive psychologists research what?
The processes of thinking and acquiring research
Developmental psychologists research what?
The behavioral capacities typical of different ages and how behavior changes with age
Social psychologists research what?
How an individual influences and is influenced by other people
Clinical psychologists research what?
Have advanced degrees in psychology, with a specialty in understanding and helping mental and emotional problems
Professionals with training in psychology who specialize in helping people
Psychotherapists who use mental health treatment strategies based on the work of Sigmund Freud
Industrial/Organizational Psychologists
They study people's behavior in the workplace, help improve productivity
Ergonomist (human factors specialist)
Someone who attempts to facilitate the use of machinery and appliances so that they can be used as efficiently and safely as possible
School psychologist
Someone who specializes in the psychological condition of the students
This person established the first psychology laboratory
Wilhelm Wundt
Who was Edward Titchener?
A student of Wundt who developed the approach of structuralism
The researcher attempts to describe the structures of the mind - the sensations, feelings, and images. NO way to test accuracy
Today, 20th century researchers focus on solely what?
Observable behaviors
American psychologist William James was interested in what?
What the mind DOES, instead of its structures
How the mind produces behavior, James' approach
Perception of a stimulus' intensity is NOT directly proportional to the actual physical intensity
Comparative psychologists
Specialists who compare different animal species
Charles Darwin
Wrote "The Origin of Species", presented compelling evidence that humans and animal species are related
Ways to test animal intelligent
1) Delayed reponse
2) Detour problem
3) Pattern recognition
He developed the first human IQ test for the French govt
Watson and Skinner, a field that concentrates on observable, measurable behaviors
Sigmund Freud
Revolutionized psychology by proposing the existence of the "unconscious mind"
Forensic psychologist
Someone who advises police, courts, witnesses to crimes
Operational definitions
Clearly defined, delineated variables
Results of a study must be what?
A theory that can be proven true or false
Reliance on the fewest and simplest assumptions
Clever Hans
A mathematical horse who looked for positive signals from trainer in order to make it seem he could "do math"
Scientific Study Cycle
Hypothesis, Methods, Results, Interpretation
A small number of individuals in the population, a subset
Convenience sample
A group chosen because of its ease of availability and study (not representative or random)
Representative sample
A sample that closely resembles the actual population
Random sample
A sample where every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected. (The larger a random sample, the more the sample approaches being representative.)
Experimenter bias
The tendency of an experimenter to unintentionally distort the procedures or results of an experiment based on the desired outcome of the research
Blind observers
People who record data without knowing what the researcher is studying
Placebo control
A pill or other sham treatment that makes it very difficult for the subjects or the experimenter to know who has received the treatment and who hasn't
Naturalistic observation
Careful monitoring and examination of what people and animals do in natural circumstances
Case history
A thorough observation and description of a single individual
A measure of the relationship between two variables which are both outside the investigator's control
When dealing with correlation, 0 means what?
No correlation
A negative correlation means:
That as one variable increases the other decreases
Illusory correlation
An apparent relationship based on casual observations or weakly related events
Correlation does not imply ________
Independent variable
The variable directly under the researcher's control
Experimental group
The set of individuals who receive the treatment that the experience is designed to test
Control group
The set of individuals who are treated the same way as the experimental group, but aren't actually treated
Random assignment
The experimenter assigns subjects to either the experimental or control group based on chance
Demand characteristics
Cues that tell a subject what is expected of him or her and what the researcher hopes to find
Placebo effect
Feeling "better" once supposedly being treated
Informed consent
Subjects are advised on what to expect and must explicitly state that they agree to continue
The average score
The middle score
The score that occurs most frequently in a distribution
A statement of the highest and lowest scores
Standard deviation
A measurement of the amount of variation among scores in a normal distribution
Inferential statistics
Used for educated guessing
Confidence interval
A measure of how sure we are that the true mean lies within a certain range
Probability value
A way to estimate the likelihood that a purely chance variation would achieve a difference as large as our observed difference
Central nervous system
Brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
How the central nervous system communicates with the rest of the body, composed of bundles of axons
Somatic nervous system
Made up of the peripheral nerves that communicate with the skin and the muscles
Autonomic nervous system
Controls involuntary actions of the heart, stomach, and other organs
Spinal cord
Communicates with the body below the head by means of sensory and motor neurons