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122 Cards in this Set

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"The Things They Carried" was written by whom?
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien served in what war?
The soldiers carried items for what six categories?
1. Sustenance - food
2. Protection
3. Entertainment/Distraction
4. Comfort/good luck charms
5. Abstract ideas/things
6. Medicinal
What are some of the things that the soldiers carried for sustenance (food)?
kool-aid, chewing gum, soda/beer/hot food, water, M&M's - placebos, C-rations (food in pouches) or mRE (meals ready to eat)
What are some of the things that the soldiers carried for protection?
helmets, ponchos - rain, warmth, carry dead/injured men, M-16, M-60, 45s, knives, slingshot, grenade-launcher, grenades, bug spray, C-4, ammunition (magazines), radio, condoms
What are some of the things that the soldiers carried for entertainment/distraction?
pictures of family, letters, comic books, magazines, dope - marijuana, bible, tranquilizers, cigarettes/chewing tobacco
What are some of the things that the soldiers carried for comfort/good luck charms?
M&M's, slingshot, pictures, letters, comic books, tranquilizers, soap, toothbrush, ear (from Vietcong - represents success in mission), rabbit's foot, hatchet
What are some of the things that the soldiers carried as abstract ideas/things?
bible - faith/hope, fear - "unweighed fear", good luck charms - family associations, idea of getting home to family - LOVE, shame
What are some of the things that the soldiers carried for medicinal purposes?
M&M's, dope, tranquilizers, pressure bandages, ointments., painkillers, antibiotics
"The Things They Carried" is written in (1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person)?
3rd person limited to Cross
What does it mean by they would never be at a loss for things to carry?
After the war, they will carry the war in memory - PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), flashbacks, nightmares
Why is Jimmy Cross so obsessed with Martha? What does she represent?
She is all he has - his hopes/dreams of love marriage are tied up in her.
What bothers Jimmy about the photos of Martha?
Hee see shadow of man taking photo
What does Martha do that gives Jimmy false hope of her loving him?
She signs her letters "Love, Martha"
What was Jimmy's relationship with Martha before he went to Nam?
He briefly dated her.
Jimmy's name represents what?
Cross - the name - represents what?
burden - Christ's sacrifice/at a crossroads
Martha's name represents what?
Martha Washington
Lavender's name represents what?
peaceful, calming
Are the photos/letters helping or hindering Cross?
They are helping in the sense that he has something to look forward to - having a future; Vietnam's complications - many were drafted/didn't want to fight the war. They are hindering because they are too distracting for him. He constantly things about if she's a virgin, thinks about touching her knee.
Lavender goes to pee and is ____. Lavender wasn't covered because Cross was ____.
shot, distracted
Who goes down for the mission inspecting the tunnel?
What does the stone represent?
child bearing, new life
Who is obsessed by how fast Lavender's death was?
They escape Lavender's death by smoking his ____ and later they burn a _____, as a way of _____/______.
dope, village, retaliation/venting
The men feel guilty after Lavender dies, also known as the ______.
burden of being alive
Why do they use humor such as zapped while zipping, bouncing betties, toe poppers. The moral's pretty obvious - stay away from drugs.
Humor is a release, a way to cope.
Honor makes loss/death more ____ - if it's a good reason, the the loss is in _____.
tolerable, perspective
There are both the _____ and _____ weight of war
physical, psychological
Why does Cross burn the letters and photos from Martha?
He wants to rid himself of distraction.
What kind of defeats the purpose of Cross burning the letters and photos from Martha?
He's memorized them.
What is the danger of Cross burning the letters and photos from Martha?
He's letting go of hope/ the idea of the future - getting rid of love as a factor
"The Red Convertible" was written by whom?
Louise Erdrich
"The Red Convertible" was written in what point of view method?
1st person from Lyman
In "The Red Convertible", car is described as "in repose," which is an example of what literary technique?
giving human like qualities to an inanimate object
How are Henry & Lyman different even before Henry goes to war?
Lyman is an entrepreneur, lucky. Henry is easy-going, fun, & carefree.
How is Henry described physically?
big, like a brick outhouse, hatchet nose
Henry and Lyman go on a road trip to ____?
Suzy's hair (so long, so much) represents what?
plenty - a time when there's no deprivation; good times, no worries
Henry spent three years in _____ and was a _____.
Nam, POW
Henry came home from the war different. What kind of changes are there?
Restless, jumpy, mean, tense (bites thru lip; like a frozen rabbit), watching war coverage, war movies
Why doesn't Henry's family get him help?
His mother suspects they'll just drug him
What is the setting description on the day that they take the car out after Henry's fixed it (day they go to the river)?
mix of sunshine/trash in river
The car (after Lyman sets about destroying it) like "any typical Indian car that has been driven all its life on reservation roads, which they always say are like government promises - full of holes." Does it work (Lyman's plan to interest Henry in the convertible)?
At first, Henry works hard on the car - engaged, active - small progress - he appears to be getting better.
The picture. Before its described we assume it is all happy, sun, good times. Later we learn that deep _____ show on Henry's face. The photo disturbs Lyman so much he has to ____ it. The picture shows that Henry has trouble showing _____. Lyman is haunted by the photo because he didn't understand that day how _____ Henry still was.
shadows, hide, affection, depressed
River "glassy like an old gray scar"
something pretty covering something ugly
Lyman feels the squeezing in Henry's chest - asks him to "wake up" - What does he mean by this?
Snap out of his bad mood, his depression - be alive and avtive
At the end of "The Red Convertible," during the last battle Lyman wants to ____ the care, wants Henry alive to ____ it.
share (x2)
Lyman understood that once Henry was in the river, he was cracking up, losing it, choosing not to _______.
save himself
Why does Lyman choose to drown the red convertible?
The convertible loses its meaning if they can't drive it together, share it or he could be burying treasured object with his brother.
When was "The Red Convertible" published?
"How to talk to a hunter" is written by whom?
Pam Houston
What is the tone/mood of "How to talk to a hunter?"
desperate, sad, funny
What point of view method is used in "How to talk to a hunter?"
second person - "you" point of view
extremely intimate point of view
What do we learn about the narrator in "How to talk to a hunter" when she jokes about how it takes hours or days or weeks that he carried the moose hide across the tundra?
Narrator isn't familiar with this world - exotic, but alien to her
In "How to talk to a hunter," he won't play back the messages? Why?
He's cheating on her.
What does the treat of Xmas mean in "How to talk to a hunter?"
Longer nights - harder to get through alone, people don't want to be alone on the holidays
How does the hunter give her mixed messages about the relationship?
the key, he fills her freezer with food, talks about the future
When the hunter asks about opening the guest ranch but it's a rhetorical question, meaning?
suggesting interest but not commitment
When the narrator is asking if you've ever shot anything, why is this significant?
seems to disagree with his lifestyle
How does "Janie Coyote" seem to fit into the hunter's word?
She's like the hunter, fits into his world better
In "How to talk to a hunter" the author uses _____ to communicate/think in sometimes?
song lyrics
What role do the consulting figures play in "How to talk to a hunter?"
- male friend
- woman friend
- grad school
- pop psychology
- dog
- speaks for men
- she's critical of the man
- logical/analytical
- pop culture, speak about relationships
- dog - there for her, leaves the dog out in cold
What's wrong with the gift of chocolates in "How to talk to a hunter?"
A bribe buying time, Santa tin is grotesque - feeds them to her dog
"Don't, under any circumstances, stand in front of the door" Why is this funny?
because she did do this
What is the symbolism with "the faulty lightbulb that's been keeping all others from lighting?"
dating a cheater, knowingly, kees her from happiness
What's the significance of the lights shuddering and blurring?
Blurring is romanticism that's been clouding her vision, so she doesn't see him as he really is
The pheasant, snow goose & deer ornaments on the tree are _____ animals - just like she's ____ too
hunted (x)
What's the significance of the nights getting shorter in "How to talk to a hunter?"
She may be able to give up the hunter if she doesn't have the long, cold nights to get through
Who is the author of "Sonny's Blues?"
James Baldwin
James Baldwin was what type of writer?
Harlem Renaissance writer - art, music, literature
The story starts in with something shocking having just occurred but we don't know what it is yet - what kind of start is this?
in media res
What term means in the middle of things in Latin?
In media rés
Sonny was picked up for ____ and using _____.
peddling, heroin
What do we learn about the narrator in "Sonny's Blues" that tells us he's done better than his brother?
He is a teacher, has a family
In "Sonny's Blues," movies were used as a way of _____.
Sap was rising in the boys means?
coming of age
What does Sonny's friend mean when he says he thought Sonny was too smart to get hung? what does "get hung" mean?
One of his friends who also used drugs - feels responsible for Sonny's getting down that road.
Getting hung - addicted/get caught by police
Why does a "terrible, closed look come over his face, as though he were keeping the number of the bill a secret from him and me" when the narrator gives the friend a five?
He'll use the money to get high.
Sonny is "like an animal waiting to be coaxed into the light"
It's so hard to escape from drugs/distraction (harlem) that a piece of him is left behind.
Between Sonny and his brother there is a __ age difference, like a ___ or a ____ (could reconnect)
7, chasm, bridge
comparison using like/as
comparison not using like/as
Why did Sonny's father fight him so much?
Because he loved him so much and was scared for him.
In "Sonny's Blues" there is a protection in family from hard life outside - the narrator feels guilty he didn't protect Sonny.
Father's brother in "Sonny's Blues" was ______ by a car full of ______. In this _____ is associated with danger.
run over, white men, music
Father's brother in "Sonny's Blues" played what instrument?
Sonny's role model, Charlie Parker, was a ______ addict.
What type of music does Sonny play?
Sonny was obsessed with the ____ when he stays with Isabel's family? He was "playing for his life," meaning he was trying to leave Harlem to escape ____.
piano, drugs
Narrator lost his daughter to polio - "my trouble made his real"
your own suffering helps you empathize with other's suffering
Baldwin has a point about the contrast between the woman who's done fine and the one who hasn't. What is the point?
There's not much separating those who do well from those who don't - another reason for empathy.
Sonny explains that he plays jazz to keep from ____ to pieces
What does the narrator start to realize when he is invited to see Sonny play - "this is Sonny's kingdom"
He sees how well regarded Sonny is.
Sonny going into the deep water to achieve what?
Goes deep inside to access this - he can't get there (where he needs to go w/out drowning - i.e. getting addicted again
The "King of the Bingo Game" was written by whom?
Ralph Ellison
When was "King of the Bingo Game" published?
Ellison was another _____ author.
Harlem REnaissance
In "King of the Bingo Game" it is set during the _____ (1930s)
Ellison wrote a novel called what?
invisible man
In the King of the Bingo Game" the movie is a distraction from troubles, chance to play bingo. The woman in the film tied up represents ____ tied up because she can't get help and the narrator also feels trapped.
During "King of the Bingo Game," what is the meaning of nightmare?
foreshadowing his experience on stage
In "King of the Bingo Game" the main character talks back to a white man. Why is this risky?
could be lynched
In "King of the Bingo Game," what are the people watching on the stage behind him?
Cops have been called.
In "King of the Bingo Game" he's set himself p to be _____ by the curtain.
knocked out, or he could be fatally injured or about to go to jail
What are the conflicts present in "King of the Bingo Game?"
Man vs. Man - narrator vs. show master/other whites in control
Man vs. Society - racism
Man vs. Self - his confusion/struggle - having power, not knowing how to handle it
In "King of the Bingo Game" how is he dynamic, how is he static?
dynamic - becoming a person with some power
static - situation that African Americans are in, static in the sense that he's still very bad off
"Cathedral" was written by whom?
Raymond Carver
Raymond Carver worked as a ______ and was one of the first in his era to write about _____ class people.
laborer, working
What POV method is used in "Cathedral?"
1st person
"Call If You Need Me" is written by whom?
Raymond Carver
"Call If You Need Me" is written in what POV?
1st person
In "Call If You Need Me" what is the main males name? his girlfriends name? his son's name? his wife name?
Dan, Susan, Richard, Nancy
What does the dog in "Call If You Need Me" represent?
their sticking together long enough to take care of a dog, to take on the responsibilty
Without even taking off his coat in "Call If You Need Me," Dan _____.
calls Susan
word choice
round characters are also known as ____ characters
flat characters are also known as ____ characters
In "Call If You Need Me" what does the cutthroat represent?
where their marriage is (fights)
What does the hummingbird in "Call If You Need Me" represent?
a lucky sign - but it flies away quickly
What does the car that's about to burst into flames in "Call If You Need Me" represent?
bad omen - their marriage is about to burst into flames