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84 Cards in this Set

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what is considered "infancy"
1-12 months
birth weight _____ by 6 months and
_______ by 1 yr

Height increases by ____ inch in the first 6 months and by ____ inch in the second 6 months of life
1 inch
0.5 inch
Head circumference increases by ___ cm per month in the first yr of life
0.4 cm
Posterior fontanel closes by ____ and the anterior fontanel closes by ____
6-8 week (posterior)

12-18 months (anterior)
normal range for ht
head circ. at birth
7.5 lbs (3400 grams)
19-21 inches (48-53 cm)
13-14 inches (33-35 cm)
neurological development occurs in a ______ manner.
cephalocaudal (head to toe)
normal respiratory rate as newborn
30-60 per minutes
normal respiratory rate at 12 months
normal HR for newborn
120-160 bpm
HR at 12 months old
100 bpm
normal B/P for newborn
normal B/P for 12 month old
BP will fluctuate with
weight, age, activity, and emotion
Primary teeth erupt at
5-9 months
stomach capacity at birth
10-20 ml
not able to digest fats until at adult levels until
6-9 months
newborns have stools ____ times a day
1 yr olds should have stools
1-2 a day
renal structures are immature until about
2.5 yrs
babies have physiologic anemia at ages
4-6 months old
baby's use maternal store of iron from ages
6-9 months old
iron supplomentation may begin around
6 months old
IgG from maternal antigens provide passive immunity until
6-8 months
IgG produced on own at 60% of adult level by
12 months old
immune system is not mature until
early childhood
Head lag occurs
birth to 6 months
random movements, fists clenched, hold head up briefly
1 month old
holds head up in prone position at
2-3 months
raises head and chest at
2-3 months
rolls from abdomen to back and plays with feet
4-5 months
holds head steady while sitting at
4 months
sits in tripod position, rolls back to abdomen
6-7 months
sits unsupported, crawls and can pull up to a standing position
8-9 months
walks with support "cruising" and stands alone
10-11 months
walks with one hand held, crawls to get around quickly
12 months
12 months
fists mostly clenched-grasp reflex
1 month
hands mostly open-fading grasp reflex
2 months
palmar grasp-drops object at
1 month
palmar grasp-hold object for a moment
2 months
holds object in hands, grasp reflex is gone
3 months
reaches and grasps with palm
hits at object and misses
4-5 months
transfers objects, play peek a boo
6-7 months
pincer grasp develops-raking
reaches for toys
8-9 months
looks for objects that are dropped from view-object permanence
9 months
releases hold on cup, finger feeds
10-12 months
fine pincer grasp
feeds self with spoon and cup
12 months
Piaget's Sensoriomotor stage lasts from
birth-2 yrs
reflexes-grasp, suck and looks
birth - 1 month
primary circular reactions-reflexes and movements are more controlled and organized
1-4 months
secondary circular reactions-begins exploring environment, actions are intentional and want to gain a response
4-8 months
coordination of secondary schemas-object permanence, beginning of problem solving (pull blanket to get toy)
8-12 months
infant style of play
solitary play
binocularity appears at and becomes refined at
6 wks
4-6 months
full color vision, depth perception and tracking objects by
7-9 months
hearing is intact at birth. at this age baby will turn head to sound
4 months
at this age baby will respond to sound of their name
10 months
ooo's and aaah's
1-3 months
simple vowel sounds, laughs out loud, vocalizes responses to voice
4-6 months
distinguish emotions based on tone
4-7 months
squealing and yelling
6 months
mamma and dadda without meaning
7-10 months
attaches meaning to mamma and dadda
9-12 months
social smile at
3-5 weeks
interest in environment, excited with toys, babbles and coos
3 months
laughs out loud and mimics
4 months
peek-a-boo and patty cake
6-8 months
11 months
stranger anxiety
6-7 months
peaks at 7-9 months
seperation anxiety
9 months
well check ups
2 weeks
2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months
solid foods, iron fortified rice cereal, introduced. tongue extrusion goes away
4-6 months
fruit juice can be given after
6 months
introduce cup at
6-8 months
do not give child egg yolks and meat until
10 months
fluoride supplementation is needed after _____ if not in drinking water
6 months
wean from bottle at
12 months
dental visit at this age or when they get teeth
1 yr
newborns sleep about ____ a day
17-20 hr
by 3-4 months babies sleep
7-8 hrs and nap 3 times a day
by 12 months infants sleep
8-12 hrs
with 2 naps
establish bed time routin by
4 months
colic peaks at _____ of age and should resolve by ____
6 weeks

12 weeks