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194 Cards in this Set

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Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (4)
theophylline, caffeine, papverine, sildenafil
Theophylline, Caffiene, Papverine
prevents PDase from degrading cAMP, makes effects of epi last longer!!!
Sildenafil MOA
prevents PDase from degrading cGMP to 5'-GMP,

smooth muscle relaxation allows blood to fill corpus cavernosa
Sildenafil treats...

It's viagra!
PDase inhibitor that can be used as bronchodilaotr:
theophylline, caffiene
Theophylline adverse effects
seizures, fatal arrhythmias
(+) CYP450
phenobarbital, rifampin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, ethanol (chronic), cigarrete, dixin, DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls
(-) CYP450
isoniazid, cimetidine, grapefruit, erythromycin, acute ethanol, ketoconazole
Slow acetylators develop toxicity with:
Drugs that can cause lupus like syndrome
procainamide, hydralazine
Make urine acidic to increase excretion of weak bases (amphetamines)
ammonium chloride
make urine alkaline to increase excretion of weak acids (aspirin)
Botlinum Toxin MOA
hydrolyzes proteins involved in synaptic storage and exocytotic release of AcH, no transmission at NMJ
Botulinum toxin treats:
blepharospasm, stabismus, cervical dystonia, spasmodic torticollis, laryngeal dystonia, hemifacial spasm, myofacial pain syndrome
muscarinic receptor agonist
ACh Pharm affects
rapid/transient decrease in BP, baroreflex tachycardia
ACh uses
Not many, b/c so many systemic affects.

rapid/complete miosis before/after eye surgery
Carachol/Carbamylcholine MOA
Nicotinic and Muscarinic Agonist
Carbachol/Carbamylcholine Pharm effects
slow onset miosis
Methacoline MOA/Uses
Musarinic agonist, provocative agent in asthma diagnosis
Bethanechol MOA
Mucarinic agonist, selective GI/GU effects
Bethanechol Pharm effects
increased acid, motility, tone
relaxed sphincters, increased GI secretions, contract detrusor

***Low bioavailability
Bethanechol therapeutic uses
bowel stasis, post-op bowel wake-up, make pee

-Helps you go number 1 and 2!
Bethanecol contraindication
asthma, copd, peptic ulcer, CHF, hyperthyroidism.

It's a muscarinic agonist, so it turns up parasympathetics...bad if you have asthma/ulcers
Succinylcholine MOA
IV- acts on N2 cholinergic receptors at NMJ

single contraction followed by flaccid paralysis (depoarization bloackade)
Succinylcholine degraded by
plasmacholinesterase, fast- most degraded before it reaches the NMJ, not degraded by AChase, effect terminated by diffusing away
Pilcarpine MOA
selective Muscarinic agonist, not metabolized by AChase or pseudoAChase.
Pilocarpine effects
contraction of meridoninal fibers of ciliary muscle,
increases aqueous humor flow
Pilocarpine uses
1st drug to treat glaucoma
Pilocarpine adverse effects
impaired far vision, persistant miosis (poor night vision)
Pilocarpine contraindication
asthma/COPD- bronchoconstriction
Peptic ulcer-- more acid
hyperthyroid- atrial flutter/fib
dilated heart- atrial flutter/fib
Cevimeline MOA/effects
synthetic muscarinic agonist/increased salivation
treats dry mouth/dry eyes
Cholinergic agonist suffixes
-ine, chol
Cevimeline side effects
GI cramps, sweating, UTH, rhinitis
Drugs for glaucoma
pilocarpine, betaxolol, timilol, lantanoprost/bimatoprost, epinepherine, dipivefrin, apraclonidine, acetazolaminde, dorzolaminde, isoflurophate (DFP), Echothiophate, Mannitol
Drugs for acute angle-closure glaucoma
mannitol, acetazolamide, pilocarpine
betaxalol MOA
selective B1 anatgonist, decreases production of aqueous humor
timolol MOA
B antagonist, decreases production of aqueous humor
Latanoprost/Bimatoprost MOA
Stable analog of PGF2alpha, increases uveoscleral outflow
A1 agonist, enhance outflow of aqueous humor through normal pathway, causes mydriasis
A1 agonist, hydrolyzed to EPI, enhances outflow of aqueous humor, causes mydriasis
A2 agonist, decreases production of aqueous humor, prevents postsurgical ocular hypertension
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, stops aqueous humor production
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, decreases production of aqueous humor, acetazolamide is better
Isoflurophate (DFP)
OP AChase inhibitor, increases amount of ACh available to contract the ciliary muscle

OP AChase inhibitor, increases amount of ACh available to contract the ciliary muscle

Osmotic diuretic agent, hyperosmolar ECF causes cellular dehydration
for acute attacks
Drugs that decrease aqueous humor production
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, B antagonists, A2 agonists
Drugs that increase normal outfolw
A1 agonist, muscarinic agonist (pilocarpine) Achase inhibitor (isofluophate)
Drugs that increase uv-scl outflow
PGF2alpha analogs (latanoprost)
Carbamate AChase inhibitors
physostigimine, donepezil, neostigmine, pryidostigmine, erdrophonium, carbaryl
tertiatry, non-competitive, slowly reversible inhibition of AChase
no direct affect at AChase
physostigimine pharm effects/uses
inhibits AChase, so ACh acts longer, not used much bc of side effects, alzheimer's but there are better drugs, OD w/ anticholinergics
Donepezil MOA
carbamate, reversible inhibitor of ACh, ACh will stay around longer
Donepezil uses
DOC for alzheimers b/c more selective for CNS, decreases apathy, anxiety, hallucinations & behavioral problems
Donepezil S/E
increased parasympathetics:
diarrhea, muscle cramps, fatigue, bradycardia, insomnia, anorexia
quaternary amine, direct agonst at N2 receptor, inhibits AChase @ all peripheral sites
Neostigmine uses
post-op bowel paralysis, GI/GU atony, myasthenia gravis, reversal of muscle paralysis caused by competitive NM blocks
po, actis like neostigmine,
prydiostigmine uses
long term dosing for Myasthenia Gravis, po dose, quarternary No CNS affects
Mild ocular myasthenia gravis treatment
pyridostigmine + corticosteroids
mild/moderate general myasthenia gravis sympotms
pyridostigmine + thymectomy
moderate/sever myasthenia gravis treatment
pyridostigmine + azathioprine
Edrophonium MOA
quaternary carbamate AChase inbibitor. most action at NMJ from direct stimulation of N2 receptors
Erdophonium is given
IM or IV, can't use for home treatment of Myasthenia gravis
Erdophonium therapeutic uses
distinguish between myasthenic or cholinergic crisis. Too little or too much medication
Give erdophonium with
atropine to reverse competitive neruomusclar blockade caused by drugs
S/E of ACHase inhibitors @ muscarinic sites
excess salivation, rhinitis, bradycardia, bronchospasm, pooping, vomiting/diarrhea, urinary incontinence (all parasympathetic stuff)
Carbaryl MOA
IRREVERSIBLE AChase inhbitor. often grouped with OP poising because similar effects
Treat carbaryl poisoning with
atropine to block muscarinic stimulation, supportive care. Must resynthesize AChase.
Organophosphate AChase inhibiors
Isofluorophate (DFP)
phosphylates active site of ACHase
Isofluophate and Echothiophate can be...
given topically for glaucoma, increase ACh available for contraction of ciliary muscle. LAST RESORT: catarcts/toxicity
Parathion is converted
to active metaboolite paraoxon by CYP450
Malathion is toxic to bugs but not birds and mammals because
they have plasma carboxyesterases that destroy malathion.
CNS symptoms of OP poisoning
loss of concentration
PNS symptoms of OP poisoning
muscarinic manifestations:
Extra parasympathetic effects
In nicotinic receptors:
-skeletal muscle
-sympathetic ganglia
More severe signs of CNS OP poisoning
restlessness, nightmares, ataxia, hypotension, insomnia, slurred speech, convulsions, respiratory depression
Treatment of OP poisoning
Atropine sulfate: tertiary, blocks peripheral&central muscarinic receptors

Pralidoxime: quarternary, gets rid of OPs to send AChase back to normal) not used for cabamate poisoning because it does NOT increase rate of hydrolysis.
Atropine MOA
tertiary muscarinic antagonist
blocks action of ACh at muscarinic receptors.
Atropine Pharm effects
depends on dose.
Small dose --> Large
glands-heart- bladder/bowel-eye
Atropine therapeutic uses, perioperative
decreased production of saliva, counteract bradycardia caused by ocular pressure, visceral traction, carotid sinus stimulation, injection of multiple doses of succinyl choline
Atropine as therapy in OP poisoning
blocks stimulartion of muscarinics, decreases affect of the inhibition of ACHase
Reverse neuromuscular blockade caused by drugs
Atropine + Erdophonium
Erdophinum mostly acts at NMJ, atropine blocks muscarinics so all erdophium can stimulate NMJ
For determination of refractive error of lens and cataract surgery:
Scopalamine, cyclopentolate, atropine

SAC -- mydriasis and cycloplegia
Atropine is DOC to relax sphincter/cilary muscle in
anterior uveatis, choroidits, keratitis
Atropine can reverse AV block induced by
Atropine can revers bradycardia in children by
increasing CO
Atropine can prevent adverse affects of
neostigmine and pyridostigmine in treatment of myasthenia gravis
atropine can be given with _____to reduce abuse
diphenoxylate--- habit forming diarrhea med, atropine gives bad S/E when doses are too big
symtoms of atropine toxicity
Red as a beet
Mad as a hatter
dry as a desert
hot as a pistol
Rx for atropine overdose
gastric lavage, resp/circ support, sponge bath, foley, dark room, benzo for sedation
CNS affects of atropine toxicity
nervousness, excitation, confusion, hallucinations, weakness, giddiness, muscular incoordination, hypertension, maniacal tendencies.
PNS affects of atropine toxicity
dry mouth/thirst
hot, dry, flushed skin
myadriasis/blurred vision
tertiary muscarinic anatagonist with little effect on HR.

blocks muscarinics, but doesn't mess with HR much
Pharm affects of tertiary muscarinic receptor antagonists, general
relax iris sphincter
relax cilary muscle (far vision)
increase contractility in atria/ventricle
Increased HR
increased conduction velocity @ atria, decrease APD/ERP
Decrease GI motility/tone
relax GU tract/bronchi (smooth muscle)
contracts sphincters
decreased secretion from glands

--All things that are good when running from a bear
therapeutic uses of scopalamine
mydraiasis/cycloplegia (+ cyclpentolate & atropine)

DOC for pain in anterior eveitis, choroiditis, Keratitis

motion sickness in patch
used to be used as tranquilizer
Adverse effects of scopalamine
CNS affects at therapeutic dose (unlike atropine)

-dreamless sleep
-antegrade amnesia (worse with EtOH)
tertiary muscarinic antagonsit, DOC for refractive error.
SAC-- in the conjuncteval sac
Tropicamide MOA
tertiary muscarinic antagonist @ Eye

'sundglasses in the tropics"
Tropicamide uses
DOC for fundoscopic exam (short half-life)
anatagonist at central muscarinic receptor

parkinson's treatment
antagonist at central muscarinic receptor

parkinson's treatment
Dicyclomine and Hyoscyamine
muscarinic antagonists at GI tract, prevents bowel spasms with IBS
Oxybutynin MOA/uses
muscarinic antagonist, direct antispasmodic effect at detrusor

Oxybutynin adverse effects
drowsiness, somnolence, dizziness
Tolterodine uses/adverse effects

dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation/somnolence
Solifenacin MOA/Uses/Adverse
selective M3 atangonist


fewer CNS effects: less dry mouth than other OAB drugs
Darifenacin MOA/Uses/Adverse
Selective M3 antagonist


No CNS/CV effects....less dry mouth than others!
Drugs for overactive bladder:

Darifenacin, Ocybutynin, Toletrodine, Trospium (4), Solifenacin
Diphenhydramine (benadryl)
central muscarinic receptor antagonist/antihistamine
maybe used in parkinsons
Drugs used for Parkinsons
Benadryl (antihistamines/diphenyhydramine)
Side effects of drugs for parkinsons

Cycloplegia (ciliary paralysis)
urinary retention
dry mouth
Quarternary Muscarinic antagonist
N-methyl PIG
quarternary drug used for OAB
trospium, nonselective muscarinic antagonist, does NOT enter CNS
Iprtropium MOA
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle
Glycopyrrolate MOA
peripheral muscarinic antagonist,

prevents unwanted muscarinic stimulation from AChase inihition.
Glycopyrrolate perioperative uses
decreased saliva and pulmonary secretion

counteract bradycardia caused by:
ocular pressure, visceral traction, carotid sinus stimulation, multiple doses of succinylcholine
Glycopyrrolate + neostigmine
given IV, reverses competitive neurmuscular blockade cause by drugs like (d-tubocurarine)
Nicotine MOA
direct stimulation of N1 and N2 cholinergic receptors

CNS: direct N1 stimulation releases NE/DA

Addiction results from release of DA in nucleus acumbens
Compound in cigarette smoke that induces CYP-450
Actue CNS affects in a nicotene naive patient
increased EEG alerting pattern
facilitation of attention&memory
decrease aggression
decrease appetit
decrease skel muscle tone & DTR via stimulation of renshaw neurons, increase physiological tremor
Acute CV affectes in a nicotene naive patient
increased SBP, DBP, PP, HR via stimulation of sympathetic ganglia & aortic chemoreceptors

tolerance develops rapidly, long term effects on BP aren't big

decrease skin temp and digital BF (peripheral vasoconstriction)
Acute nicotine toxicity
usually from chewing tobacco

Adverse effects of nicotine containing insecticides
N/V, ab cramps, diarrhea
muscle weakness
BP falls, HR irregular, shallow breathing,
CV collapse, respiratory failure
Chronic nicotine toxicity
increase LDL and TGs, lower HDL
decrease PGI2 and NO (constricted arterioles and platelet aggregation)
neutrophil activation/aggregation--inflammatory damage
cardiac dysrhythmias
cancer (benzopyreme mutate p53)
Smokers face--- wrinkles!
Pharm effects of chewing tobacco
increased incidence of CV disease, HTN
increased plasma insulin/fibrinogen

Oral cancer:
oral leukoplakia
gum disease
Tx for nicotine toxicity
gastric lavage or emesis
drugs for shock/convulsions
Succinylcholine MOA
IV causes single contraction at NMJ followed by 3-5 minutes of flaccid paralysis
Succinylcholine pharm effects
most dose degraded by plasmacholinesterase

partial repolarization, but NMJ block persists

NMJ blockade is terminated by drug diffusing away
Trimethaphan MOA
IV, competitive block of N1 receptors in autonomic ganglia, prevents all sympathetic and parasympathetic activity
Mecamylamine MOA
po, same as trimethaphan, blocks all parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation
effects of trimethaphan or mecamylamine due to sympathetic blockade
arteriodilation - decreased TPR
venodilation- dec. preload
dec dp/dt
dec CO
dec sweating
impotence no ejaculation
effects of trimethaphan or mecamylamine due to parasympathetic blockade
decreased salivation/lacrimation
decreased GI fxn
constipation/no pee
no erection
therapeutic uses of trimethaphan
controlled hypotension during head/neck surgery

causes histamine release so there is more vasodilation
mecamyliamine therapeutic uses
autonomic hyperreflexia in pts with high spinal cord injuries (T5 and up)
symptoms of autonomic hyperreflexia
sudden onset with distention of
HTN, bradycardia (CBR), sweating, piloerection.
Direct adrenergic agonists
NE, EPI, DA, dobutabine, isoproterenol, salmeterol, terbutaline, albuterol, pirbuterol, ritodrine
direct adrenergic agonist
a > B1 > B2
local, NOT circulating.

vasoconstrict arterioles in kidneys, GI,skin (alpha)

vasodilate liver/skeletal muscle (B2)
Therapeutic uses of of NE
direct agonist: vasopressor agent when CO/tissue perfusion are normal (spinal shock)

vasoconstrictor with local anesthetics
NE adverse effects
cardiac arrhythmias (B)
Angina in pts w/ CAD (B)
Cerebrovascular hemorrhage (increased BP)
pulmonary edema (increased TPR)
Tremor (B2)
circulating hormone.

Epi pharm effects
small/physio dose
B2 stimulation vasodilation in liver skeletal muscles

large dose
net vasoconstriction via alpha stim, increased TPR/DBP
Epi therapeutic uses
DOC for anaphylactic shock, priapism

bronchodilator in asthma/COPD
topical epi lowers IOP
Dopamine MOA
adrenergic agonist
D1, B1, alpha
Pharm effects, small DA dose
D1 stimulation- dilate renal afferent arterioles
Pharm effects, medium DA dose
D1 and B1 stimulation
increased dp/dt with little effect on HR, further increase in RBF bc of increase CO and contractility
Direct adrenergic agonists
NE, EPI, DA, dobutabine, isoproterenol, salmeterol, terbutaline, albuterol, pirbuterol, ritodrine
direct adrenergic agonist
a > B1 > B2
local, NOT circulating.

vasoconstrict arterioles in kidneys, GI,skin (alpha)

vasodilate liver/skeletal muscle (B2)
Therapeutic uses of of NE
direct agonist: vasopressor agent when CO/tissue perfusion are normal (spinal shock)

vasoconstrictor with local anesthetics
NE adverse effects
cardiac arrhythmias (B)
Angina in pts w/ CAD (B)
Cerebrovascular hemorrhage (increased BP)
pulmonary edema (increased TPR)
Tremor (B2)
circulating hormone.

Epi pharm effects
small/physio dose
B2 stimulation vasodilation in liver skeletal muscles

large dose
net vasoconstriction via alpha stim, increased TPR/DBP
Epi therapeutic uses
DOC for anaphylactic shock, priapism

bronchodilator in asthma/COPD
topical epi lowers IOP
Dopamine MOA
adrenergic agonist
D1, B1, alpha
Pharm effects, small DA dose
D1 stimulation- dilate renal afferent arterioles
Pharm effects, medium DA dose
D1 and B1 stimulation
increased dp/dt with little effect on HR, further increase in RBF bc of increase CO and contractility
Pharm effects, large DA dose
begins to stimulate alphas, decrease SV/CO
therapeutic uses of DA
increase CO post MI
inc BP in septic hemorrhagic shock
inc in CO in CHF which is refractory to digoxin +diruetics.
inc urine flow in treatment of barbituate&salicylate
Dobutamine MOA
racemic mix stim both B1 > B2
(+) A1 agonist
(-) A2 antagonist
opposite alpha stimulations cancel each other out
Pharm effects of Doubutamine
B1: inc SV
B2: arteriodilation - dec TPR
venodilation- dec venous return

increases GFR via inc in CO
Dobutamine >> dopamine in MI
Dobutamine does NOT inc DBP
Dobutamine is LESS likely to cause tachycardia
Dobutamine causes venodilation, dec venous return
Dobutamine adverse effects
tachycardia, dysrhythmias, cardiac arrhythmias (B), Angina in pts w/ CAD (B), Tremor (B2)
Isoproterenol MOA
iv pure beta 1=2
like epi, but no a stim
Isoproterenol affects
B1: inc dp/dt, inc HR, inc SV

B2: vasodilation, dec TPR

inc AV conduction in AV block

adverse: arrhythmias, angina in pts with CAD(B)

Tremor (B2)

tachycardia- worse than albuterol
Selective B2 agonists
salmeterol, terbutaline, albuterol, pirbuterol, ritodrine
Selective B2 agonist pharm effects
relax smooth muscle-- bronchial for salmeterol, terbutaline, albuterol, pirbuterol
selective B2 agonist used to uterus to delay birth or move baby from breech.
Phenylephrine (PE)
IV A1 agonist,
(NE effects) inc DPB, SBP
SV unchanged, Dec HR (CBR)
Therapeutic uses of Phenylephrine
systemic vasoconstictor, local app is a nasal decongestion,
mydriasis for fundoscopic exam
alpha agonist
nasal decongestant, longer duration that Phenylephrine
in aged food
causes release of endogenous NE, inc BP
cause release of NE, blocks uptake, lipid soluble
B1/B2 agonists
release of endogenous NE
lipid soluble
direct B/indirect alpha stim
Ephedrine pharm effect
reverse hypotension from anesthisia,
bronchodilation, mydriasis, insomnia
same as ephedrine, but less effect, used as nasal decongesant
noncompetitive alpha blocker. more A1 than A2
Dec TPR/BP, inc venous capacitance, inc HR, inc dp/dt
No change in CO
A1=A2 block
dec TPR, inc venous capacitance, inc dp/dt
no change in CO
Phenoxybenzamine uses
control BP in pts with malignant tumors
Phentolamine uses
used perioperatively w/ nonselective B blocker to control BP during manipulation of Pheo

local use to reverse ischemia from DA

impotence (local injection)
Adverse effects of phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine
angina, tachycardia, miosis (A1), inhib of ejaculation, inc insulin resistance
Prazosin (terazosin, doxazosin)
only alpha1 blocker
decr TPR/BP
inc venous capacitnce
no change HR, dp/dt&CO
Prazosin uses
first line HTN

used with nonselective B-blocker in Pheo

treatment of frostbite

small dose can relieve uriniary obstruction in BPH
A1a block, DOC for BPH
A1/B1 block
Dec TPR, DP, dp/dt
no change in HR/CO
first line in HTN
A2 >>A1, very lipid-soluble
central A2 blockade in baroreflex arc, increases pregang sympathetic nerve
Ergotamine and Dihydroergotamine
partial alpha agonist, slight cerebral vessel constriction (migranes)

adverse: spontaneous abortion, muscle pain, paresthesias, digital vasospasm, gangrene

miosis (a1) inhib of ejac (a1) inc insulin (a2)
alpha blocker possible side-effects
orthostatic hypotension
failure to ejaculate
nasal congestion
abdominal cramping
some pt slowly retain Na/water to inc ECF volume
treatment of impotence
phentolamine, papverine, sildenafil, alprostadil
Phentolamine MOA
inject into penis--ouch!,
competitive alpha blocker (1=2)
phentolamine pharm effects

dec tpr/bp
inc venous capcitance, HR, dp/dt
Net: No change in CO
papaverine and sildenafil MOA
PDEase inhibitor
for impotence
Alprostadil MOA
topical or injected into corpus cavernosa
PGE1 analog
cardioselective b-blockers
betaxolol, atenolol, metoprolol
B1 selective, cardio blocking only