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37 Cards in this Set

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economic system of a free market for goods and services that controls production and consumption
command economics
supply and price of goods and services are regulated by the government
corrective justice
equality in exchanges, both parties benefit from the exchange; equilibrium
distributive justice
how society distributes common goods to its members (social dimension) everyone participates but are given shares based on merit
distribution of property will determine the relationship between labor and capital
science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of human kind
economic rent
any profit made beyond the value cost of labor
GE moore's principa ethica morality is based solely on intuition so moral discourse is removed from faith and reasons
supply equals demand for every commodity including labor
state of being impartial and fair; monetary value of property beyond debts owed to mortgage claims etc.
homo economics
fictional model assumes people have unlimited sources; self interest concerned only with what brings them the most pleasure
something that induces action
invisible hand theory
through self interest of all parties there will be equity in the free market
intrasitive value of work
eternal effect of labor, internal and spiritual growth, bridges dignity of work with that of a human person
iron law of wages
mathus: increase in the population of the poor leads to decrease in wages of the poor; all labor can only be paid as substinence amount.
just price theory
merchant entitled to ean enough to adequatly support his station in life; wages are related to needs of the worker
just wage
not less than enough for upright and thrifty worker to support themselves and families with possibility to save for future and own land.
keynesian economic theory
no invisible hand; must be regulated; psychology of market determines need for regulation
laborem economics (pope john paul II)
"excercise of labor" dignity of work, human persons work is for man, man is not for work.
labor theory of value (ricardo)
priced based on labor and past labor so profit= $-labor-capital
labor theory of value (smith)
price determined by labor needed to make product wealth based on labor, labor based on wealth.
law of markets
supply creates demand in free market self adjusts to equilibrium.
marginal utility
all things are given value by the subject that perceives his need at any moment
marginal productivity
rent on a parcel of land that equals the difference of the product of that land and the product of the least productive parcel
market economics
ased on division of labor where prices of goods and services are determined in a ree price system set by supply and demand
natural exchange
equality in value of production and consumption
normative economics
idea policy of "what ought to be"
positive economics
cause and effect "What is,what was, what will be" based on probability and statistics.
rerun novarum (pope leo XIII)
1891:private property is a human right land is for all people (of new things) limited government regulation, union, just wage.
means of producing and distributing goods owned collectively or by centralized government that plans and controls economy.
shortness of supply; insufficiency, demand > supply.
supply and demand theory
in a competitive market price will function to equalize the quantity demanded: results in equilibrium of price and quantity.
study of the nature of god and religious truth. study of religion and its influences on human life. theostlogos= study of god.
tradition economics
resources are allocated by inheritance.
transitive value of work.
temporal effects of prodution.
universal destination of goods
all goods produced in a market make their way back to the members of the market
greatest good for the greatest number of people.