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170 Cards in this Set

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iron deficiency + elderly male = ??
colon cancer until proven otherwise
dysphagia due to esophageal webs + glossitis + iron deficiency anemia = ??
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
surgical treatment for GERD
Nissen fundoplication
what type of cancer can Barrett's lead to?
name the most common cause of a lower GI bleed
an upper GI bleed
medical treatment for ascites
decrease sodium intake + diuretics (lasix + spironolactone)
what do you use to determine the etiology of ascites?
calculate the serum ascites albumin gradient

= ascites albumin - serum albumin
what physiologic state causes of an SAAG >1.1? what are some diagnoses?
due to an imbalance between hydrostatic and oncotic pressures

i.e. chronic liver disease, massive hepatic mets, CHF
what physiologic state causes of an SAAG <1.1? what are some diagnoses?
protein leakage

i.e. nephrotic syndrome, TB, malignancy
what do you need to diagnose spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in ascitic fluid? what are the likely causes? what do you use to treat it?
>250 PMNs/mL or >500 WBCs

likely enterococcus or klebsiella

treat with 3rd generation cephalosporin
what do you use to treat hepatic encelphalopathy?
lactulose and/or metronidazole
what do you use to monitor liver cancer progression?
serum AFP measurements
how is hereditary hemochromatosis conferred? what type of people does it affect the most? what is a common symptom at presentation?
autosomal recessive; northern European descent; bronze skin pigmentation
what are Kayser-Fleischer rings a symptom of? how do you diagnose it? how do you treat it?
Wilsons disease; decreased serum ceruloplasmin

treat by decreasing copper intake, penicillamine
how do you determine the mortality secondary to acute pancreatitis?
Ransons criteria
what is the most likely cause of painless, progressive jaundice?
pancreatic cancer
most common hereditary cause of elevated unconjugated bilirubin
Gilberts syndrome
what hereditary disease causes elevated conjugated bilirubin but normal LFTs? how is it conferred?
Dubin-Johnsons syndrome; autosomal recessive
what hereditary disorder of bilirubin metabolism presents as non-hemolytic jaundice in infants?
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
which hepatitis' often go into become chronic?
HCV (80%), HBV (10%), HDV can when co-infected with HBV
what does an ALT/AST >2 indicate?
alcohol hepatitis
what do you use to treat autoimmune hepatits?
what do you use to treat chronic HBV infections?
interferon-alpha, lamivudine (3TC), adefovir
what do you use to treat chronic HCV infections?
what is the treatment for end-stage liver failure?
liver transplant
what is the clinical course for chronic hepatitis?
chronic hepatitis --> cirrhosis --> liver failure --> liver ca
what does HBeAb presence indicate?
low transmissiblity
what is the definition of portal hypertension?
a portal pressure >5mmHg greater than that of the IVC
what is Budd-Chiari syndrome?
hepatic vein thrombosis secondary to hypercoaguability
what are the three most common anastomoses in cirrhosis?
butt, gut, caput
what is the initial test of choice for dysphagia?
barium swallow study
what is steatorrhea? who is it most common in?
diarrhea that is pale, voluminous, foul-smelling; common with chronic pancreatitis
what is the gold standard to diagnose steatorrhea?
quantative estimate of stool fat
what is the most common cause of toxic megacolon?
IBD (ulcerative colitis)
back pain + anemia + renal dysfunction + elevated ESR = ??
multiple myeloma
what electrolyte dysfunction can cause constipation?
how do you diagnose achalasia?
diagnose via manometry
dilatation of the esophagus + air fluid level = ??
most common cause of antibiotic associated diarrhea and how do you diagnose it?
clostridium difficile; via cytotoxin
most common side effects of digoxin
GI (nausea, vomiting, anorexia)
most common arrhythmias associated with dig toxicity
bidirectional v-tach, accelerated junctional rhythm
what does an abnormality of D-Xylase absorption that does not improve after antibiotic treatment indicate?
Whipples disease
what does an abnormality of D-Xylase absorption that does improve after antibiotic treatment indicate?
bacterial overgrowth
what vitamin deficiency does carcinoid syndrome put you at risk for?
niacin deficiency
which polyps are at risk for malignancy?
villious adenoma, sessile adenoma, size > 2.5cm
what malignant potential do hyperplastic polyps have?
none; no further workup needed
what is the treatment of choice to prevent recurrent HBV?
HBV immunoglobulin + lamivodine
if a patient has a pre-existing heart condition and presents with anemia (<10g/L hemoglobin or <30% hematocrit) and active GI bleed what is the treatment of choice?
packed RBCs
what causes Whipples disease?
Tropheyma Whippelii
what does a PAS-positive biopsy of the lamina propria of the small intestine indicate?
Whipples disease
if secretin administration stimulates gastrin what does that indicate?
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
flushing + diarrhea + wheezing = ??
carcinoid syndrome
treatment for acute coagulopathy + active bleeding = ??
what test is used to stage newly diagnosed gastric cancer?
what causes Zenkers diverticulum?
motor dysfunction and incoordination
what is the treatment for Zenkers diverticulum?
surgery with excision and cricopharyngeal myotomy
how do you diagnose Whipples?
via upper GI endoscopy with small bowel biopsy
when should you being routine screening for colon cancer with ulcerative colitis?
8-10 years after diagnosis
diarhea + hypokalemia + decreased stomach acid = ??

how do you confirm your diagnosis and locate the tumor?
VIPoma; confirm with increased VIP in blood and locate via CT/MRI
what type of anemia can tropical sprue cause and why?
decreased B12/folate leading to megaloblastic anemia
low MCV + low hemoglobin = ??
iron-deficiency anemia
what test should you get with iron-deficiency in the elderly?
colonoscopy; iron-deficiency in the elderly is GI bleed until proven otherwise
what are anti-endomysial antibodies indicative of?
celiac sprue
what must you rule-out with a young patient that presents with iron deficiency anemia and malabsorption?
rule out celiac disease
elderly patient with painless rectal bleeding and aortic stenosis = ??
vascular ectasia, aka angiodysplasia
treatment protocol for ascites (4 steps)
1. sodium and water restriction
2. sprironolactone
3. loop diuretic (<1L diuresed per day)
4. frequent abdominal paracentesis
duodenal ulcer treatment
amoxicillin, clarithromycin and PPI
best test for evaluating an acute episode of diverticulitis
CT scan
chronic diarrhea + anemia + elevated ESR = ?
must rule out inflammatory bowel disease
what dermatological disorder is highly correlated with celiac sprue?
dermatitis herpetiform
galactosemia leads to what type of hyperbilirubinemia?
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
who do you see breast-fed jaundice in and how do you treat it?
seen in infants that are exclusively breast-fed; treat by stimulating milk production
what is the difference in presentation between duodenal and gastric ulcers?
duodenal ulcer pain improves with food, gastic ulcer pain gets worse with food
gastric strictures commonly occur secondary to what?
ingestion of caustic agents
most common cause of SBO
quickest way to correct an elevated INR
fresh frozen plasma
what are muddy brown granular casts in UA?
acute tubular necrosis
pathophysiological cause of giardia-induced diarrhea
adhesive disks and malabsorption
treatment for giardia
portion of the bowel at highest risk for ischemic colitis
watershed areas, mainly splenic flexure
most sensitive and specific test for pancreatic exocrine failure (chronic pancreatitis)
fecal elastase study
which race is lactose intolerance most associated with?
what two tests are commonly used to diagnose lactose intolerance?
a positive Clintest for stool reducing substances or a positive hydrogen breath test
most common cause of upper GI bleed
BUN >40 + creatinine = ??
suggestive of upper GI bleed
really high BUN + mildly elevated creatinine = ??
suggestive of pre-renal azotemia (dehydration)
decreased esophageal peristalisis + poor relaxation of the LES = ??
what do you order for complicated GERD or failure of empiric treatment?
most common complication of PUD
what does a hiatal hernia pre-dispose you for?
hiatial hernia --> chronic GERD --> Barrett's --> adenocarcinoma
when a contrast study of the esophagus shows a motility disorder what should you get next?
chest pain + odynophagia for hot/cold food = ??
rule out esophageal spasm
what are non-caseating granulomas pathognomonic for?
what is a Mallory-Weiss tear?
increased intragastric pressure during vomiting leading to tears in the mucosa of the cardia
how does TPN lead to gall stones?
TPN --> decreased CCK --> gall bladder stasis --> gall stones
fever + chills + LUQ pain + splenic fluid = ??
endocarditis with septic emboli to the spleen
what psych drug commonly causes pancreatitis?
valproic acid
painless rectal bleeding in a 2 year old
Meckels diverticulum
test to diagnose Meckel's diverticulum
technetium-99m pertechnetate scan
migratory thrombophlebitis + atypical vernous thromboses = ??
must rule out chronic DIC
test to diagnose Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
fasting serum gastrin levels
diarrhea + dermatitis + dementia = ??
pellegra (naicin/B3 deficiency)
what can massive doses of aspirin/NSAIDs cause?
acute erosive gastritis
painless obstructive jaundice + really high alkaline phosphatase = ??
pancreatic carcinoma
absence of esophageal peristaltic waves + GERD = ??
likely esophageal dysmotility secondary to scleroderma
drug of choice for C diff
test for Zenkers diverticulum
barium esophagography
orodynophageal dysphagia + neck mass + bad breath = ??
Zenkers diverticulum
what vitamin deficiency is a "tea and toast" diet associated with?
folic acid deficiency
what puts you at risk for peptic strictures?
recent abdominal surgery plus morphine puts you at risk for what?
post-operative ileus
what must you rule out with a patient that has hypercalcemia and recurrent peptic ulcers?
MEN type I
what test should you get for patients with dyspepsia <45 years old?
H pylori breath test
chest pain + dysphagia = ??
diffuse esophageal spasm
dark brown discoloration of the colon with lymph follicles shining through as pale patches (melanosis coli)
think laxative abuse
what is the treatment for acute/chronic anal fissures?
dietary modification (increase fiber and fluid intake)
most common location for carcinoids
terminal ileum
oocytes in the stool
cryptosporidium parvum
with ulcerative colitis when should you start screening for colon cancer?
start colonscopies 8 years after onset
most common cause of anemia in the elderly
what is the treatment for gastric MALT without metastasis
PPI and antibiotics
how long does a strict vegetarian diet take to cause B12 deficiency?
if a strict vegetarian, 3-4 years
what vitamin deficiency does long-term NPO put you at risk for?
vitamin K deficiency
symptoms seen with B12 deficiency
macrocytic anemia, glossitis, peripheral neuropathy
what do you do with familial colonic polyposis?
treat with a protocolectomy at the time of diagnosis
what would be positive during the Hep B window period?
anti-HBc (IgM)
recurrent pain during and after bowel movement = ??
anal fissure; diagnose via history
best initial treatment for anal fissure
stool softener and fiber supplement
what does asterixis indicate?
hepatic encephalopathy
what sign indicates end-stage liver disease?
ascites; indicates portal HTN from the years of cirrhosis
how do you diagnose pancreatic head CA?
via ERCP
what do you use to diagnose Zenkers diverticulum?
barium swallow study
what are the screening guidelines for colon cancer?
start screening at 50 if no family history; if positive family history then start screening 10 years before earliest diagnosed family member
most common environmental risk factor for pancreatic cancer
is colon cancer risk increased with Crohns?
yes, 10-20x depending on site of involvement
what bone disease are Crohns patients at risk for?
ankylosing spondylitis
what rash is consistent with celiac disease?
dermatitis herpetiformis (vesiculopapular rash on extensor surfaces)
what is the risk of colon cancer with ulcerative colitis and when?
10-20x increased risk 10 years after onset
what do you see on histology with alcohol hepatitis?
Mallory bodies; cytoplasmic inclusion bodies containing keratin
how is familial adenomatous polyposis transmitted and how do you manage it?
autosomal dominant; prophylatic colectomy
where is the most common site for colon adenocarcinoma?
proximal portion
what is the best initial test for giardia? what should you follow up a positive test with?
ELISA (very sensitive); confirm + ELISA with ova/parasite exam and string test
what is the second most common cause of a lower GI bleed in patients >60?
what cardiac disease are angiodysplasia patients at risk for and what is this syndromed called?
Heyde's syndrome; look for aortic stenosis
what is Reynolds pentad and what does it indicate?
Chacot's triad + hypotension + altered mental status = indicates sepsis
what is the most common cause of pancreatitis? second most common cause?
first - gall stones
second - alcohol
water diarrhea + day care center exposure = ?
which cancer is the 3rd most common and 3rd most fatal?
colon cancer
what must you rule out when you palpate a stool in the vault upon DRE?
must rule out pelvic outlet syndrome
what is the best initial therapy after treating someone with a fecal impaction?
increased fiber and psyllium
young thin male + diffuse abdominal pain + weight loss + non-bloody diarrhea = ?
must rule out Crohns
describe the features of ulcerative colitis, the type of lesions, presentation, and associated risk of colon cancer
+rectal involvement, continuous lesions, mucosal/submucosal involvement, bloody diarrhea, risk for toxic megacolon, pseudopolyps, 10-20x risk of colon cancer
what part of the bowel can Crohns affect? whats the most common location? what type of lesions? which tissue is involved? what does it look like on scope? what type of diarrhea?
may affect any portion of GI, especially terminal ileum; skip lesions; transmural inflammation; water diarrhea; cobblestoning appearance
what type of antibodies do you see with Crohns?
+ anti-Sacchoromyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA)
what type of antibodies do you see with ulcerative colitis?
+ perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA)
definitive diagnosis for acute cholescysitis
most common location for carcinoid cancer
when does carcinoid syndrome present? where does it commonly metastasize to?
presents after metastasis, most commonly to liver
DM + vomiting undigested food several hours after meals = ??
likely gastroparesis secondary to diabetic neuropathy
medical management for diabetic gastroparesis
metoclopromide or erythromycin to promote motility and gastric emptying
"double-bubble" sign on xray
sigmoid volulous
what is Charcots triad and what does it indicate?
fever + jaundice + RUQ pain; indicates ascending cholangitis
how do you diagnose ascending cholangitis?
via ERCP
what is Barrett's esophagus?
columnar metaplasia of squamous cells
what type of cancer does Barrett's put you at risk for?
what is Boerhaaves syndrome? who is it common in?
esophageal perforation due to rupture of the esophageal wall; common in young females with eating disorder
what is the best way to assess the success of treatment to eradicate H. pylori?
urea breath test
what is Cullen's sign?
periumbilical bluish discoloration indicative of pancreatitis
what is Grey-Turners sign?
flank discoloration indicative of pancreatitis
what is Courvoisiers sign?
painless palpitation of an enlarged gall bladder secondary to pancreatic cancer