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33 Cards in this Set

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achalasia dx
young nonsmoker, both solids and liquids, regurgitation and heart burn that does not respond to PPI

initial: barium swallow, have to do EGD to r/o CA

most accurate: esophageal manometer
achalasia tx
initial: pneumatic dilation or surgical myotomy

botulinum toxin if they refuse surgery or dilation
esophageal CA dx
solids first, liquids later (progressive)
> 50 yo smoker and/or drinker

can do barium swallow
esophageal Ca tx
i. Esophagectomy, chemo for advanced with 5 fu
rings and webs
schatzkis ring and peptic stricture - pneumatic dilation

treatment - dilation and acid suppression

zenker's diverticulum
dysphagia with bad breath

dx. barium swallow

tx surgical resection
diffuse esophageal spasm
dx chest pain, intermittent dysphagia


tx. CCB and nitrates

incompetant LES, poor peristalsis, GERD

dx. barium swallow and EGD

tx ppi, dilation if stricture

dx. odynophagia

hiv -ve do endoscophy
hiv +ve fluconazole
mettalic taste, sore throate, hoarseness, chough, wheezing, heartburn, asthma

PPI can be diagnositic and therapeutic
24 hr ph monitor

EGD if alarm signals, failure to respond to ppi,

barrett's tx
barretts - ppi and repeat endo in 2-3 yrs
low grade dysplasia = PPI and repeat endo in 3-6 mo
high grade - resection, ablation, or distal
non-ulcer dyspepsia

MCC of epigastric pain
belching, fullness, discomfort

dx of exclusion
H2 blcokers, antacids, and PPIs

peptic ulcer disease
H. Pylori
trauma, burns, intubation, crohn/s ZES
ZES dx
dx high gastrin and high gastric acid output
somatostatin scan
secretin stimulation ( will have no change in gastrin level)
ZES tx
local - resection

metastatic - lifelong ppi


liquids and solids - motility

intermittent solid - lower esophogeal ring

progressive solid - stricture or malignancy

Schatzki's ring

Intermittent solid food dysphagia

tx. dilation +- PPI

eosinophillic esophagitis

-solid food dysphagia

-young males

-history of allergies, asthma

-EGD with ringed esophogus

> 15 EOS/hpf

tx. PPI and ingested steroid

GERD alarm symtoms


blood in stool

weight loss




what med gives false negative H pylori


ZE syndrome

diarrhea + esophagitis

dx. elevated serum gastrin, somatostatin receptor scintography and EUS

boerhaave's syndrome

triad of forceful vomiting, chest pain, and subc emphysema

rapid pleural effusion on left side

dx. constrast esophogram

acute hepatitis B

malaise, rash, hot joint pain with swelling, lymphadenopathy, uritcaaerial lesions, jaudice

oropharyngeal dysphagia

often seen after neurological injury

dx. barium swallow promptly to prevent aspiration

peritoneal dialysis perotonitis

dx. abd pain and nausea, fluid with > 100wbc or > 50 % PMNs confirmed with cx

tx intraperitoneal vanc and cefepime

Corrosive ingestion

1. EGD

steroid not recommended

common non-pancreatic caucses of lipase elevation

renal insufficiency, DKA, intestinal obstruction or ileus


crampy periumbilical abdominal pain, vomiting

how many H pylori test to rule out


volvulus tx

1. sigmoidoscopy with rectal tube

2. surgery

Mallory Weiss tear


PPIs impair intestinal absorption of ?


tyhphilitis (neutropenic enterocolitis)

-pts with hematologic malignancies

-due to chemo + neutropenia

-10-14 days after chemo

-N/V, RLQ abd pain, watery or bloody diarrhea

-CT scan

-broad spectrum abx