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65 Cards in this Set

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Taking someone else property

Theft by taking

Enters dwelling , in the act of a felony and has weapon pointed on you

Home invasion 1st degree

Without authority enters retail establishment with intent to commit a theft and cause damages that exceed $500

Smash and grab burglary

Enters dwelling in the act of a felony has a weapon but doesn’t point it towards you

Home invasion 2nd degree

Damages $500 or less , enter for unlawful purpose, given notice to leave , or continue to remain

Criminal trespass

Intentionally damages to property exceed $500 and intentionally by fire or explosive

Criminal damage to property in the second degree

Damage to property in which it endangers life or damages public utility

Criminal damage to property in the first degree

Where you have the power and authority to arrest


Authority comes from

Chief /sheriff

Limitation for rape is

15 years

Intentionally making physical contact or causing physical harm to another

Simple battery

Causing substantial physical marks


When a person threatens to commit any crime of violence, release, any hazardous substance or burn or damage property

Terroristic, threats and acts

True or false a person can’t be convicted of terroristic, threats and acts, unless they have a cooberated testimony


A person commits the offense of ____________ when they are at a time or in a manner not usual for law, abiding individuals that warrant a immediate concern for the safety of persons or property

Loitering or prowling

The fighting by two or more persons in a public place


A person commit the offense of ____________ with intent to commit theft, when he takes property of another from the person by force ,by intimidation ,by sudden snatching


Someone taking property from another person by use of offensive weapon

Armed robbery

Intent to assist sexual offender, in eluding, a law-enforcement unit that is seeking him , by harboring him, concealing him, or keeping information from law-enforcement

Assisting sexual offender in eluding law

When a person has possession of any tool that is commonly used in a commission of burglary, theft, or other crimes

Possession of tools for the commission of crime

Penetrating a sex organ, or anus of another person with a foreign object, without consent of that person

Aggravated sexual battery

When a person makes physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person

Sexual battery

Engaging in sexual intercourse or sodomy with father, Mother , stepchild, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, or nephews is


Incest is a felony, true or false?


Paying for sexual acts or intercourse


The offense of child molestation that physically injures the child, or involves an act of sodomy

Aggravated child molestation

Forcing a female against her will, and having carnal knowledge is


Adult having consensual sex with a person under the age of 16

Statutory rape

Sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another


Sexual acts involving the mouth or anus against their will or with a person who is less than 10 years of age

Aggravated sodomy

With sex crimes if a victim is at least 13 but less than 16 and the person convicted is 18 years of age or younger, and there’s no more than four years older than the victim. And it’s not of force .Such person shall be guilty of a


Arresting, confining, or detaining such persons without legal authority is

False imprisonment

Abducting or stealing away another person, without lawful authority, and holding them against their will


Inflicting injury to an unborn child

Assault of unborn child

Intentionally inflicting physical harm upon an unborn child

Battery of an unborn child

Which homicide charge involves serious provocation and the voice of reason ?

Voluntary manslaughter

Intent to commit a crime Taking a substantial step toward the commission of the crime

Criminal attempt

Intent to commit a crime Taking a substantial step toward the commission of the crime

Criminal attempt

Any place where the conduct may reasonably be expected to be viewed by people, other than members of the family or household

Public place

No excessive fines, bail , nor cruel and unusual punishments


No law shall violate your rights as a citizen, great citizenship to anyone born in the United States

14th amendment

Double Jeopardy, cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process law

5th amendment

Protection against unreasonable, search, and seizures

fourth amendment

Intent to commit a theft or felony enters and remains in a place that’s not someone’s home

Burglary in the second degree

City ordinances are in what courts

Municipal court

An act or failure to act that disregards the safety of others

Criminal negligence

What are the three components criminal justice system ?

Police , courts , and corrections

Which branch writes laws ?


Constitutional law is the ________law of the land.


Which courts handle landlord-tenant cases ?

Magistrate court

Preponderance of evidence is needed for _________ cases .


Beyond reasonable doubt is what you need for ______ cases


Samuel Aioto , Neil Gorsuch , Elena Kagan ,Clarence Thomas , Sonia Sotomayor , Brett M. Kavaughn , Amy Barrett , Ketanji Brown are all the 9

Supreme Justices

Attempt to harm a fetus

Assault of unborn child

Attempt to harm a fetus

Assault of unborn child

Not usually resident ,crime or person committing crime unknown ,conversion of public property by conversion of property are all periods excluded from


Attempt to harm a fetus

Assault of unborn child

Not usually resident ,crime or person committing crime unknown ,conversion of public property by conversion of property are all periods excluded from


Which court only hear cases in their jurisdiction , deals with landlord -tenant cases , and deal with civil cases max amount ?

Magistrate court

Attempt to harm a fetus

Assault of unborn child

Not usually resident ,crime or person committing crime unknown ,conversion of public property by conversion of property are all periods excluded from


Which court only hear cases in their jurisdiction , deals with landlord -tenant cases , and deal with civil cases max amount ?

Magistrate court

Which court deals with arrest warrants , search warrants, good behavior warrants ?

Magistrate court

Which court deals with capital felonies , death penalty, habeas corpus ,election contests ?

Supreme Court

Which courts deal with misdemeanors and have a jury trial ?

Superior court