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30 Cards in this Set

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to act
to move
high cholesterol
ACE inhibitors:
indications for treatment of HTN & HF
excellent at dropping blood pressure; works in the kidney
HMG-CoA reductace inhibitors:
indications for
statin drugs; lower cholesterol, blocks the enzyme in the liver that makes cholesterol
anti-platelet drugs:
common side effects
causes bleeding
sulfonylurea drugs:
indications for
know what lab value to follow
indicated for type 2 diabetes; follow blood sugar labs
indications for
know an example of this
big antibiotic; indicated to treat infection and anthrax
ex: Cipro
common side effects
indicated for
CNS depressant: tired, sleeping, sedative
used for anxiety, skeletal muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and seizure control
moa: intensify GABA (neurotransmitter)
MAOI antidepressants:
serious adverse effects when combined with tyramines
hypertensive crisis, aneurisms, stroke
Protease inhibitor retroviral drugs:
indicated for
anti-viral, anti-HIV
Beta blockers:
indicated for
diseases that would contraindicate the use of the non-selective beta blockers
lower BP, preventive in angina, given after an acute MI, treats migraines
blocks the effects of norepinephrine and epinephrine in all cells
diseases: asthma, breathing problems, depressed respiratory system
moa when used to treat Myasthenia Gravis
indicated for
adverse effects
stimulate the parasympathetic NS(GI tract), will help them digest better and reverse muscle weakness
H2 receptor antagonists:
indicated for
block H2 receptors in the stomach and the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
indicated for someone who has an ulcer, or GERD
Anticonvulsant therapy:
general principle of dosing
drug classification names
start low and increase slowly (bad side effects)
decrease the chance of seizures
hydantoins, benzodiazepines, barbiturates
non-selective beta blockers:
contraindicated for
anyone with a respiratory disease
adverse effects
CNS depressents, hypertension, depresses the entire body
characteristics of general drug classification
how they act in the body
adverse effects
used to bring the heart into a normal rhythm
usually slow down the heart and then try to make it more regular
can make the rhythm worse
indicated for
seizure control
indicated for
seizure control
serious adverse effects
serious antibiotic, nephrotoxic and ototoxic
general moa in the treatment of peptic ulcers
raises pH in the stomach
Serotonin receptor antagonist:
indicated for
used for anti-emetics
5-alpha reductase inhibitor:
indicated for
for benign prostatic hypertrophy; decrease the size of the prostate
thyroid replacement therapy:
replace the hormone that the thyroid makes; speeds up metabolism at the cellular level
drug classifications
dyantoin, barbiturates, benzodiazepines
CNS agonists:
indicated for the treatment of what in children
will slow a child down and help them concentrate
ex: Ritalin
general moa in the treatment of psychosis
block the amount of dopamine in the brain (decrease amount released)
adverse effects
raise blood sugar, raise risk of infections, PUD, lose bone density, alters your metobolism of almost everything
affects mood and emotional status
Organic nitrates:
indicated for
treats angina