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41 Cards in this Set

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What does it Gene expression mean

Means that genes have to be expressed or silenced

How does cell differentiation occur

Same nuclear genome can lead to different protein patterns based on which genes are expressed


Depends on change in gene expression rather than changes in nucleotide sequence of cell’s genome

2-dimensional gel electrophoresis

Is a method of characterizing differences in proteins expressed by two different tissues

--> Proteins are separated by charge in first dimension(x-axis) and molecular weight in the second dimension(y-axis)-->

Left side = acidic

Right side = basic

Top = high molecular weight

Bottom = low molecular weight

Somatic cell reprogramming

Gives evidence that a differentiated cell contains all the genetic instructions necessary to direct the formation of a complete organism


Nucleus of unfertilized egg (non-differentiated cells) destroyed by UV light

Skin cell (differentiated cells) taken from a frog

Nucleus of skin cell placed in unfertilized egg → normal embryo forms

What are the 6 steps that eukaryotic gene expression can be controlled

Transcriptional control

RNA processing control

Cytosolic gene expression control steps

mRNA degradation control

Translation control

Protein activity control

What are the steps at which gene expression can be controlled in nucleus

In the nucleus--> Gene expression is controlled by transcriptional control(DNA creating RNA transcripts) and gene expression is controlled by RNA processing(RNA transcript splicing into mRNA)

What are the steps at which gene expression can be controlled in cytosol

In the cytosol gene expression is controlled differently;

1) RNA transport and localization control

2)mRNA degradation control (mRNA → inactive mRNA) Occurs especially when mRNA is damaged

3) Translation control (mRNA → protein)

4) Last step; Protein activity control (Protein → inactive protein or active protein) Protein modification can lead to protein being active or inactive

In transcription, Promoters and gene regulatory sequences are for?

Important in determining if gene is turned on or off

In transcription, transcription factors are for

Binding to specific promoter and gene regulatory sequences--> turning genes on and off

In transcription, RNA polymerases are for ?

Producing the RNA transcripts aka mRNA used to build proteins

In transcription, open reading frames**(dont get)

Encodes the proteins

DNA binding proteins such as transcription factors

Bind to the surface of DNA without opening the DNA Double helix--> These transcription factors(Tf) bind DNA ionicly(non covalently)

Transcription factors and genetic switches

Transcription factors recognize genetic switches

Short DNA sequences are fundamental components of genetic switches

Helix-turn-helix motif

One of the simplest and most common DNA binding motifs

Consists of an α-helix, a turn, and another α-helix

Recognition helix

Binds to the major groove

Important in recognizing specific sequences in DNA

Second helix

Stabilizes the interaction of recognition helix with the DNA major groove

Helix-turn-helix proteins bind DNA as a dimer

The two copies of the recognition helix

(red cylinder) bind DNA separated by exactly one turn of the DNA helix (3.4 nm)

The other helix of the helix-turn-helix motif (blue color) stabilizes the recognition helix

Helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif


What is used to indicate where DNA-binding proteins bind?

Gel mobility shift assay--> Indicates that a protein binds to a specific DNA sequence

DNA footprinting

How does Gel mobility shift assay work?

Tube 1

DNA fragment is radioactively labeled

DNA is negatively charged, migrates to positive electrode--> DNA forms single band

Tube 2

DNA fragment is radioactively labeled

Proteins such as nuclear protein extracts are mixed with labeled DNA molecules in the assay

Free DNA

-->Migrates fast through the poly-acryl-amide gel

--> Forms furthest band corresponding to single band in tube 1

DNA covered with proteins

--> Migrates slowly

--> Stratified based on weight; heaviest moving shortest distance

How does DNA footprinting work


Family of single-stranded DNA molecules labeled at the 5’ end

A specific region of DNA is protected from cleavage by a DNA-binding protein

DNA undergoes random cleavage by nuclease or chemical

--> Protein is removed from the protected region and the cleaved DNA strands are separated

--------> Separation is performed via gel electrophoresis

DNA “Footprint” occurs where no cleavage is observed in the DNA strand

--> Footprint = region protected by protein attached to DNA

Gel electrophoresis is conducted both with and without the DNA binding protein

--> The two runs are compared

What technique is used to select and purify against specific transcription factors

DNA affinity chromatagraphy

Polycistronic messenger RNAs

A single mRNA encoding several different proteins

polycistronic mRNAs

A feature of bacteria and prokaryotic systems-->

Expression of genes regulated by specific proteins that bind to the promoter --> due to a single mRNA encoding several proteins

In contrast, Eukaryotic systems have monocistronic mRNAs

Control of Prokaryotic gene expression is through

Negative regulation by end products

Tryptophan and Prokaryotic gene expression

The synthesis of tryptophan depends on the level of tryptophan present

Excess tryptophan (Genes are off)

--> End-product tryptophan binds to repressor → active repressor

--> Active repressor binds to DNA

Prevents binding of RNA polymerase → prevents transcription

Lack of tryptophan (Genes are on)

--> RNA polymerase remains bound to DNA

--> Transcription of tryptophan continues

What are the mechanisms by which specific gene regulatory proteins control gene transcription in prokaryotes

1) Negative regulation + Ligand binds --> Switches gene on by removing repressor protein

2) Negative regulation w Ligand bounded leads to repressor protein preventing transcription--> Removal of ligand switches gene on by removing repressor protein

3) Positive regulation + ligand --> Switches gene off by removing activator protein

4) Positive regulation w ligand allows bound activator protein to promote transcription--> removal of ligand leads to switching off of activator protein

How does the Dual control of the Lac Operon operate?

Lac operon controlled by both glucose and Lactose concentrations

In the presence of Glucose, CAP does not bind to the CAP-binding site

In the absence of Lactose, Lac repressor blocks RNA synthesis start site


+ Glucose, + Lactose = Operon OFF: CAP not bound

+ Glucose, - Lactose = Operon OFF: CAP not bound, Lac repressor bound

- Glucose, - Lactose = Operon OFF: Lac repressor bound

- Glucose, + Lactose = Operon ON

What is the purpose of the Mediator protein complex

Helps establish interactions between components within the promoter region

Required to activate transcription

What is transcriptional synergy?

Transcriptional synergy means that multiple transcription factors bind at once to yield an exponential increase in transcription

Eukaryotic gene regulatory proteins often...?

Often assemble into complexes on DNA--> Tf tend to bind to DNA in groups while in solution factors will remain seperated

What allows multiple inputs to integrate at a promoter?

DNA Looping--> Can contribute to gene activation at a distance

What are the ways Gene regulatory proteins can be activated?

Protein synthesis – regulatory protein synthesized only when needed

Ligand binding

Covalent modification – phosphorylation activates regulatory protein

Addition of second subunit – DNA-binding subunit activates regulatory protein

Unmasking – inhibitory protein removed by phosphorylation

Stimulation of nuclear entryRelease from membrane

A single gene regulatory protein can coordinate the expression

Of several different genes--> A single gene regulatory protein interacts with different protein complexes on different genes to help regulate expression of those genes

Example: glucocorticoid receptor( with glucocorticoids--> leads to high levels of gene expression

Condensed DNA-histone complex is


Basic unit of DNA packaging in eukaryotes

Is the nucleosome

A nucleosome consists of

A segment of DNA wound in sequence around eight histones

Ways to open chromatin structure in order to access DNA and stimulate transcription

Nucleosome remodeling, Histone removal, Histone replacement, Specific pattern of histone modification

Specific pattern of histone modification

acetylation, methylation of histones

Histone removal

Histone chaperones remove histones leaving DNA

Nucleosome remodeling

Chromatin remodeling complex moves nucleosomes around and loosens DNA-Histone complex