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45 Cards in this Set

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The bladder is not palpable unless

It's distended

What is normal specific gravity


What does a specific gravity of 1.030 mean


What does a specific gravity of 1.002 mean

Over hydration

How to obtain a clean catch specimen

-Wipe 3 times (side, side, middle)

-Start to pee

-Place the cup under urine stream

What position would a female patient be in to do a foley cath?

Dorsal recumbent

-gyno pose

Transient Incontinence

Short term incontinence

Usually caused from a UTI

Overflow incontinence

Loss of urine due to bladder distention

-too much urine is in the bladder but you don't feel the urge to go so your incontinent

Urge Incontinence

Sudden urge to pee

Stress incontinence

Due from coughing, laughing, sneezing, etc

Why should catheters not be routinely used?

They are the leading cause for nosocomial infections

-catheters lead to UTI's

People who self cath may use what instead of sterile technique?

Clean technique

If there is sediment collecting in the catheter tubing what should you do?

Change the foley

What do high BUN and creatinine leaves mean?


How should a nurse enforce a bladder training schedule?

Offer bed pan or bathroom every 2 hours while awake

Goal of bladder training?

Enable the patient to hold more urine in the bladder and to increase intervals between voiding

What is the basic unit of structure and function in the kidney?


What age do most kids gain bladder control?

2-3 years

What is a primary risk factor in IBS


How much liquid stool do you need to test for intestinal infection?

20-30 ml

What vitamin can cause a false negative fecal occult blood test?

Vitamin c

What is a brat diet





When is a brat diet recomenede

When a patient is having diarrhea

Colonoscopy prep will cause what?

A lot of diarrhea

What is a colonoscopy

Use of a scope to visualize from the anus- where the small and large intestine meet

When is it important for people to get a colonoscopy & why?

Anybody over 50 to check for colon cancer

How many inches should the tubing of an enema be inserted?

2-4 in

What factors increase risk for constipation?

Opioids, not moving around, high dose of calcium

What types of foods help promote normal bowel elimination

Fiber- fruits, nuts, veggies, whole grains

What is a food allergy?

Triggers an immune response

What is a food intoleranxe

Causes GI upset

What is an antitusive?

Suppresses cough

What is an expectorant?

Reduces cough, loosens mucus so that you are able to get it up

What blood level stimulates breathing?


How do opioids effect breathing?

They lower respiratory rates

-esp. Morphine

What position should the patient be in for tracheostomy care?

Semi fowler position

-allows for lung expansion

What does a positive TB test mean?

That you have been exposed to TB, doesn't mean you actually have it

How long do you need to wait between injection of the TB shot & when you can read it?

48-72 hours

What does a positive TB look like?

Sight turns red & hard

How to obtain a sputum specimen?

Sit up

Don't touch inside of cup

Rinse mouth

3-4 deep breaths

Cough into specimen cup

*dont let them spit Ito the cup

*dont do this after meals

What is the time limit for suctioning a tracheostomy?

No more than 15 sec each time

Wait 30 between each time


15 on, 30 off, 15 on, 30 off

Why do you encourage a pneumonia patient to drink fluids?

Fluid will loosen and thin out secretions

How many chest compressions do you give an infant?


When a patients labs come back what does an elevated C-reactive protein mean?

Indicates: Inflammation

Can predict: MI

What are the steps to giving a patient sublingual nitro?

Check BP before giving it

Call 911 if it's too low

Give nitro and wait 5 min

Check BP

Give another nitro, wait 5

Check BP

Give another nitro, wait 5

Check BP