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36 Cards in this Set

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Integrate gxh where g and h are vectors

dg/dt x h + g x dh/dt

Drag force =


Terminal velocity =

0.5CρAv^2 = mg

V = sqrt ( 2mg/(CρA))

Power with vectors

P = F • V

Potential energy of a spring


How does F(x) relate to U(x)?

F = - du/dx

Describe neutral equillibrium and give the sign/value of the second derivitive with x

When the total mechanical energy is equal to the potential energy. Eg marble on a flat table.

Second derivitive = 0

Unstable equillibrium and give the sign/value of the second derivitive with x

K.E = 0 but a small push will cause it to keep moving in the direction of the push. Eg a ball on a hill

Second derivitive = -ve

Stable equillibrium and give the sign/value of the second derivitive with x

K.E = 0 but a small push causes a restoring force. Eg a marble in a bowl, SHM

Second derivitive = +ve

C.O.M =

(1/M) Σ mi xi

Describe spatial symmetry and the conservation law associated:

Physical laws are indipendent of position in the universe. Any origin may be chosen for the coordinate frame. Leads to the conservation of linear momentum.

Describe temporal symmetey and the conservation law associated

Uniformity of time - any instant may be chosen as t=0. Leads to the conservation of energy.

Describe rotational symmetry and the conservation law associated

Co-ordinate axes may be orientated in any way. This leads to the conservation of angular momentum.

What must be integrated to find the second rocket equation?

dv = - Vrel 1/m dm

Impulse is the area under:

F(t) vs t

Radial velocity =

radial acceleration =

(v^2)/r = (rω)^2/r = rω^2

Kinetic energy of rotation =

K = 1/2 ι ω^2

Moment of inertia =

Σ m r^2 = r^2 dm =

Work done in angular displacement

W = integral τ dθ

Power in angular displacement

P = dW/dt = τ dθ/dt = τω

What is the parallel axis theorem

Iparallel = Icom + h^2 M

Where h = perpendicular distance between the parallel axes

Outline how to find the moment of inertia for a uniform rod

Use length density u = M/L = dm/dx and I = integral x^2 dm to find the integral I = M/L integral x^2 dx and solve between xf and xi

Moment of inertia for a hoop

I = integral R^2 dm = R^2 integral dm (sine R^2 is constant) = mR^2

Moment of inertia for a uniform disc

Ariel density = M/πR^2 = dm/2πrdr

I = integral r^2 dm

I = 2M/R^2 integral r^3 dr

Solve for r=R and r=0

Describe torque as a vector cross product

τ = r x F

Magnitude of a torque =

rFsin θ

Give the vector sum for angular momentum with and without mass as a term

l = r x p = m(r x v)

Outline how to show N nd law in angular form

Differentiate angular momentum with respect to t to find

dl/dt = r x Fnet = τnet

Gravitatonal potential energy =

-G Mm/r

Outline how to find the escape speed of an object

If k = 0.5 mv^2 and u = - GMm/r

At infinite distance u = 0 = k hence k + u = 0 . Substitute and solve for v

Outline the law of areas proof

dA/dt = 0.5 r^2 dθ/dt = 0.5 r^2 ω

Angular momentum l = mr^2 ω

dA/dt = l/2m

Hence if l is conserved then dA/dt = constant

Which two equations must be combined for the simple law of areas proof

G Mm/r^2 = mrω^2

T = 2π/ω

The reduced mass of a system =

m1m2 / (m1+m2)

Kinetic energy of a two body orbital system

Ek = 0.5 μ R^2 ω^2

Give the two equations for the barycentre law of periods

T^2 = 4π^2r^3 / G(M+m)

T^2 = [4π^2 (M+m)^2 / Gm^3] dm^3