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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the nucleus's main function?
It is the control center of the cell.
What is the celll membrane's main function?
The cell membrane maintains homeostasis.
What is cytoplasm's main function?
The cytoplasm provides the enviroment in which the organelles carry on the life processes of the cell.
What is the mitochondria's main function?
Most stages of respiration occur in the mitochondria?
What are the ribosome's main function?
They are the center of protein synthesis in the cell.
What is the endoplasmic reticulum's main function?
The endoplasmic reticulum is a series of tubes in which material is transported.
What are the golgi bodies main function?
This organelle is associated with the production of lysosomes and with the synthesis of various secretions.
What are lysosomes main function?
Lysosomes are "packaes" or sacs of digestive enzymes.
What are vacuoles main function?
Vacuoles are where water, undigested food, and/or waste products ae stored.`
What are the function of centrosomes?
Centrosomes are necessary for th movement of chromosones during cell division.
What is the main function of the cell wall?
The cell wall provides support for the cell.
What is the main function of chloroplast?
It is the site of photosynthesis.
What is the main function of the nucleolus?
It is where ribosomes are produced.
What is the main function of cytoplasm?
Many of the chemical reactions of cell metabolism take place in the cytoplasm.
What is the main function of the nuclear envelope (nuclear membrane) ?
It controls the movement in and out of the nucleus.