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92 Cards in this Set

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carbonyl, ester, nitro, nitriles, sulfoxide
How can enolization process be catalysed?

using base to form the enolate ion
How is the enolate ion stabalized?

By resonance
What type of species are enolate ions?

What types of enolates are there?

singly stabilised and double stabilised
single stabilised enolate + examples?

stabilised by one EWG

e.g. aldehydes, ketones, esters, nitriles, nitros, sulfoxides (make sure you know all of these

pka's of CH-C=O protons(singly stabalised)? and base required to remove?

over 20

Strong base - lithium diisopropyl amide, BuLi, NaH, LDA

Reaction conditions for irreversible deprotonation to enolate?

low temp, no H⁺ source, strong base
How to alkylate an enolate(or derivitive)?

1) strong base (to make the enolate)

2) alkly halide that are Sn2 active

What alkyl halides are Sn2 active?

primary maybe secondary but not tertiary
exceptions to alkylation of enolates?


unsymmetrical ketones

problem with alkylation of aldehydes?

enolate reacts in competition with undeprotonated aldehyde
How to alkylate aldehydes?

use an enolate equivalent - enamines, silyl enol ethers, aza enolates
making enamines as enolate equivalent?
carbonyl + secondary amine + H⁺
enamine back to carbonyl?
add water
What is enamines good for?

react with very reactive alkylating agents (allyl or benzyl systems) selectively
Making silyl enol ethers as enolate equivalent?
carbonyl + trimethyl silyl chloride
silyl enol ether back to carbonyl?
acid or halogen compounds
What are silyl enol ethers good for?

less reactive than lithum enolates or enamines and will only react with strong electrophiles such as carbocation species formed from tertiary alkyl halides (Sn1 type alkylating reagents) and a lewis acid TiCl₄
making aza-enolates as enolate equivalent?

aldehydes + primary amines -> imine

imine + strong base -> aza-enolate

aza-enolate to carbonyl?

H⁺ + H₂O
What are aza-enolates good for?

best for reactions involving Sn2 type alkylating reagents
problem with unsymmetrical ketons?

may be more than one possible deprotonation route
regioselective control?

kinetic or thermodynamic
Kinetic control for deprotonation of an unsymmetrical ketone

large bulky strong bases like LDA will remove the least hindered H at low temperature
Thermodynamic control for deprotonation of an unsymmetrical ketone?

1) base at higher temperature and longer reaction times to allow the more stable enolate to form

2) silyl enol ethers at room temperature

Summary of which enolate equivalent for aldehyde is best for which alkylating agent type?

reactive alkylating agents - enamine

Sn1 type alkylating agents- silyl enol ether

Sn2 type alkylating agents - aza-enolates

Doubly stabilised enolates? + examples?
Two EWG are attached to a single carbon atom e.g. 1,3-Dicarbonyl
pka of double stabilised enolate hydrogens? + bases required?

10-15 ∴ only weak bases required e.g. K₂CO₃, NaOEt
Dialkylation of doubly stabilized enolates?

can occur when there are two hydrogens on appropriate carbon, useful when synthesising carbocyclic rings
Diester decarboxylation?

1)NaOH, H₂O -> carboxylate anion

2) HCl, Heat -> lose CO₂

Further reactions of enolates?

Michael addition reactions, aldol reactions, Claisen condensations
Michael addition reactions?

michael acceptors are good electrophiles for enolates in conjugate addition reactions
What is a michael acceptor?

α-β unsaturated carbonyl (carbonyl can be any EWG)
Aldol reactions?
reaction of an enolate anion with a further >C=O system, which can be with the same carbonyl starting material (self condensations) or with a differert carbonyl (crossed aldol reactions)
E1cb elimination from aldol?

if the aldol reaction is carried out in excess base, it can eliminate to give the unsaturated carbonyl deriviative
How to make the correct aldol?

-use pre-formed lithium enolates and enolate equivalents to control crossed condensations

-use one carbonyl that cannot enolize

Claisen condensations?

reactions between enolates and esters are claisen condensations, acid chlorides can be used instead of the ester

When are claisen condensations most effective?

when the ester electrophile cannot enolise allowing useful acetylation reactions to be carried ou
Oxidation level of oxygen containing functional groups?

alcohols - 1 bond

aldehydes, ketones - 2 bonds

acids, esters, acid chlorides, amides - 3 bonds

Secondary alcohol to ketones?

(Jones oxidation)
metal oxidants- sodium dichromate in acid, Pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) -last is more soluble in organic solvents

Primary alcohols to aldehydes?

Need to prevent overoxidation


-swern oxidation


Tetra-n-propylammonium perruthenate (TPAP) is used to oxidise primary alcohols to aldehydes. It is used catalytically alongside a cooxidant like NMO
Swern oxidation?
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), oxalyl chloride and base (Et₃N) used to oxidise primary alcohols to aldehydes

Tetramethylpiperidine oxide (TEMPO) used for the oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes - it is a stable radical species which catalyses the process and used a stoichiometrirc oxidant NaOCl

What can NaBH₄ reduce?

ketones and esters to alcohol

imine to amine

slowly reduces ester to alcohol

What can NaCNBH₃ reduce?

imine to amine

slowly reduces aldehydes and ketones to alcohol

What can LiBH₄ reduce?

imine to amine

aldehyde,ester and ketone to alcohol

What can LiAlH₄ reduce?

imine to amine

aldehyde, ester and ketone to alcohol

amide to amine

amide to aldehyde at 0⁰C

carboxylic acid slowly to alcohol

What can BH₃ reduce?

imine to amine

amide to amine

carboxylic acid to alcohol

aldehyde, ketone and ester slowly to alcohol

Wolff-Kishner reaction?

NH₂-NH₂/aq.KOH reduces >C=O to CH₂

What do we use DIBAL for?

ester -> aldehyde

Summary reduction

1)Ketone -> secoundary alcohol

2)Ester -> aldehyde

3)Ester, amides -> primary alcohols

4)ketones to CH₂

1)NaBH₄, LiAlH₄



4)NH₂NH₂ + KOH

What can reductive hydrogenation reduce?
C=C, C=N, C≡C, C≡N

Why can't hydrogen reduce carbonys?

it is not nucleophilic enough

Hydrogenation catalysts?

Pd, Pt
catalytic reduction of alkenes?

hydrogens mainly go on the same face
catalytic reduction of alkynes
can be reduced all the way to saturated, or selectively reducet to cis-alkenes using Lindlar's catalyst, (Pd, CaCO₃ and Pb(OAc)₂)
Dissolving metal reductions?
as sodium and lithium metals release electrons in liquid ammonia the electrons can be trapped by either C≡C or aromatic systems in Birch reduction reactions

Birch reduction of alkynes?
Na dissolving in NH₃, forms the more thermodynamically stable E-configuration (trans)

Birch reduction of aromatics ?
Li, NH₃(l), EtOH, Et₂O
gives dienes, different substituents gives different products
electron withdrawing group on aromatic birch reduction? + examples of electron withdrawing groups?

para-reduction (non-conjuated diene)

EWG = CO₂h, CO₂Me, CF₃, etc

electron donating groups effect on aromatic birch reduction? + examples of electron donating groups?
ortho/meta reduction
EDG = CH₃, OMe, NH₂ etc
anilines birch reduction?

gives conjugated dienamine
Three types of elimination reaction?

E1, E1cb, E2

E1 elimination?

E2 elimination?

E1cb elimination?
reverse of E1, base is deprotonated first, then leaving group leaves
Julia Olefination reation?
Forms E-configuration by connection of two molecular fragments and a one electron reduction
Mechanism of Julia Olefination reaction?

Modified one-step Julia Olefination reaction?

Peterson Reaction?
gives mainly Z-alkenes
Peterson Mechanism?

problem with peterson mechanism?

difficult to synthesise the diastereomer starting material
Wittig Reaction(+reagents)?

most useful for making alkenes, reaction of phosphonium ylid with a carbonyl derivative

1)alkyl halide + Ph₃P + BuLi

2) + carbonyl

Making the phosphonium ylid?

carbonyl + phosphonium ylid mechanism?

Stabilised ylids?

systems bearing EWG give predominantly E-alkenes (reasoning why is still debated)
unstabilised ylids?

systems bearing EDG give predominantly z-alkenes
Making Z-alkenes?

wittig-unstabilised ylids

peterson base induced elimination

Reduction of alkynes using Lindlar's catalyst

Making E-alkenes?

wittig- stabilised ylids

julia and one-step julia reaction

reduction of alkynes by dissolving metal reactions

Monohydroxylation reactions?

oxymercuration process


Oxymercuration process?

1)Hg(OAc)₂ + H₂O


Forms the most substituted alcohol

Oxymercuration process mechanism?



2) H₂O₂, NaOH

gives primary alcohols

Dihydroxylation of alkenes?

OsO₄ or KMnO₄


making cis diol from alkenes?(mechanism)

making trans-diols from alkenes?

meta-chloro-perbenzoic acid(mCPBA) followed by base induced ring opening
Trans-diols from alkenes mechanism?


C=C cleavage using O₃ giving a range of products depending on the secound reagent added
different reagents that can follow ozonolysis and their products?

Me₂S -> RCHO + R'CHO

NaBH₄ - > RCH₂OH + R'CH₂OH

H₂O₂ -> RCO₂H + R'CO₂H