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32 Cards in this Set

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Development Stage Issues
--concern over acceptance or rejection as result of change
-testing the safety of the group.
-struggle between safety and involvment .
-control and power struggles (conflict) /c leader and other mbrs.
Group Issues & Mbr Needs related to Action: Development Stage

Purposeful Action
-structured activity that includes all members and can provide successful outcomes.
-guidance regarding expectations of members.
-clear options and alternatives in goal selection
-an accepting climate.
-expression of respect for opinions and feelings of mbrs.
Group Issues & Mbr Needs related to Action: Development Stage

Self-initated action allows for...
-support of exploratory behavior.
-encouragement of task involvement and expression
-opportunity to express positive and negative reactions and feelings
-accepting environment
Group Issues & Mbr Needs related to Action: Development Stage

Spontaneous (here and now) action occurs via:
-encouragement of expression of ideas feelings, and thoughts related to here and now.

-opportunity to interact with leader and test amount of freedom and control.
-mbrs sharing of perceptions and reactions as to what is going on in the group.
-overt support and acceptance of diversity or difference.
Group Issues & Mbr Needs related to Action: Development Stage

Group-centered action yields
-leadership emerging from group mbrship.
- sense of ownership as 'our' group
-increased mbr to mbr interaction
-mbrs looking less to leader or approval or needs to be met.
-increased cohesiveness and support.
-increads tolerance for limitations of group (time, materials, attention).
Group Issues & Mbr Needs related to Action: Development Stage

Leader Actions/skilles employed
-reviewing confidentiality
-continued leader involvement in task analysis, selection and adaptation.
-leader encouragment for mbrs to assume group task and maintenance roles
-genuineness ad empathy
-active listening
Evaluating the progress of the group:
is an ongoing part of a leader's role.
-structured and unstructured observation methods can be used.
-group mbrs may participate with this process
-role lock
Unstructured Observation Methods
-require leaders or mbrs to examine progress as part of the here-and-now action by spontaneously analyzing the group's process and dynamics
role lock
is the process i which a mvr and the group confine that mbr's participation in the group 'to a restricted aspect of the individual'
such as always being the first to speak, role of group historian
scape goating a group mbr, other group mbrs place their 'disavowed feelings and undesired aspects of themselves on to another group mbr
3 questions guide the assessment
1. As a result of the group's interaction, are mbrs learning the adaptive skills & behaviors necessary for occupational performance?
2. Are mbrs better able to fulfill their health needs?
3. Are the group's structure, process, and content conductive to facilitating the group goals and appropriate action in the developmental stage?
At what levels should the leader, and whenever possible, the group attempt to identify problems?
-concrete and symbolic levels
What is the concept of anit-group?
It provides a framework for expecting & understanding the negative process
What are some common group problems?
-conflict or fight
-apathy & nonparticipation
-Inadequate decision making
-mbrs who demonstrate conflict behavior may feel they are 'involved and are working hard on a problem'
-mbrs who demonstrate fight behavior may feel 'frustrated because they feel unable to meet the demands made of them.'
Mbrs may respond with apathy if the problem being worked on...
-does not seem important to the mbrs.
-[seems] less important than some other problem on which they would prefer to be working.
-may seem important to mbrs, but there are reasons which lead them to avoid attempting to solve the problem.
Mbr also respond with apathy when a group has 'inadequare procedures for solving the problem or mbrs feel 'powerless about influencing final decisions'
Inadequate decision making may also result from unsatisfactory group interactions such as:
-premature calling for a decision.
-decision being too difficult
-the group being low in cohesiveness and lacking faith in itself.
-the decision are veing threatening to the group, because of unclear consequences, feel of reaction of other groups, or fear of failure for the individuals.
Leaders should consider the following when trying to ID possible causes:
-lack of opportunity for skill practice and modeling.
-inadequate positive reinforcement
-secret or conflicting goals
-insufficent information
-poorly formed defense mechanisms
-low self-esteem
-process, communincation, or interaction skill deficits.
-motor skill deficits
-over or underappraisal of skills
-over or underappraisal of activity demands
What are some scenarios that might cause a problem in a group?
-racist attitude
-cultural background
Factors contributing to the creation of the Difficult Patient:
-pt dynamics & characteristics of those dynamcis

-leadership competency and mistakes in leadership
-the role of intersubjectivity in the group construction of the difficult patient.
-dynamics of group as a whole
Leadership competency & mistakes in leadership
-faulty patients selection
-inept or harmful handling of boundary violations, scapegoating, and group norms
-inability or unwillingness to acknowledge mistakes
-refusal to be a lightening rod for negative feelings
-failure to set limits
To influence the group's process & outcome, leaders work to alter the grp's structure through 3 strategies
1. involving mbrs in setting goals.
2. adapting the task more closely to the grp and individual mbrs.
3. encouraging grp mbr roles
Leaders need to do what before leading a grp?
leaders need to address their own attitudes and accept the importance of aggression in the group
Key Leadership function is to:
-enable the grp mbrs to become involved in establishing goals.
to understand the intervention strategy for involving mbrs in goal selection, factors that can influence formation of grp goals need to be examined.
-motives of mbrs
-superordinate grp goals
-the grp & its social surroundings.
-leaders need to keep mbrs informed of the grp's general purpose and resources
-leader asks mbrs what they see as their needs
-leaders may give past goals of the same type to the grp.
What do you do if the group is cognitively impaired?
reduce steps, offer choices
Task Adaptation:

Development stage includes:
transitional phase of grp's development. aka a 'transitional stage'
What is after the transitional stage?
the working stage
mbrs often feel there is hope for change
Specific strategies to adapt the grp's task structure & process in the development stage:
1. dominant characteristic being displayed by grp mbr should be ID.

2. leader structures the activity in graded increments to allow the grp to learn how to work through the issue.
Mbrs need to be taught process skills (at the lvl of their cognitive ability) such as:
-active listening
-giving and receiving feedback
-Using 'I' statements
-reality testing their perceptions in the here and now
-speaking in the present tense
-decision making
-assessing progress
Encouraging grp mbr roles may be facilitated through the use of the following techniques
-involve all grp mbrs in defining the grp's name, purpose, procedures, rules and norms
-Positively reinforce mbrs strengths, compensate for mbrs' deficits through structuring the grp's task at levels mbrs can manage
-allocate the resources necessary for task completion
-use co-leader if possible
Leader Emotional Response

Development stage of a grp presents special challenges to leaders, leaders need to accept/remember:
-Mistakes will happen when leading a grp
-learning about oneself from mistakes and sharing the learning in a positive way
-knowing that grp mbrs usually learn more from each other than the leader.
-it is a privilege to do the work of a therapist.
What can self-reflective questions do for a leader?
-help leaders examine their emotional responses
-identify patterns in their own reactions that emerge as part of the process of working through issues in the development stage of the grp