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63 Cards in this Set

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Came to power in 1799. His domestic reforms and policies affected every aspect of society. French citizens viewed him as a tyrant who repressed and exploited them for France's glory and advantage.

Battle of Waterloo

The defeat of Napoleon in 1815

Contributing factors to the Industrial Revolution in Europe

Commercial Revolution of economic growth

Scientific Revolution of tech. advances

increase in population

rise to power of the middle class

When was the Industrial Revolution?

around 1760 to around 1840

2 effects of the Industrial Revolution

> transportation revolution (growth of canal systems, construction of roads, steamboat, railway locomotive)

> new class of people who depended on their jobs for income and needed job security

Robert Fulton

credited with the first commercially successful steamboat

George Stephenson

built the first public inter-city railway line to use steam locomotives

Utopian Socialists

the earliest writers to propose a solution to improve the distribution of society's wealth; felt that all the goods a person needed could be produced in one community

Karl Marx

created Marxism or Scientific socialism;

intended to replace utopian hopes and dreams with a militant blueprint for socialist working-class success

Friedrich Engels

co-authored THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO with Karl Marx

Das Kapital

book by Karl Marx

4 key propositions of Marxism

1. Economic factors determine all of human history.

2. There has always been a class struggle between the rich and the poor.

3. The theory of surplus value (true value of a product is labor; workers get in payment a small portion of the value of their work)

4. Socialism is inevitable because capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction (overproduction and unemployment). The gap between the rich and the poor will grow until the poor overthrow the rich.

Leif Eriksson

Norse seaman who sailed within sight of the American continent in the eleventh century.

2 technological advances that expanded what explorers could do in 15th and 16th centuries

Compass and Astrolabe

Prince Henry the Navigator

Ruler of Portugal who sponsored voyages to increase the power and wealth of Portugal


Allowed sailors to calculate their latitude south of the equator

Caravela Redondo

Ship developed by the Portuguese that combined square rigging for speed with lateen sails that were more responsive and easier to handle

Main reason that Ferdinand and Isabella were willing to support Columbus

The pope had forbidden all states but Portugal to sail south or east to reach India. Therefore, the only chance for Spain to launch an expedition to India and to participate in trade and exploration was in the discovery of a western route to India.

Why is Christopher Columbus important even though others had reached the Americas first?

His voyages prompted extensive exploration and settlement of the Americas, so it is accurate to state that he is responsible for the discovery of the New World by Europeans.

Amerigo Vespucci

Florentine merchant who wrote a series of descriptions of the New World and spread the idea that the Americas were not a part of Asia or India.

Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Crossed the Isthmus of Panama and came to another ocean

Ferdinand Magellan

Discovered at the southern end of South America a strait that provided access to the ocean Balboa had discovered. He named it the Pacific because it was calmer than the strait he passed through to get there.

Hernando Cortez

appointed a government official in Cuba in 1518; conquered the Aztecs


the Aztec ruler when Cortez conquered the Aztecs; he allowed a delegation to enter Tenochtitlán because the description of Cortez and his soldiers resembled that of messengers they expected to be sent by their chief god Quetzcoatl.

How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs?

>They had rifles and bows.

>They transmitted smallpox and other diseases.

> They formed alliances with other tribes that the Aztecs had conquered.

Francisco Pizarro

defeated the Incas in Peru, allowing the Spanish to explore South America

Compare the purposes of the conquistadors and the purposes of Spanish settlers.

Conquistadors came to defeat the natives and gain access to gold, silver, and other wealth. Settlers came in search of land, looking for opportunities not available to them in Europe, and to spread Christianity.

St. Augustine

first permanent settlement of the Spanish (military fort)

Don Juan de Onate

led a group of settlers out of Mexico into modern-day New Mexico; granted encomiendas to the most prominent Spaniards

encomienda system

owners of encomiendas could exact tribute and/or labor from the native population, for the right to continue living on the land

Popé's Rebellion

another name for the Pueblo Revolt of 1680; Spanish tried to prevent natives from performing their religious rituals. The Pueblo killed 400 and Spanish and drove the rest out of Santa Fe. (The Spanish returned about 10 years later and reconquered the area)

Effects of European-American Contact

Smallpox given to natives

Syphilis given to Europeans

Exchange of plants and animals (Animals brought to New World; potatoes, corn, and squash brought to Europe)

Explosion of European population because of new crops

Slave trade came from large plantations and decimation of natives (the workers)

King Henry VII

Engish king who sponsored a voyage by John Cabot to seek a Northwest passage through the New World to the Orient

John Cabot

sponsored by King Henry VII to find a northwest passage through the New World to the Orient

Factors that motivated the English to attempt to settle in the New World

Increasing population in England and scarce land

Religious turmoil in England



the idea that an industrialized nation needed an inexpensive source or raw materials and markets for their finished products

Henry Hudson

English explorer financed by the Dutch who claimed for Holland the area that is now New York

New Netherlands

the colony that developed out of the Dutch settlements along the Hudson, Delaware, and Connecticut rivers

Humphrey Gilbert

landed in Newfoundland; had a 6-year grant to settle any unclaimed land in America; His ship sank before he could take advantage of the grant and found a colony in Newfoundland.

Sir Walter Raleigh

received 6-year grant to settle any unclaimed land in America after Humphrey Gilbert died; named Virginia in honor of the "Virgin Queen" Elizabeth I of England

Sir Grenville

established a colony on the island of Roanoke; left the settlers to get more people and supplies from England

Sir Francis Drake

arrived in Roanoke a year after Sir Grenville established it; Grenville's people gave up and left with Drake.


island off of what would become North Carolina; Sir Grenville established a colony and left. His people abandoned the colony when Sir Francis Drake showed up. Sir Raleigh tried again, but the settlers went missing.

Virginia Company

chartered by King James I of England; marked the first of ventures sponsored by merchants instead of the king.

Captain John Smith

responsible for the temporary survival of Jamestown by obtaining corn from local Indians led by Powhatan and his 12-year-old daughter Pocahontas; forced able men to work four hours a day in the wheat fields

John Rolfe

married Pocahontas

What increased the slave trade toward the end of the 17th century?

The shortage of labor in the southern colonies and a drop in the number of people coming to the colonies as indentured servants.

slave codes

18th century laws that identified all non-whites and dark-skinned people as slaves, made their condition permanent, and legalized slavery in British North America

Salem Witch Trials

In Salem, Massachusetts, a group of young girls accused servants from West India and older white members of the community of using Satanic powers. The juries pronounced 19 people guilty and executed them. Later, the girls admitted that they had lied.

What do the Salem Witch trials show about New England society?

highly religious; individuals who did not conform were at risk of serious consequences; most of the accused were outspoken women who criticized the community, were older, widows, or unmarried. Some had acquired property despite gender stereotypes.

Religion in the Colonies

greater religious toleration than in Europe because several religious groups had immigrated there and because every colony, except Virginia and Maryland, ignored the laws establishing the Church of England as the official church; Even the Puritans had differences in opinion and formed denominations. Protestants viewed Roman Catholics as a threat. Catholics and Jews faced persecution. Rhode Island was the only place where Judaism could be openly practiced. Eventually there was a decline in piety that led to the Great Awakening,

Great Awakening

Period beginning in the late 1730s in which several well-known preachers traveled through British North America arguing for the need to revive religious piety and closer relationships with God

Jonathan Edwards

Best-known preacher during the Great Awakening

New Light groups

Name for revivalists during the Great Awakening

New Light groups

Name for revivalists during the Great Awakening

Old Light Groups

Name for traditionalists during the Great Awakening

The Enlightenment in Colonial America

Some began to argue that man had the ability to improve his own situation through the use of rational thought and acquired knowledge. Colonists established more schools and became more interested in science.

The Enlightenment in Colonial America

Some began to argue that man had the ability to improve his own situation through the use of rational thought and acquired knowledge. Colonists established more schools and became more interested in science.

Benjamin Franklin

During the Enlightenment, one of the scientists who performed his own experiments instead of just learning European theories.

Cotton Maher

Convinced the population of Boston that injections with a small amount of smallpox would build up their resistance and reduce the likelihood of an infection.

5 Acts that led to the American Revolution

Sugar/Revenue Act (1764)

Stamp Act (1765)

Declaratory Act (1766)

Townsend Duties (1766)

Coercive Acts (1774)


Paul Revere and William Dawes

The dispatch riders who spread the news that Thomas Gage's troops were moving toward Concord.

When was the Boston Tea Party?

December 16, 1773