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50 Cards in this Set

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3 problems with caregiving research:
1. cross-sectional
2. primary caregiver only
3. gender bias
Profile of who does caregiving:
1. unmarried daughter
2. daugher
3. sons if only child (or if sister lives far away)
4. working class sons
5. black children
6. white spouse
7. black/white children help with finances, Hispanic less likely (black children will sacrifice own needs to meet parents' $ needs)
How child is chosen to do caregiving:
1. de-facto (by default)
2. family meeting
3. parent chooses
4. just evolves
5. child volunteers
most caregivers are in the age category of ___ to ___
what kind of care do caregivers provide
1. cooking, caring for environment
2. finances
3. visiting, activities, memories, songs
4. affection
Things parents do for adult children:
1. childcare
2. financially
3. meals
4. laundry
5. transportation
6. cleaning, house and yard work
_____ wins out over everything in caregiving
If all children work, who caregives in order:
1. women
2. working class
3. higher pay
Reasons elders live with children:
1. declining health
2. loss of former caregiver
3. companionship
4. low income
feeling rules of caregiving
1. anger
2. frustration
3. sadness
4. guilt
5. resentment
6. love
7. fear
emotional concerns of caregiving:
1. stress decreases over time
2. parents have 2 extreme opposite emotions (make kids feel guilty or comply with kids' wishes)

why do sons caregive?
1. "pay back" parents
2. gives sense of purpose and personal growth
3. role model for children
why daughers give care?
1. learn more about each other
2. tolerance and acceptance
-parents are less likely to send ____ to daycare if they are disabled
-____ disabilities are much easier to care for
3 routes to childlessness:
1. never married
2. involuntary childlessness
3. voluntary childlessness (no grandchildren, no people to care for them)
____ is when both spouses have a job but not kids
DINK (double income no kids)
-____ had increased
-more ___ decide for it
-____ had increased
-it is still ____
-cannot be assumed if ___
-voluntary childlessness
highest rate of childlessness was people born in ___, lowest rate of childlessness was people born in _____
-1910, 1930
-2 things that affect fertility
-singles who choose childlessness
-economics and society
-fate, altruism, self-actualization
married who choose childlessness
1. age
2. spouse
3. altruism
4. practical concerns
advantages to not having kids
1. fewer worries
2. financial wealth
3. greater freedom
top 3 disadvantages to not having kids
1. lack of companionship
2. feeling of missed experience
3. lack of support or care
___ parents are more lonely than ___ parents
divorced, divorced childless
parents and childless people are _____ ____ with choice
equally satisfied
-in 1900, ___% of children had 4 grandparents living at birth. By age 30, only ___% had one grandparent
-25%, 20%
-in 2000, __% of children have 4 GP at birth. By age 30, __% will have at least one GP
-___% of GP are under 65
-65%, 75%
-___% of GP age 50+ have seen 1 g-child in past month
6 factors influencing contact with GP
1. geography
2. order of contact (marital) (married, widowed, remarried, divorved)
3. age of grandchild (younger have higher contact)
4. g-children with jobs = less contact
5. g-child marriage or divorce (more contact)
6. much lower "obligation"
-6 grandparenting styles
-____ is most common and best
1. companion (feel close but no active parenting roles)
2. apportioned (participate in life and development of child yet still reserve the right to indulge)
3. remote (less involved and live far away)
4. involved (take on parenting responsibilities)
5. individualized (emotionally closer than remote but less contribution to actual lives)
6. authoritative (black culture more likely....fully responsbility)

2 huge grandparent benefits
1. immorality
2. reliving childhood
grandmas are more __. G-pas are known for ____
expressive, instrumental help
3 specific pleasures of g=parenting
1. company and affection
2. watching grandchildren grow and learn
3. pride in grandchildren
____ care is better than ___ and ___ care
partime, no care and full time
-__% of fams have 3 generations living together in U.S.
-____ is when there is a grandparent and grandchild, no middle
-skipped generation
6 reasons grandchildren are living with grandparents:
1. substance abuse
2. divorce
3. health problems/death
4. child abuse
5. teen pregnancy
6. incarceration
-3 gen fam ar-e more likely to be ___ and on ___
-the worst age to have a divorce is ___
-divorce can cause stronger ties between ____
-poor, welfare
-grandparents and grandchildren
step parents lead to less ___ contact: 3 reasons
GP, 1. geography, 2. G-C are older, 3. custody
grandchild ties to a g-parent in order of closeness:
1. parent-step parent
2. single parent
3. intact family
-sibling contact ___ with arrival of children, ___ as the children grow
-___ siblings have highest contact, then __ to ___, __ to ___, and ____ to ____
-decreases, increases
-single, single-widow, single-divorced, married-married
types of sibling exchanges:
1. intimate (daily contact)
2. congenial (friend, not daily contact)
3. loyal (most common)
4. apathetic/hostile (2 hostile brothers more likely white, 2 hostile sisters more likely black)
____ is the person who keeps the family together (usually the mom, then another female)
-the larger the family, the ____ sibling rivalry.
order of obligation:
1. children
2. husband
3. parents
4. siblings
what kind of care do sisters give?
1. in charge
2. personal support
3. housekeeping support
4. more likely to talk to siblings about what to do
what kind of care do brothers give?
1. finance
2. management
3. visiting
4. sometimes personal care (fathers)
5. deal directly with parents
-if there are only brothers in the family, parents are more likely to ___
-____ provides the number one excuse for not caregiving
-gay and lesbian people are number___ to care
-get outside help
-death of a parent ___ sibling ties. Why?
1. siblings are last tie to original family
2. links present to the past
support with siblings is more likely ____
future of families providing care is going to go down in the future without help. Why?
1. not as many children
2. working women
3. divorce
government views ____ way over _____
community service, institutionalization