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55 Cards in this Set

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What is food?
made up of different chemical compounds

-nutritional value
What is food made up of?
-mostly water, vitamins, proteins, minerals, fat & carb
-supply energy: (PFC) protein, fat, and carb
-minior components: texture (important), taste, & smell
Can chewing gum protect teeth?
xylitol: sweetner, sugar; substitue
-less carciogen (won't produce tooth decay)
-no bacteria
Is it true that chewing gum will stay in your body for 7 years?
Outbreak of Human Salmonella Newpor Infections
-35 infected, 7 hospitalized
- Alfalfa spouts - germinate in low temperature can increase growth
-raw plants result in infection due to microbes
Ingredients labeled in descending order
(highest to lowest)
Food Ingredients -> Products
milk can lead to a variety of products
Is it true that eating gelatin strengthens your nails?
-no evidence
-gelatin protein from animals
1) Pigskin (skin + bonse)
2) Fish
Why do onions make you cry?
-Produce a volatile substance called lacrimatory
-Irritate eyes, dilute, and flush irritant
Green potatoes are poisonous?
-Toxin (Solanine)
-Exposure to Light (double, triple normal time)
Honey Label
-Not for children under 1 year
-Bee collect nectar and pollen
-Spores called Clostridium Botulinum
Does the color of the eggshell affect the nutritional value of eggs?
-Shell color depends on chicken breed
-Yolk: yellow or orange depending on carotene
-Depends on chicken feed
one of the minor components
What makes popcorn pop?
Moisture of kernal develops steam and creates pressure
For thousands of years, our ancestors were..., living in _____ lifestyle
-Hunter gatherers
-Nomadic Era
Agricultural Revolution
-10,000 years ago
-plant & animal domestication
-Plants: cereal & legumes
-Animal: GSPC
(goat, sheep, pigs, & cows)
What determines the type of plants around the world?
Plants domesticated around the world...
East Fertile Crescent: Bread & Beer, first cereals, barley, wheat
World: WBLPC
wheat, barley lentil, pea, chick pea
China: rst
rice, soybean, tofu
Native Americans: pumpkin
Africa (MSC) millet, sorgham, cowped
Seeds as Food
Began in Turkey
-Grains & legumes make up 2/3 of world's protein
-Africa & Asia
Human as Meat Eaters and the History of Meat Consumption
-Started 9,000 years ago in middle east (tamed wild animals)
-dogs, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle (DGSPC)
-Grain crops more efficient than meat
-After industrial revolution, meat become less expensive
Northern Latitudes (popular food)
-Whale, seal, & reindeer
-Muktuk - whale blubber & skin
-made from Bowhead whale & Narwan (eat raw)
Domestication all depends on the ______________.
area (staple)
Ecuadar (popular food)
guinea pig
-Pidan (thousand year old egg)
-clay, salt, etc
-couple of months
Asian Delicacies
-Ballet (fertilized duck egg)
-Bird's Nest Soup (Emperor's food)
-Asian Swiflet: people obtain BNS, Asian way in caves
Insects as Food
-10% of world population

-grasshopper (Mexico)
-mopane worms (Botswana, Africa)
-tarantulas (Cambodia)
-dragonflies (India)

Accidental Consumption: intentional insect mixed with food
practice of eating insects as food
Black Pudding
black sausage
Scotland's National Dish
-seasoning, spices, oatmeal, & onion
-sheep inner: lungs, heart & stomache
-steam it
How do we choose what to eat?
-Bio factors (genetics)
-Cultural Factors
What is food? (proponents)
-main source of nutrients
(vital for maintenance & growth of body)
-supply energy
-building materials to body
Beyond Nourishment
-social linkage (celebration)
-social distinction (class) ex. white bread means higher class, refined flour
-National Identity/Ethnic (Haggard, sushi)
-Moral/Religious Significance (dietary practice)
-Hinduaism (nonviolence of Ahimsa, respect all things, many are vegetables)
(3 main components)
Kashrat (Jewish Dietary Law)
Kosher (permitted)
Trief (prohibited)

Three Components
-Approved animal (clean, etc)
-Certain ways of slaughter (painless)
-may or may not mix with meat
-sprinkles from cooking
-natural colorant from dried insects
-Female Cochineal Beetles
-used for "dyes" for a long time
Kosher Meats
-Drain blood out of meat
-Put in water, dump salt, get it out

Non Kosher Food
-Pork, rabbit, carnivores, birds of prey, insects
-Food, ingredients, carmine, natural colorant
Kosher Salt vs Regular Table Salt
-Bigger & coarser crystals than table salt
-Koshering process by Jewish dietary laws (get rid of impurities)
-Salt not ionized
-Cooks use it because of its purity
Koshering Salt Used in Meat Koshering
-Meat birds soaked for 30-50 minutes
-Rinsed in cold water to prevent moisture absorbance
-Salting, more against to oxidation & yucky flavors
What is Kosher?
"Fit and proper to eat."
-Not a style of cooking
-Conform to Judaism Dietary Law
Kosher Certification
-Process - nothing's mixed
-Equipment - stamp certification
-Orthodox Union- Largest certifier of Kosher Foods
-neutral food
-With or without meat & dairy product
Islamic Dietary Laws
"Halal" - permitted (IFANCA) Islamic Food & Nutrition Council of America
"Haram" - not permitted
"Not Permitted" - some kind of animal
"Not Permitted" - Blood can
Strict ways of killing animals
Intoxicants, alcohol

ex. of non-kosher food
-No additives - gelatin, food coloring
Christianity and Lent
Lent (Fasting)
-only Fri (no meat)
Food that everyone loved
-Crust, Flour
-Not yet available but tomatoes bought by the Spanish
-Thailand didn't originally have spices
Columbian Exchange of Foods
(West to East) PTCPBCT
-potatoes, tomato, corn, peppers, most beans, cacoo, turkey

(East to West) SPCCGGW
-cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, grapes, goats, wheat
Where was potato first discovered?
How many?
-South America by Spanish
-10,000 potatoes
Potato in History
-1550's by Spanish (potato)
-A disease called Phytopithoia (pathogen)
-1845 Irish Great Famine
-1 million died and moved
What was the potato lesson?
Diversity Plant
Who were the main 3 ethnic groups of early food industry?
Native Americans
Europeon Settlers
What did the Spaniards bring to the US?
dried food
meat (mainly pork)
What happened to the first settlers, Europeans?
Lots died from famine
Learned from Native Americans on how to get food
What did hte Native Americas bought to America?
Hunt, fish

3 Sisters
-Corn (staple)
Early 1800's ... maintain of American diet
-Porridge from Grain
-Lots of pork, not meat
-Bread, butter, corn, and potatoes
-Not a lot of vegetable or fruits
ex. apples, cabbage

Alcohol, apple cider
-alcohol inexpensive
-hard water
-everyday meals
Whiskey in America
Revolutionary War
-Raise taxes on distillation
Lead to Whiskey Rebellion (Internal Revenue Service)
-Against fermented and distilled food
Temperance Movement
-Against alcohol - most were women
-Carrie Nation (anti-Saloon) crusader
-18th-19th centuries
19th Century Dietary/Health Reform (Part 1)
Health Food